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时间:2022-08-25 10:45:29浏览次数:31  
标签:web Counter counter mechanical device type

  • counter [from contre 'against']
  • Someone's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place.

Counter may refer to:

  • Counter (digital), an electronic device, mechanical device, or computer program for counting
  • Mechanical counter, a digital counter using mechanical components
  • Tally counter, a mechanical counting device
  • Web counter, a counter that counts the number of visits to a web page

Games and sport

  • Counter (board wargames), a playing piece used in board wargames
  • Counter run, an offensive play in American football
  • Counter turn, an element in figure skating [花样滑冰]
  • Jones Counter, measures distance bicycles travel

Other uses

  • Measure word [量词], a type of word in some languages. In Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, numerals cannot qualify nouns by themselves and must be followed by a counter to qualify as a measure phrase (MP).
  • A compter, sometimes referred to as a counter, was a type of small English prison controlled by a sheriff. The inmates were usually civil prisoners, for example dissenters and debtors.
  • Counter, the part of a ship's stern above the waterline that extends beyond the rudder stock (see nautical terms)
  • The Counter, a global hamburger restaurant chain
  • Counter (furniture), a type of table which things are served upon. Usually used in bars, or eating establishments.

六级/考研单词: counterpart, digit, electron, compute, component, web, offend, soccer, skate, noun, jail, inmate, dissent, stern, globe, hamburger, furnish

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/16623472.html
