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时间:2022-08-24 13:11:44浏览次数:33  
标签:Copy copies written other carbon copy

duplicate, replicate

Copy may refer to:

  • Copying or the product of copying (including the plural "copies"); the duplication of information or an artifact
  • Cut, copy and paste, a method of reproducing text or other data in computing
  • File copying
  • Photocopying, a process which makes paper copies of documents and other visual images
  • Fax, a telecommunications technology used to transfer copies of documents, especially over the telephone network
  • Facsimile [精确的复制品], a copy or reproduction that is as true to the original source as possible
  • Replica, a copy closely resembling the original concerning its shape and appearance
  • Term of art in U.S. copyright law meaning a material object in which a work of authorship has been embodied, such as a book
  • Copy, a procedure word or response indicating satisfactory receipt of last radio transmission →roger
  • Copy (command), a shell command on DOS and Windows systems
  • Copy (written), written content in publications, in contrast to photographs or other elements of layout

Before the development of photographic copiers, a carbon copy - not to be confused with the carbon print family of photographic reproduction processes - was the under-copy of a typed or written document placed over carbon paper and the under-copy sheet itself. When copies of business letters were so produced, it was customary to use the acronym "CC" or "cc" before a colon and below the writer's signature to inform the principal recipient that carbon copies had been made and distributed to the parties listed after the colon. With the advent of word processors and e-mail, "cc" is used as a merely formal indication of the distribution of letters to secondary recipients.

A copyist is a person who makes copies. The term is sometimes used for artists who make copies of other artists' paintings. However, the modern use of the term is almost entirely confined to music copyists, who are employed by the music industry to produce neat copies from a composer or arranger's manuscript.

六级/考研单词: plural, artefact, paste, reproduce, data, compute, fax, telecommunications, resemble, copyright, embody, layout, carbon, confuse, colon, notify, headmaster, advent, mere, confine, neat, compose, manuscript

facsimile /fæk'simili/ n [Countable] [Language: Latin; Origin: fac simile 'make similar']

  1. an exact copy of a picture, piece of writing etc
  2. formal a fax

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/16619501.html


  • copy依赖资源到指定位置
  • document.execCommand(‘copy’)无效的原因