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时间:2022-08-24 12:44:41浏览次数:51  
标签:cope cloak worn 斗篷 cape hood

  • cape: 披肩; 短斗篷; 海角; 岬jiǎ (突入海中的陆地)
  • cope: (教士在某些场合穿的)斗篷式长袍; 对付; 处理
    • Origin: cope 'to fight, keep fighting without giving up' (14-19 centuries), from Old French couper 'to hit, cut'
  • robe: 长袍; 礼袍; 晨衣; 浴袍
  • rope
  • cloak: 斗篷; 披风
  • mantle: 披风; 斗篷; 地幔

The cope (known in Latin as pluviale 'rain coat' or cappa 'cape') is a liturgical vestment, more precisely a long mantle or cloak, open in front and fastened at the breast with a band or clasp. It may be of any liturgical colour.
liturgical: relating to church services and ceremonies
vestment: ceremonial garment, esp one worn by a priest in church

A cope may be worn by any rank of the clergy, and also by lay ministers in certain circumstances. If worn by a bishop, it is generally accompanied by a mitre [主教冠]. The clasp, which is often highly ornamented, is called a morse. In art, angels are often shown wearing copes, especially in Early Netherlandish painting.

There has been little change in the character of the vestment from the earliest ages. Then as now it was made of a piece of silk or other cloth of semicircular shape, which distinguished it from the earlier form of chasuble [十字褡dā], as a chasuble had straight edges sewn together in front. Both are similar in form and origin to the Orthodox phelonion.

The only noticeable modification which the cope has undergone lies in the disappearance of the hood. Some early examples feature a triangular hood, which was intended to be of practical utility in covering the head in processions, etc., but over time the hood became merely ornamental, and is commonly represented by a sort of shield of embroidery, sometimes adorned with a fringe or tassel [穗; 缨; 流苏].

六级/考研单词: cape, cloak, fasten, breast, clasp, ceremony, garment, priest, rank, clergy, bishop, seldom, angel, silk, sew, orthodox, modify, undergo, triangle, utility, procession, mere, ornament, shield, embroider, fringe

  • If you cope with a a difficult problem or situation, you deal with it successfully. →manage
  • If you have to cope with an unpleasant situation, you have to accept it or bear it. →contend
  • If a system or machine copes with a particular type or amount of work, it does it.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/16619472.html


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