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时间:2022-11-09 07:55:23浏览次数:32  
标签:表示 定冠词 名词 最高级 冠词 形容词





2. 分类


a: 用于以辅音(发音)开头的但是可数名词

a book, a park, a dog, a university


an hour,


- 表示第一次提到某人/某物,起到介绍作用

A sexy lady wants to see your brother

A young man just passed by and wanted to see you


- 表示数量‘一, 每一,任一’

A squirrel is jumping onto the tree


- 表类指,泛指一类人/事务,用于可数名词前

A girl might be a mystery

Where there is a will, there is a way


- 表示数量的短语中

a couple of years

a bunch of flowers


- 单数名词前表示身份,职业

She is a businesswoman rather than a housewife

He wants to be a teacher when he grows up


- 用于姓氏前,表示不确指的某人,或某个成员

His wife is a Collins

A Green called you just now.



the: 名词前,表示特指

Give me the pen on the desk

Please fill in the form before leaving


- 前面已经提到的人/事

The girl in that group won the match

What about the food I recommended last time


- 独一事务

the sun

the equator

the earth

the sky


- 如果前面有形容词可用不定冠词

a lovely moon

a full moon

a red sun


- 谈话双方都知道的人/事

I love the dress you wore last night

I'll never forget the kill


- 用于单数名词前表示属类,或者用于某些形容词或分词前,表示一类人

The whale is a type of mammal

The government should make the right decision


- 表示方向,方位,时间的名词

at the back

in the east

on the right

on the way home

in the daytime


- 方位词成对使用构成平行结构时,不需要使用定冠词

They traveled to north and south


- 用于序数词,形容词,副词最高级前; 当' last, only, principle, right, same sole, ultimate, usual, wrong'等词修饰的名词时,之前需要使用定冠词

The first is better than the second

Our city is one of the prettiest cities in this country

This is the only way to solve the problem


- 固定短语

at first sight

first of all

on second thought


- 乐器前

Do you like to play the piano

He is good at playing the violin

- 乐器表示实体是可用不定冠词

He bought a piano for his daughter

- 中国传统乐器不予冠词连用 

play erhu


- 表示姓氏复数姓氏前,表示一家人

The Greens are fashionable

The Collins are vampires


- 山脉,海洋,江河,湖泊,群岛,海峡名词前

the Alps

the Pacific Ocean

the Thames







Dogs are friendly.

Beijing is the capital of China.


-  个体名词复数,抽象名词或者物质名词用于分类别时,不适用冠词

Dogs and cats are friends of people

Love generates power

Water flows to lower places


- 人名,地名/季节,月份,星期,节日/三餐,头衔,疾病/语言/学科/颜色/球类/棋类

Tian'anmen Square

May Day


Play basketball( play piano 和乐器比较)

Play chess

Pink is my favorite color

Spanish is sexy


- 形容词最高级前有物主代词,指示代词,名词所有格时,不加定冠词

His best friend is Jim

This smallest dog is loved by everyone.


- 两个或多个形容词最高级并列使用,从第二个开始不加定冠词

It is the biggest and busiest airport in the US


- 当形容词最高级用于有as, that, though等引导的倒装让步状语从句中时,不加定冠词

Youngest in our class as she is, she gets the highest score.


- 形容词最高级做表语,不与一定范围内的事物作比较时,不加定冠词

The rainfall is biggest at this time of year

Babies are most adorable when they are not naughty


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/hongten/p/16871948.html
