Oracle & PG ACE称号,
拥有 Oracle OCM、AWS、以及部分国产数据库等产品认证。
墨天轮社区 MVP
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本次部署OceanBase 4.0 社区版集群作为测试学习环境,通过一台服务器部署OBD作为中控机,通过该中控机部署三副本集群环境。
1.1 服务器列表
服务器IP | 操作系统 | 服务器配置 | 角色 | 备注 |
---|---|---|---|---| | Centos 7.9 | 4 CPU/ 8G | OBD | 中控机,自动化部署软件 | | Centos 7.9 | 4 CPU/ 12G | OBServer | OceanBase 数据库 zone1 | | Centos 7.9 | 4 CPU/ 12G | OBServer | OceanBase 数据库 zone2 | | Centos 7.9 | 4 CPU/ 12G | OBServer | OceanBase 数据库 zone3 | | Centos 7.9 | 4 CPU/ 12G | OBProxy | OceanBase 访问反向代理 | | Centos 7.9 | 4 CPU/ 12G | OBProxy | OceanBase 访问反向代理 | | Centos 7.9 | 4 CPU/ 12G | OBProxy | OceanBase 访问反向代理 | | Centos 7.9 | 4 CPU/ 8G | OBClient | OceanBase 命令行客户端 |
1.2.1 软件资源需求
操作系统 | 安装包下载地址 |
Anolis 7、CentOS 7、RedHat 7、Ubuntu 20.X、Debian 9.X、Anolis OS 8.X | https://mirrors.aliyun.com/oceanbase/community/stable/el/7/x86_64/ |
Anolis 8、CentOS 8、RedHat 8、Debian 10 、Anolis OS 8.X | https://mirrors.aliyun.com/oceanbase/community/stable/el/8/x86_64/ |
1.2.2 硬件资源需求
项目 | 描述 |
系统 | Anolis OS 8.X 版本(内核 Linux 3.10.0 版本及以上)-- 推荐Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.X 版本、8.X 版本(内核 Linux 3.10.0 版本及以上) – 推荐CentOS Linux 7.X 版本、8.X 版本(内核 Linux 3.10.0 版本及以上) – 推荐Debian 9.X 版本及以上版本 (内核 Linux 3.10.0 版本及以上)Ubuntu 20.X 版本及以上版本(内核 Linux 3.10.0 版本及以上)SUSE / OpenSUSE 15.X 版本及以上版本(内核 Linux 3.10.0 版本及以上) --推荐 |
物理 CPU | 测试环境最低要求 2 核。生产环境最低要求 4 核,推荐 32 核及以上。性能测试场景推荐 24 核及以上。 |
内存 | 测试环境最低要求 8 G。生产环境最低要求 16 G,长期使用要求不低于 32 G,推荐 256 G 及以上。性能测试场景推荐 128 G 及以上。注意 当部署多个集群时, 推荐使用 OCP 进行统一运维管理, 当部署集群比较少时, 建议使用 OBD 进行安装部署。 |
磁盘类型 | 推荐使用 SSD |
磁盘存储空间 | 内存大小的 6 倍及以上 |
文件系统 | EXT4 戓 XFS,当数据超过 16T 时,使用 XFS |
网卡 | 千兆互联及以上 |
1.3 操作系统配置
1.3.1 查看操作系统内核
-- 【每个OB节点都应保持相同内核版本】 [root@oceanbase-dbx ~]# uname -r 3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7.x86_64 -- OceanBase 数据库要求操作系统为 3.10.0 及以上。
1.3.2 关闭禁用透明大页
-- root用户 【每个OB节点都需操作】 [root@oceanbase-dbx ~]# echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled [root@oceanbase-dbx ~]# cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled always madvise [never]
1.3.3 查看内存
-- 每个OB节点内存不应低于官网内存需求 [root@oceanbase-dbx ~]# free -g
1.3.4 查看磁盘
-- 每个OB节点磁盘不应低于官网磁盘需求 [root@oceanbase-dbx ~]# df -h
1.3.5 配置limits.conf
-- root用户,每台observer服务器都要执行,在每台/etc/security/limits.conf文件末尾填写如下内容 root soft nofile 655350 root hard nofile 655350 * soft nofile 655350 * hard nofile 655350 * soft stack 20480 * hard stack 20480 * soft nproc 655360 * hard nproc 655360 * soft core unlimited * hard core unlimited
1.3.6 配置sysctl.conf
-- root用户,每台observer服务器都要执行,在每台/etc/sysctl.conf 文件末尾填写如下内容 # for oceanbase ## 修改内核异步 I/O 限制 fs.aio-max-nr=1048576 ## 网络优化 net.core.somaxconn = 2048 net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 10000 net.core.rmem_default = 16777216 net.core.wmem_default = 16777216 net.core.rmem_max = 16777216 net.core.wmem_max = 16777216 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 3500 65535 net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0 net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1 net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0 net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 0 net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 16777216 net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 16384 net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 15 net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 16384 net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1 net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1 net.ipv4.tcp_slow_start_after_idle=0 vm.swappiness = 0 vm.min_free_kbytes = 2097152 # 此处为 OceanBase 数据库的 data 目录 kernel.core_pattern = /data/core-%e-%p-%t -- root用户,每台observer服务器都要执行,生效/etc/sysctl.conf配置 [root@oceanbase-dbxxx ~]# sysctl -p
1.3.7 关闭防火墙
-- root用户,每台服务器都要执行 -- 关闭防火墙 systemctl stop firewalld.service -- 永久关闭防火墙 systemctl disable firewalld.service -- 查看防火墙状态 systemctl status firewalld.service
1.3.8 关闭SELinux
-- root用户,每台服务器都要执行 sed -i "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/" /etc/selinux/config cat /etc/selinux/config
1.3.9 配置NTP服务
1) 中控机服务器 -- root用户,中控机服务器操作如下 -- yum 安装 ntp服务 [root@obproxy-node ~]# yum install ntp ntpdate -y -- 启动服务 [root@obproxy-node ~]# systemctl start ntpd -- 设置服务自启 [root@obproxy-node ~]# systemctl enable ntpd -- 查看ntp状态 [root@obproxy-node ~]# systemctl status ntpd -- 配置NTP服务端/etc/ntp.conf 文件 -- 编辑/etc/ntp.conf 文件,添加如下内容 server 0.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst server 1.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst server 2.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst server 3.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst restrict mask nomodify notrap -- 重启ntp服务 [root@obproxy-node ~]# systemctl restart ntpd -- 查看ntp服务 [root@obproxy-node ~]# ntpq -p remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter ============================================================================== -a.chl.la 2 u 319 1024 275 275.417 6.935 3.770 +pingless.com 2 u 478 1024 377 328.498 -2.550 2.018 +ntp6.flashdance 2 u 1322 1024 376 276.299 1.376 23.159 * 2 u 122 1024 277 50.314 -1.267 4.023 2)Observer服务器 -- root用户,每台Observer服务器都需执行 -- yum 安装 ntp服务 [root@oceanbase-dbxxx ~]# yum install ntp ntpdate -y -- 启动服务 [root@oceanbase-dbxxx ~]# systemctl start ntpd -- 设置服务自启 [root@oceanbase-dbxxx ~]# systemctl enable ntpd -- 查看ntp状态 [root@oceanbase-dbxxx ~]# systemctl status ntpd -- 配置客户端/etc/ntp.conf配置文件,每台Observer服务器都需操作 -- 编辑/etc/ntp.conf 文件,添加如下内容 server iburst -- 重启ntp服务 [root@oceanbase-dbxxx ~]# systemctl restart ntpd -- 查看ntp服务 [root@oceanbase-dbxxx ~]# ntpq -p remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter ============================================================================== *obproxy-node 3 u 115 1024 377 0.307 3.360 2.080
1.3.10 创建用户
-- root用户,每个 ob节点 /usr/sbin/groupadd -g 1001 admin /usr/sbin/useradd -u 1002 -g admin -G admin admin echo "admin" | passwd --stdin admin
1.3.11 配置sudo
-- root用户,每个 ob节点 [root@oceanbase-db1 ~]# visudo -- 添加 admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
1.3.12 创建目录
-- root用户 每个 ob节点 -- 因为本次测试环境未添加多余磁盘,选择将/data 和 /redo都放在 / 根目录下,生产环境不建议此方式 [root@oceanbase-dbx ~]# mkdir -p /data [root@oceanbase-dbx ~]# mkdir -p /redo [root@oceanbase-dbx ~]# chown -R admin:admin /data [root@oceanbase-dbx ~]# chown -R admin:admin /redo
1.3.13 配置host文件
-- 四台服务器都要配置/etc/hosts文件,写入每台服务器的IP和主机名 oceanbase-db1 oceanbase-db2 oceanbase-db3 obproxy-node
1.3.14 配置SSH互信
-- 可用此方法来配置互信 -- 在中控机服务器使用admin用户编辑ssh_key.sh脚本,脚本内容如下。 [admin@obproxy-node ~]$ cat ssh_key.sh #!/usr/bin/bash SERVERS=("admin@" "admin@" "admin@") PASSWORD="admin" keygen() { yum -y install expect expect -c " spawn ssh-keygen -t rsa expect { *(/root/.ssh/id_rsa):* { send -- \r;exp_continue} *(y/n)* { send -- y\r;exp_continue} *Enter* { send -- \r;exp_continue} *(y/n)* { send -- y\r;exp_continue} *Enter* { send -- \r;exp_continue} eof {exit 0} } expect eof " } copy(){ expect -c " set timeout -1 spawn ssh-copy-id $1 expect { *(yes/no)* { send -- yes\r; exp_continue } *password:* { send -- $PASSWORD\r; exp_continue} eof {exit 0} } expect eof " } ssh_copy_id_to_all(){ keygen ; for host in ${SERVERS[@]} do copy $host done } ssh_copy_id_to_all -- 在中控机admin用户执行ssh_key.sh脚本 [admin@obproxy-node ~]$ sh ssh_key.sh
3.1 下载并解压社区版 all-in-one package
从 V4.0.0 开始,OceanBase 提供统一的安装包 all-in-one package。可以通过这个统一的安装包一次性完成 OBD、OceanBase 数据库、OBProxy、obagent、Grafana 和 Prometheus 的安装;还可以根据实际需求选择部分组件安装或者指定组件的版本。
使用 admin用户 从 OceanBase 社区下载中心下载最新的 all-in-one package 到中控机,截止到2022-12-20日,最新版本为 4.0.0_beta_bp2,选择对应操作系统的版本。
-- 使用admin 用户在中控机服务器解压 all-in-one package包 [admin@obproxy-node ~]$ tar -zxf oceanbase-all-in-one-
3.2 中控机安装OBD
-- 使用 admin用户 在中控机服务器操作 [admin@obproxy-node ~]$ cd oceanbase-all-in-one/bin [admin@obproxy-node bin]$ ./install.sh name: grafana version: 7.5.17 release:1 arch: x86_64 md5: 1bf1f338d3a3445d8599dc6902e7aeed4de4e0d6 add /home/admin/oceanbase-all-in-one/rpms/grafana-7.5.17-1.el7.x86_64.rpm to local mirror name: obagent version: 1.2.0 release:4.el7 arch: x86_64 md5: 0e8f5ee68c337ea28514c9f3f820ea546227fa7e add /home/admin/oceanbase-all-in-one/rpms/obagent-1.2.0-4.el7.x86_64.rpm to local mirror name: obproxy-ce version: 4.0.0 release:5.el7 arch: x86_64 md5: de53232a951184fad75b15884458d85e31d2f6c3 add /home/admin/oceanbase-all-in-one/rpms/obproxy-ce-4.0.0-5.el7.x86_64.rpm to local mirror name: oceanbase-ce version: release:100000282022112511.el7 arch: x86_64 md5: 75ec57ebe42718b386901357cef1e5d3864748ee add /home/admin/oceanbase-all-in-one/rpms/oceanbase-ce- to local mirror name: oceanbase-ce-libs version: release:100000282022112511.el7 arch: x86_64 md5: c5f1e971cc335efe36233cae291a170a0f518e19 add /home/admin/oceanbase-all-in-one/rpms/oceanbase-ce-libs- to local mirror name: prometheus version: 2.37.1 release:10000102022110211.el7 arch: x86_64 md5: 58913c7606f05feb01bc1c6410346e5fc31cf263 add /home/admin/oceanbase-all-in-one/rpms/prometheus-2.37.1-10000102022110211.el7.x86_64.rpm to local mirror Disable remote ok add auto set env logic to profile: /home/admin/.bash_profile ##################################################################### Install Finished ===================================================================== Setup Environment: source ~/.oceanbase-all-in-one/bin/env.sh Quick Start: obd demo More Details: obd -h ===================================================================== -- 生效环境变量 [admin@obproxy-node ~]$ source /home/admin/.bash_profile -- 可以查看环境变量内容如下 [admin@obproxy-node ~]$ more /home/admin/.bash_profile # .bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin export PATH source /home/admin/.oceanbase-all-in-one/bin/env.sh =============================== [admin@obproxy-node ~]$ more /home/admin/.oceanbase-all-in-one/bin/env.sh #!/bin/bash export OBD_INSTALL_PRE=~/.oceanbase-all-in-one/obd source $OBD_INSTALL_PRE/etc/profile.d/obd.sh export OBCLIENT_HOME=~/.oceanbase-all-in-one/obclient export PATH=$OBD_INSTALL_PRE/usr/bin:$OBCLIENT_HOME/u01/obclient/bin:$PATH -- obd 帮助命令 [admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obd -h Usage: obd <command> [options] Available commands: cluster Deploy and manage a cluster. demo Quickly start mirror Manage a component repository for OBD. repo Manage local repository for OBD. test Run test for a running deployment. update Update OBD. Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help Show help and exit. -v, --verbose Activate verbose output.
3.3 编辑yaml文件
-- 使用admin用户在中控机服务器操作 [admin@obproxy-node ~]$ cd /home/admin/oceanbase-all-in-one/conf -- 编辑 all-components.yaml文件 ## Only need to configure when remote login is required user: username: admin password: admin # key_file: your ssh-key file path if need # port: your ssh port, default 22 # timeout: ssh connection timeout (second), default 30 oceanbase-ce: servers: - name: beijing # Please don't use hostname, only IP can be supported ip: - name: shanghai ip: - name: guangzhou ip: global: # Please set devname as the network adaptor's name whose ip is in the setting of severs. # if set severs as "", please set devname as "lo" # if current ip is, and the ip's network adaptor's name is "eth0", please use "eth0" devname: ens33 cluster_id: 1 # if current hardware's memory capacity is smaller than 50G, please use the setting of "mini-single-example.yaml" and do a small adjustment. memory_limit: 8G # The maximum running memory for an observer # The reserved system memory. system_memory is reserved for general tenants. The default value is 30G. system_memory: 6G datafile_size: 10G # Size of the data file. log_disk_size: 2G # The size of disk space used by the clog files. syslog_level: INFO # System log level. The default value is INFO. enable_syslog_wf: false # Print system logs whose levels are higher than WARNING to a separate log file. The default value is true. enable_syslog_recycle: true # Enable auto system log recycling or not. The default value is false. max_syslog_file_count: 4 # The maximum number of reserved log files before enabling auto recycling. The default value is 0. skip_proxy_sys_private_check: true enable_strict_kernel_release: false # root_password: # root user password # In this example , support multiple ob process in single node, so different process use different ports. # If deploy ob cluster in multiple nodes, the port and path setting can be same. beijing: mysql_port: 2881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881. DO NOT change this value after the cluster is started. rpc_port: 2882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882. DO NOT change this value after the cluster is started. # The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field. home_path: /home/admin/oceanbase-ce # The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store. data_dir: /data # The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value. redo_dir: /redo zone: zone1 shanghai: mysql_port: 2881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881. DO NOT change this value after the cluster is started. rpc_port: 2882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882. DO NOT change this value after the cluster is started. # The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field. home_path: /home/admin/oceanbase-ce # The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store. data_dir: /data # The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value. redo_dir: /redo zone: zone2 guangzhou: mysql_port: 2881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881. DO NOT change this value after the cluster is started. rpc_port: 2882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882. DO NOT change this value after the cluster is started. # The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field. home_path: /home/admin/oceanbase-ce # The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store. data_dir: /data # The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value. redo_dir: /redo zone: zone3 obproxy-ce: # Set dependent components for the component. # When the associated configurations are not done, OBD will automatically get the these configurations from the dependent components. depends: - oceanbase-ce servers: - - - global: listen_port: 2883 # External port. The default value is 2883. prometheus_listen_port: 2884 # The Prometheus port. The default value is 2884. home_path: /home/admin/obproxy # oceanbase root server list # format: ip:mysql_port;ip:mysql_port. When a depends exists, OBD gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. # rs_list:;; enable_cluster_checkout: false # observer cluster name, consistent with oceanbase-ce's appname. When a depends exists, OBD gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. cluster_name: obcluster skip_proxy_sys_private_check: true enable_strict_kernel_release: false # obproxy_sys_password: # obproxy sys user password, can be empty. When a depends exists, OBD gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. # observer_sys_password: # proxyro user pasword, consistent with oceanbase-ce's proxyro_password, can be empty. When a depends exists, OBD gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends. obagent: depends: - oceanbase-ce servers: - name: beijing # Please don't use hostname, only IP can be supported ip: - name: shanghai ip: - name: guangzhou ip: global: home_path: /home/admin/obagent ob_monitor_status: active prometheus: depends: - obagent servers: - global: home_path: /home/admin/prometheus grafana: depends: - prometheus servers: - global: home_path: /home/admin/grafana login_password: oceanbase
3.4 OBD部署集群
-- 使用admin用户在中控机服务器操作 [admin@obproxy-node conf]$ obd cluster deploy obcluster -c all-components.yaml install oceanbase-ce- for local ok install obproxy-ce-4.0.0 for local ok install obagent-1.2.0 for local ok install prometheus-2.37.1 for local ok install grafana-7.5.17 for local ok +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Packages | +--------------+---------+------------------------+------------------------------------------+ | Repository | Version | Release | Md5 | +--------------+---------+------------------------+------------------------------------------+ | oceanbase-ce | | 100000282022112511.el7 | 75ec57ebe42718b386901357cef1e5d3864748ee | | obproxy-ce | 4.0.0 | 5.el7 | de53232a951184fad75b15884458d85e31d2f6c3 | | obagent | 1.2.0 | 4.el7 | 0e8f5ee68c337ea28514c9f3f820ea546227fa7e | | prometheus | 2.37.1 | 10000102022110211.el7 | 58913c7606f05feb01bc1c6410346e5fc31cf263 | | grafana | 7.5.17 | 1 | 1bf1f338d3a3445d8599dc6902e7aeed4de4e0d6 | +--------------+---------+------------------------+------------------------------------------+ Repository integrity check ok Parameter check ok Open ssh connection ok Cluster status check ok Initializes observer work home ok Initializes obproxy work home ok Initializes obagent work home ok Initializes prometheus work home ok Initializes grafana work home ok Remote oceanbase-ce- repository install ok Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check !! Remote obproxy-ce-4.0.0-5.el7-de53232a951184fad75b15884458d85e31d2f6c3 repository install ok Remote obproxy-ce-4.0.0-5.el7-de53232a951184fad75b15884458d85e31d2f6c3 repository lib check ok Remote obagent-1.2.0-4.el7-0e8f5ee68c337ea28514c9f3f820ea546227fa7e repository install ok Remote obagent-1.2.0-4.el7-0e8f5ee68c337ea28514c9f3f820ea546227fa7e repository lib check ok Remote prometheus-2.37.1-10000102022110211.el7-58913c7606f05feb01bc1c6410346e5fc31cf263 repository install ok Remote prometheus-2.37.1-10000102022110211.el7-58913c7606f05feb01bc1c6410346e5fc31cf263 repository lib check ok Remote grafana-7.5.17-1-1bf1f338d3a3445d8599dc6902e7aeed4de4e0d6 repository install ok Remote grafana-7.5.17-1-1bf1f338d3a3445d8599dc6902e7aeed4de4e0d6 repository lib check ok Try to get lib-repository Package oceanbase-ce-libs- is available. install oceanbase-ce-libs- for local ok Remote oceanbase-ce-libs- repository install ok Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check ok obcluster deployed -- 查看集群状态 [admin@obproxy-node conf]$ obd cluster list +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Cluster List | +-----------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ | Name | Configuration Path | Status (Cached) | +-----------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ | obcluster | /home/admin/.obd/cluster/obcluster | deployed | +-----------+------------------------------------+-----------------+
3.5 OBD 启动及初始化集群
-- 使用admin用户在中控机服务器操作 [admin@obproxy-node conf]$ obd cluster start obcluster -- 遇到了如下报错 Get local repositories ok Search plugins ok Open ssh connection ok Load cluster param plugin ok Check before start observer x [ERROR] (beijing( when production_mode is True, memory_limit can not be less then 16.0G [ERROR] (shanghai( when production_mode is True, memory_limit can not be less then 16.0G [ERROR] (guangzhou( when production_mode is True, memory_limit can not be less then 16.0G [WARN] OBD-1007: ( The recommended number of open files is 655350 (Current value: 65535) [WARN] ( clog and data use the same disk (/) [WARN] OBD-1007: ( The recommended number of open files is 655350 (Current value: 65535) [WARN] ( clog and data use the same disk (/) [WARN] OBD-1007: ( The recommended number of open files is 655350 (Current value: 65535) [WARN] ( clog and data use the same disk (/) Check before start obproxy ok Check before start obagent ok Check before start prometheus ok Check before start grafana ok See https://www.oceanbase.com/product/ob-deployer/error-codes . -- 不能直接修改 all-components.yaml 并添加production_mode: false 该方法不生效 解决办法: [admin@obproxy-node conf]$ obd cluster edit-config obcluster -- 将production_mode: false 配置到global下,:wq保存修改后的文件 -- 然后执行obd cluster redeploy obcluster [admin@obproxy-node conf]$ obd cluster redeploy obcluster Get local repositories ok Search plugins ok Open ssh connection ok Cluster status check ok observer work dir cleaning x [WARN] OBD-1003: Fail to clean beijing( [WARN] OBD-1003: Fail to clean beijing( [WARN] OBD-1003: Fail to clean shanghai( [WARN] OBD-1003: Fail to clean shanghai( [WARN] OBD-1003: Fail to clean guangzhou( [WARN] OBD-1003: Fail to clean guangzhou( obproxy work dir cleaning ok obagent work dir cleaning ok prometheus work dir cleaning ok grafana work dir cleaning ok obcluster destroyed install oceanbase-ce- for local ok install obproxy-ce-4.0.0 for local ok install obagent-1.2.0 for local ok install prometheus-2.37.1 for local ok install grafana-7.5.17 for local ok +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Packages | +--------------+---------+------------------------+------------------------------------------+ | Repository | Version | Release | Md5 | +--------------+---------+------------------------+------------------------------------------+ | oceanbase-ce | | 100000282022112511.el7 | 75ec57ebe42718b386901357cef1e5d3864748ee | | obproxy-ce | 4.0.0 | 5.el7 | de53232a951184fad75b15884458d85e31d2f6c3 | | obagent | 1.2.0 | 4.el7 | 0e8f5ee68c337ea28514c9f3f820ea546227fa7e | | prometheus | 2.37.1 | 10000102022110211.el7 | 58913c7606f05feb01bc1c6410346e5fc31cf263 | | grafana | 7.5.17 | 1 | 1bf1f338d3a3445d8599dc6902e7aeed4de4e0d6 | +--------------+---------+------------------------+------------------------------------------+ Repository integrity check ok Parameter check ok Cluster status check ok Initializes observer work home ok Initializes obproxy work home ok Initializes obagent work home ok Initializes prometheus work home ok Initializes grafana work home ok Remote oceanbase-ce- repository install ok Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check !! Remote obproxy-ce-4.0.0-5.el7-de53232a951184fad75b15884458d85e31d2f6c3 repository install ok Remote obproxy-ce-4.0.0-5.el7-de53232a951184fad75b15884458d85e31d2f6c3 repository lib check ok Remote obagent-1.2.0-4.el7-0e8f5ee68c337ea28514c9f3f820ea546227fa7e repository install ok Remote obagent-1.2.0-4.el7-0e8f5ee68c337ea28514c9f3f820ea546227fa7e repository lib check ok Remote prometheus-2.37.1-10000102022110211.el7-58913c7606f05feb01bc1c6410346e5fc31cf263 repository install ok Remote prometheus-2.37.1-10000102022110211.el7-58913c7606f05feb01bc1c6410346e5fc31cf263 repository lib check ok Remote grafana-7.5.17-1-1bf1f338d3a3445d8599dc6902e7aeed4de4e0d6 repository install ok Remote grafana-7.5.17-1-1bf1f338d3a3445d8599dc6902e7aeed4de4e0d6 repository lib check ok Try to get lib-repository install oceanbase-ce-libs- for local ok Remote oceanbase-ce-libs- repository install ok Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check ok obcluster deployed Search plugins ok Load cluster param plugin ok Check before start observer ok [WARN] OBD-1007: ( The recommended number of open files is 655350 (Current value: 65535) [WARN] ( clog and data use the same disk (/) [WARN] OBD-1007: ( The recommended number of open files is 655350 (Current value: 65535) [WARN] ( clog and data use the same disk (/) [WARN] OBD-1007: ( The recommended number of open files is 655350 (Current value: 65535) [WARN] ( clog and data use the same disk (/) Check before start obproxy ok Check before start obagent ok Check before start prometheus ok Check before start grafana ok Start observer ok observer program health check ok Connect to observer ok Initialize cluster ok Start obproxy ok obproxy program health check ok Connect to obproxy ok Initialize cluster ok Start obagent ok obagent program health check ok Start promethues ok prometheus program health check ok Connect to Prometheus ok Initialize cluster ok Start grafana ok grafana program health check ok Connect to grafana ok Initialize cluster ok Wait for observer init ok +------------------------------------------------+ | observer | +--------------+---------+------+-------+--------+ | ip | version | port | zone | status | +--------------+---------+------+-------+--------+ | | | 2881 | zone1 | ACTIVE | | | | 2881 | zone2 | ACTIVE | | | | 2881 | zone3 | ACTIVE | +--------------+---------+------+-------+--------+ obclient -h10.110.3.152 -P2881 -uroot -Doceanbase -A +------------------------------------------------+ | obproxy | +--------------+------+-----------------+--------+ | ip | port | prometheus_port | status | +--------------+------+-----------------+--------+ | | 2883 | 2884 | active | | | 2883 | 2884 | active | | | 2883 | 2884 | active | +--------------+------+-----------------+--------+ obclient -h10.110.3.152 -P2883 -uroot -Doceanbase -A +--------------------------------------------------+ | obagent | +--------------+-------------+------------+--------+ | ip | server_port | pprof_port | status | +--------------+-------------+------------+--------+ | | 8088 | 8089 | active | | | 8088 | 8089 | active | | | 8088 | 8089 | active | +--------------+-------------+------------+--------+ +-----------------------------------------------------+ | prometheus | +--------------------------+------+----------+--------+ | url | user | password | status | +--------------------------+------+----------+--------+ | | | | active | +--------------------------+------+----------+--------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | grafana | +--------------------------------------+-------+-----------+--------+ | url | user | password | status | +--------------------------------------+-------+-----------+--------+ | | admin | oceanbase | active | +--------------------------------------+-------+-----------+--------+ obcluster running -- 查看集群状态,此时为running表示集群状态正常 [admin@obproxy-node conf]$ obd cluster list +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Cluster List | +-----------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ | Name | Configuration Path | Status (Cached) | +-----------+------------------------------------+-----------------+ | obcluster | /home/admin/.obd/cluster/obcluster | running | +-----------+------------------------------------+-----------------+
3.6 检查 OceanBase 集群各个节点进程信息
[admin@obproxy-node ~]$ IPS="" [admin@obproxy-node ~]$ for ob in $IPS;do echo $ob; ssh $ob "ps -ef | grep observer | grep -v grep "; done admin 18508 1 61 16:06 ? 00:10:40 /home/admin/oceanbase-ce/bin/observer -r;; -p 2881 -P 2882 -z zone1 -c 1 -d /data -i ens33 -l INFO -o __min_full_resource_pool_memory=2147483648,memory_limit=8G,system_memory=6G,datafile_size=10G,log_disk_size=2G,enable_syslog_wf=False,enable_syslog_recycle=True,max_syslog_file_count=4,skip_proxy_sys_private_check=True,enable_strict_kernel_release=False admin 17963 1 53 16:06 ? 00:09:14 /home/admin/oceanbase-ce/bin/observer -r;; -p 2881 -P 2882 -z zone2 -c 1 -d /data -i ens33 -l INFO -o __min_full_resource_pool_memory=2147483648,memory_limit=8G,system_memory=6G,datafile_size=10G,log_disk_size=2G,enable_syslog_wf=False,enable_syslog_recycle=True,max_syslog_file_count=4,skip_proxy_sys_private_check=True,enable_strict_kernel_release=False admin 31639 1 40 16:06 ? 00:06:58 /home/admin/oceanbase-ce/bin/observer -r;; -p 2881 -P 2882 -z zone3 -c 1 -d /data -i ens33 -l INFO -o __min_full_resource_pool_memory=2147483648,memory_limit=8G,system_memory=6G,datafile_size=10G,log_disk_size=2G,enable_syslog_wf=False,enable_syslog_recycle=True,max_syslog_file_count=4,skip_proxy_sys_private_check=True,enable_strict_kernel_release=False [admin@obproxy-node ~]$ [admin@oceanbase-db1 ~]$ ll /home/admin/oceanbase-ce/bin/observer lrwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 104 Dec 13 16:05 /home/admin/oceanbase-ce/bin/observer -> /home/admin/.obd/repository/oceanbase-ce/
3.7 检查 OceanBase 集群各个节点监听状况
[admin@oceanbase-db1 ~]$ IPS="" [admin@oceanbase-db1 ~]$ for ob in $IPS;do echo $ob; ssh $ob "netstat -ntlp"; done admin@'s password: (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.) Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 18508/observer tcp 0 0* LISTEN 18508/observer tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 19822/obproxy tcp 0 0* LISTEN 19822/obproxy tcp6 0 0 :::111 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::8052 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::8088 :::* LISTEN 20439/monagent tcp6 0 0 ::1:25 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::8089 :::* LISTEN 20439/monagent tcp6 0 0 :::18882 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::60002 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::18883 :::* LISTEN - admin@'s password: Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 17963/observer tcp 0 0* LISTEN 17963/observer tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 18828/obproxy tcp 0 0* LISTEN 18828/obproxy tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::8088 :::* LISTEN 19421/monagent tcp6 0 0 ::1:25 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::8089 :::* LISTEN 19421/monagent tcp6 0 0 :::18882 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::60002 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::18883 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::111 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::5236 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN - (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.) admin@'s password: (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.) Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 31639/observer tcp 0 0* LISTEN 31639/observer tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 32441/obproxy tcp 0 0* LISTEN 32441/obproxy tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::18882 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::60002 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::18883 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::111 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::8088 :::* LISTEN 584/monagent tcp6 0 0 ::1:25 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::8089 :::* LISTEN 584/monagent
3.8 下载并安装obclient
登陆阿里云镜像下载地址:https://mirrors.aliyun.com/oceanbase/community/stable/el/7/x86_64/ 下载最新版obclient和libobclient包。
-- 可以在中控机服务器上安装 obclient 包 [root@obproxy-node ~]# rpm -ivh /root/rpm/obclient-*.rpm /root/rpm/libobclient-*.rpm Preparing... ################################# [100%] Updating / installing... 1:libobclient-2.2.1-2.el7 ################################# [ 50%] 2:obclient-2.2.1-4.el7 ################################# [100%] -- 使用obclient连接数据库 [root@obproxy-node ~]# su - admin [admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obclient -h -uroot@sys#obcluster -pob@Passwd -P2883 -c -A oceanbase Welcome to the OceanBase. Commands end with ; or \g. Your OceanBase connection id is 5 Server version: OceanBase_CE (r100000282022112511-dd289d2407609a88b1fcdf2be9e7c384cb8e19d0) (Built Nov 25 2022 11:58:08) Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, OceanBase and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. obclient [oceanbase]> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | LBACSYS | | mysql | | oceanbase | | ORAAUDITOR | | SYS | | test | +--------------------+ 7 rows in set (0.011 sec)
3.9 创建多租户
[admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obd cluster tenant create obcluster -n obuser --max-cpu=1 --min-cpu=1 --max-memory=512M --min-memory=512M --mode=mysql --charset=GBK Get local repositories and plugins ok Open ssh connection ok Connect to observer ok [WARN] option max_memory is no longer supported [WARN] option min_memory is no longer supported Create tenant obuser ok [admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obclient -h -uroot@obuser -P2883 -p Enter password: Welcome to the OceanBase. Commands end with ; or \g. Your OceanBase connection id is 11 Server version: OceanBase_CE (r100000282022112511-dd289d2407609a88b1fcdf2be9e7c384cb8e19d0) (Built Nov 25 2022 11:58:08) Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, OceanBase and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. obclient [(none)]
3.10 查询集群资源分配情况
[admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obclient -h -uroot@sys#obcluster -pob@Passwd -P2883 -c -A oceanbase Welcome to the OceanBase. Commands end with ; or \g. Your OceanBase connection id is 13 Server version: OceanBase_CE (r100000282022112511-dd289d2407609a88b1fcdf2be9e7c384cb8e19d0) (Built Nov 25 2022 11:58:08) Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, OceanBase and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. obclient [oceanbase]> SELECT * FROM oceanbase.GV$OB_SERVERS; +--------------+----------+-------+----------+--------------+------------------+--------------+------------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+-------------------+-----------------+--------------------+------------------+-------------------------+--------------+-------------------------+-----------------------+ | SVR_IP | SVR_PORT | ZONE | SQL_PORT | CPU_CAPACITY | CPU_CAPACITY_MAX | CPU_ASSIGNED | CPU_ASSIGNED_MAX | MEM_CAPACITY | MEM_ASSIGNED | LOG_DISK_CAPACITY | LOG_DISK_ASSIGNED | LOG_DISK_IN_USE | DATA_DISK_CAPACITY | DATA_DISK_IN_USE | DATA_DISK_HEALTH_STATUS | MEMORY_LIMIT | DATA_DISK_ABNORMAL_TIME | SSL_CERT_EXPIRED_TIME | +--------------+----------+-------+----------+--------------+------------------+--------------+------------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+-------------------+-----------------+--------------------+------------------+-------------------------+--------------+-------------------------+-----------------------+ | | 2882 | zone3 | 2881 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 8589934592 | 8589934592 | 10737418240 | 10737418240 | 805306368 | 10737418240 | 218103808 | NORMAL | 10737418240 | NULL | NULL | | | 2882 | zone2 | 2881 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 8589934592 | 8589934592 | 10737418240 | 10737418240 | 805306368 | 10737418240 | 213909504 | NORMAL | 10737418240 | NULL | NULL | | | 2882 | zone1 | 2881 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 8589934592 | 8589934592 | 10737418240 | 10737418240 | 805306368 | 10737418240 | 318767104 | NORMAL | 10737418240 | NULL | NULL | +--------------+----------+-------+----------+--------------+------------------+--------------+------------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+-------------------+-----------------+--------------------+------------------+-------------------------+--------------+-------------------------+-----------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.122 sec)
3.11 查询集群内各租户的资源分配情况
obclient [oceanbase]> SELECT * FROM oceanbase.GV$OB_SERVERS; +--------------+----------+-------+----------+--------------+------------------+--------------+------------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+-------------------+-----------------+--------------------+------------------+-------------------------+--------------+-------------------------+-----------------------+ | SVR_IP | SVR_PORT | ZONE | SQL_PORT | CPU_CAPACITY | CPU_CAPACITY_MAX | CPU_ASSIGNED | CPU_ASSIGNED_MAX | MEM_CAPACITY | MEM_ASSIGNED | LOG_DISK_CAPACITY | LOG_DISK_ASSIGNED | LOG_DISK_IN_USE | DATA_DISK_CAPACITY | DATA_DISK_IN_USE | DATA_DISK_HEALTH_STATUS | MEMORY_LIMIT | DATA_DISK_ABNORMAL_TIME | SSL_CERT_EXPIRED_TIME | +--------------+----------+-------+----------+--------------+------------------+--------------+------------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+-------------------+-----------------+--------------------+------------------+-------------------------+--------------+-------------------------+-----------------------+ | | 2882 | zone2 | 2881 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 8589934592 | 8589934592 | 10737418240 | 10737418240 | 1946157056 | 10737418240 | 1337982976 | NORMAL | 10737418240 | NULL | NULL | | | 2882 | zone1 | 2881 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 8589934592 | 8589934592 | 10737418240 | 10737418240 | 1946157056 | 10737418240 | 1329594368 | NORMAL | 10737418240 | NULL | NULL | | | 2882 | zone3 | 2881 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 8589934592 | 8589934592 | 10737418240 | 10737418240 | 1946157056 | 10737418240 | 1346371584 | NORMAL | 10737418240 | NULL | NULL | +--------------+----------+-------+----------+--------------+------------------+--------------+------------------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+-------------------+-----------------+--------------------+------------------+-------------------------+--------------+-------------------------+-----------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.018 sec)
4.1 创建多租户需要设置足够大的log_disk_size
[admin@obproxy-node ~]$ obd cluster tenant create obcluster -n obuser --max-cpu=1 --min-cpu=1 --max-memory=512M --min-memory=512M --mode=mysql --charset=GBK Get local repositories and plugins ok Open ssh connection ok Connect to observer ok [WARN] option max_memory is no longer supported [WARN] option min_memory is no longer supported Create tenant obuser x [ERROR] ('zone1','zone2','zone3'): resource not enough: log disk size less than 1.0G 复制
4.2 集群部署后修改yaml文件
标签:10.110,ok,4.0,Centos,OceanBase,0.0,oceanbase,--,admin From: https://blog.csdn.net/shlei5580/article/details/144373911当部署了集群后,在创建多租户时如果因为配置文件设置有问题,不能直接修改yam文件,需要通过obd cluster edit-config obd集群名来修改配置信息,然后再执行obd cluster redeploy obd的集群名,但大部分配置通过reload也能生效。