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时间:2024-10-18 23:21:56浏览次数:16  
标签:hMapFile MAP mapping C++ 间通信 pView file 共享内存 view




#pragma region Includes#include <stdio.h>#include <windows.h>#pragma endregion#define MAP_PREFIX          L"Local\\"#define MAP_NAME            L"SampleMap"#define FULL_MAP_NAME       MAP_PREFIX MAP_NAME // Max size of the file mapping object.#define MAP_SIZE            65536 // File offset where the view is to begin.#define VIEW_OFFSET         0 // The number of bytes of a file mapping to map to the view. All bytes of the // view must be within the maximum size of the file mapping object (MAP_SIZE). // If VIEW_SIZE is 0, the mapping extends from the offset (VIEW_OFFSET) to  // the end of the file mapping.#define VIEW_SIZE           1024 // Unicode string message to be written to the mapped view. Its size in byte // must be less than the view size (VIEW_SIZE).#define MESSAGE             L"Message from the first process."  int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]){    HANDLE hMapFile = NULL;    PVOID pView = NULL;     // Create the file mapping object.    hMapFile = CreateFileMapping(        INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,   // Use paging file - shared memory        NULL,                   // Default security attributes        PAGE_READWRITE,         // Allow read and write access        0,                      // High-order DWORD of file mapping max size        MAP_SIZE,               // Low-order DWORD of file mapping max size        FULL_MAP_NAME           // Name of the file mapping object        );    if (hMapFile == NULL)     {        wprintf(L"CreateFileMapping failed w/err 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError());        goto Cleanup;    }    wprintf(L"The file mapping (%s) is created\n", FULL_MAP_NAME);     // Map a view of the file mapping into the address space of the current     // process.    pView = MapViewOfFile(        hMapFile,               // Handle of the map object        FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,    // Read and write access        0,                      // High-order DWORD of the file offset         VIEW_OFFSET,            // Low-order DWORD of the file offset         VIEW_SIZE               // The number of bytes to map to view        );    if (pView == NULL)    {         wprintf(L"MapViewOfFile failed w/err 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError());         goto Cleanup;    }    wprintf(L"The file view is mapped\n");     // Prepare a message to be written to the view.    PWSTR pszMessage = MESSAGE;    DWORD cbMessage = (wcslen(pszMessage) + 1) * sizeof(*pszMessage);     // Write the message to the view.    memcpy_s(pView, VIEW_SIZE, pszMessage, cbMessage);     wprintf(L"This message is written to the view:\n\"%s\"\n",        pszMessage);     // Wait to clean up resources and stop the process.    wprintf(L"Press ENTER to clean up resources and quit");    getchar(); Cleanup:     if (hMapFile)    {        if (pView)        {            // Unmap the file view.            UnmapViewOfFile(pView);            pView = NULL;        }        // Close the file mapping object.        CloseHandle(hMapFile);        hMapFile = NULL;    }     return 0;}


#pragma region Includes#include <stdio.h>#include <windows.h>#pragma endregion#define MAP_PREFIX          L"Local\\"#define MAP_NAME            L"SampleMap"#define FULL_MAP_NAME       MAP_PREFIX MAP_NAME // File offset where the view is to begin.#define VIEW_OFFSET         0 // The number of bytes of a file mapping to map to the view. All bytes of the // view must be within the maximum size of the file mapping object. If // VIEW_SIZE is 0, the mapping extends from the offset (VIEW_OFFSET) to the // end of the file mapping.#define VIEW_SIZE           1024  int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]){    HANDLE hMapFile = NULL;    PVOID pView = NULL;     // Try to open the named file mapping identified by the map name.    hMapFile = OpenFileMapping(        FILE_MAP_READ,          // Read access        FALSE,                  // Do not inherit the name        FULL_MAP_NAME           // File mapping name         );    if (hMapFile == NULL)     {        wprintf(L"OpenFileMapping failed w/err 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError());        goto Cleanup;    }    wprintf(L"The file mapping (%s) is opened\n", FULL_MAP_NAME);     // Map a view of the file mapping into the address space of the current     // process.    pView = MapViewOfFile(        hMapFile,               // Handle of the map object        FILE_MAP_READ,          // Read access        0,                      // High-order DWORD of the file offset         VIEW_OFFSET,            // Low-order DWORD of the file offset        VIEW_SIZE               // The number of bytes to map to view        );    if (pView == NULL)    {        wprintf(L"MapViewOfFile failed w/err 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError());         goto Cleanup;    }    wprintf(L"The file view is mapped\n");     // Read and display the content in view.    wprintf(L"Read from the file mapping:\n\"%s\"\n", (PWSTR)pView);     // Wait to clean up resources and stop the process.    wprintf(L"Press ENTER to clean up resources and quit");    getchar(); Cleanup:     if (hMapFile)    {        if (pView)        {            // Unmap the file view.            UnmapViewOfFile(pView);            pView = NULL;        }        // Close the file mapping object.        CloseHandle(hMapFile);        hMapFile = NULL;    }     return 0;}




From: https://blog.csdn.net/2401_87429224/article/details/143064098
