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kali linux 解决无线驱动程序问题

时间:2024-04-02 23:32:25浏览次数:24  
标签:网卡 驱动程序 kali ng wireless linux any card monitor

Troubleshooting wireless driver issues in Linux can be a frustrating experience
if you don’t know what to look for。 This article is meant to be used as a general
guideline to better help you find the information you need to solve your wireless
Carefully read carefully ANY error message as they will VERY OFTEN tell you what’s
wrong and how to fix it。 If not, then use your Google-Fu。

 Stupid question: Is it a wireless card? (We’ve seen that several times)
 Is the device plugged in?
 Does it show up on lsusb or lspci (with the exception of phones)? You might want to
update pci ids and usb ids
 Does dmesg contain any information about the driver loading and/or failing
 Is Kali a VM? Then, unless your card is USB, it will not be useable
(VMWare/VirtualBox/QEMU will virtualize EVERY PCI device)。 Is it attached to the
 If there is nothing in dmesg and it’s not in a VM, then you might want to try the latest
compat-wireless (and sometimes, you’ll need firmware) -> check on Linux-Wireless

2. 找到网卡但不能进行任何操作
 Read error messages
 If there are no error messages, then run dmesg | tail and it will most likely tell you
what’s wrong
 Firmware might be missing
 Check rfkill and any hardware switches and BIOS options

3. 网卡没监听模式
 STA drivers (Ralink, Broadcom) and every other manufacturer’s provided driver doesn’t
support monitor mode
 ndiswrapper doesn’t support monitor mode AND NEVER WILL。
 Airodump-ng/Wireshark don’t show any packets: check rfkill and any hardware
switches and BIOS options

4。 网卡不能注入
 Test with aireplay-ng -9 (Make sure the card is in monitor mode with airmon-ng)
 Airmon-ng doesn’t display chipset information: It’s not a big issue as it just didn’t get
that information from the card and doesn’t change the abilities of your card
 No injection but monitor mode: Check rfkill and any hardware switches and BIOS
 Network managers sometimes interfere with Aircrack tools。run airmon-ng check kill to
kill these processes。

 Will my card work with Aircrack-ng?
 Compat-wireless


From: https://blog.csdn.net/2302_78663693/article/details/137212957


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