1. DS9490R是一款由Maxim Integrated(原Dallas Semiconductor)生产的USB至1-Wire®接口适配器。它允许计算机通过USB端口与遵循1-Wire协议的设备进行通信,非常适合需要通过PC进行数据采集和控制的应用。
1.1 基本特性
- 接口类型:USB至1-Wire。
- 连接方式:通过USB接口连接至PC,提供1-Wire通信接口。
- 支持设备:兼容所有Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim Integrated的1-Wire设备。
- 封装:提供RJ11连接器,方便直接连接至1-Wire设备或网络。
1.2 应用场景
- 温度监测:与DS18B20等数字温度传感器配合使用,进行温度数据的采集和监控。
- 系统认证:结合带有唯一序列号的1-Wire存储设备,如DS1990A,用于系统访问控制和认证。
- 环境监测:连接多种1-Wire传感器,实现对环境参数(如湿度、光照等)的监测。
1.3 外形如下
2. 温湿度探头, 支持1-wire总线
3. 测试环境
3.1 Ubuntu 16.04, gcc V5.3.1
lsb_release -a
# Distributor ID: Ubuntu
# Description: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
# Release: 16.04
# Codename: xenial
gcc -v
# gcc version 5.3.1 20160413 (Ubuntu/Linaro 5.3.1-14ubuntu2)
# 安装libusb
sudo apt install libusb-dev
3.2 设备接线
4. 相关测试代码
4.1 基础部分
int ow_device_acquire(char *device_name)
g_portnum = owAcquireEx(device_name);
//printf("device_acquire start-> owAcquireEx(\"%s\"), ret = %d\n", com, g_portnum);
if (g_portnum == -1) {
port_opened = 0;
return 0;
//printf("device_acquire OK-> owAcquireEx(\"%s\"), ret = %d\n", com, g_portnum);
port_opened = 1;
return 1;
int ow_device_open(char *device_name)
if (port_opened) return 1 ;
return ow_device_acquire(device_name);
int ow_device_close (void)
/* Done with 1-wire net and weather station */
if (!port_opened)
return 1; /* Nothing to do */
/* release the 1-Wire Net */
port_opened = 0;
return 1;
int ow_read2c_base(int portnum, uchar *SerialNum, unsigned char *send_block)
uchar rt = FALSE;
int send_cnt, i, loop = 0;
uchar lastcrc8;
// set the device serial number to the counter device
owSerialNum(portnum, SerialNum, FALSE);
for (loop = 0; loop < 2; loop ++) {
// access the device
if (owAccess(portnum)) {
// send the convert command and start power delivery.
// 1 温度变换 44H 进行温度变换,结果存入内部9字节RAM中。
if (!owWriteBytePower(portnum, 0x44))
return FALSE;
// must sleep for > 750ms
// turn off the 1-Wire Net strong pull-up
if (owLevel(portnum,MODE_NORMAL) != MODE_NORMAL)
return FALSE;
// access the device
if (owAccess(portnum)) {
// create a block to send that reads the temperature
// read scratchpad command, 2 读暂存器 BEH 读内部RAM中9字节的内容。
send_cnt = 0;
send_block[send_cnt++] = 0xBE;
// now add the read bytes for data bytes and crc8
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
send_block[send_cnt++] = 0xFF;
// now send the block
if (owBlock(portnum, FALSE, send_block, send_cnt)) {
// initialize the CRC8
setcrc8(portnum, 0);
// perform the CRC8 on the last 8 bytes of packet
for (i = send_cnt - 9; i < send_cnt; i++) {
lastcrc8 = docrc8(portnum, send_block[i]);
// verify CRC8 is correct
if (lastcrc8 == 0x00) {
// success
rt = TRUE;
// return the result flag rt
return rt;
4.2 主调用部分
int ow_read2c(int portnum)
int count=0, i;
unsigned char rom_id[MAXDEVICES][8];
unsigned char rx[32];
u8 c, l;
unsigned short t;
short vt;
float v, vh;
owFamilySearchSetup(portnum, 0x00);
while ((count < MAXDEVICES) && (owNext(portnum, TRUE, FALSE))) {
owSerialNum(portnum, rom_id[count], TRUE);
printf("%d: %s, ", count, array_hex(&rom_id[count], 8));
memset(rx, 0, sizeof(rx));
if (ow_read2c_base(portnum, rom_id[count], rx)) {
printf("%s, ", array_hex(rx, 10));
// 2CEE039A0000EE92, BEEA0500017FC6B233A4, 0-1: 19.0(EA 05), 69.0(B2 33)
c = rx[3]; // TH, 一般用作缆号, 可根据现场规则修改
l = rx[4]; // TL, 一般用做点号, 可根据现场规则修改
t = ((rx[2] << 8) + rx[1]) & 0x0fff; // low 12 bit
vt = (signed)t;
v = -45 + 175 * vt / 4095;
t = (rx[7] << 8) + rx[6];
vh = 100 * t / 65535;
printf("%d-%d: %.1f(%02X %02X), %.1f(%02X %02X)\n", c, l, v, rx[1], rx[2], vh, rx[7], rx[8]);
else {
printf("Error reading temperature, verify device present:%d\n", (int)owVerify(portnum, FALSE));
return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned char rom_id[MAXDEVICES][8];
int iret, i, family_id;
float current_temp;
unsigned short usdata;
int portnum = g_portnum;
// --- "USB"则查询所有的USB口
iret = ow_device_open("USB");
if (iret != 1) {
printf("Device open Failure!\n");
#if 1
family_id = 0x2c;
iret = ow_find_devices(portnum, rom_id, family_id);
for (i=0; i<iret; i++) {
printf("find_devices: %d, %s\n", i+1, array_hex(rom_id[i], 8));
// --- end must close
return 1;
4.3 Makefile
UNAME_S:=$(shell uname -s)
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
BUILD = /tmp
BUILD = /dev/shm
BIN = xuow_test
CC = gcc
LIB_PUBLIC = -lusb -lxuow
all: clean mybin
$(SRC_PATH)/ow_base.c \
$(SRC_PATH)/xu_base.c \
$(SRC_PATH)/main.c \
@rm -vf $(BUILD)/$(BIN)
4.4 测试结果, 49个温湿度探头读取成功
find_devices: 1, 2CEE004A0000EEDD
find_devices: 2, 2CEEE0490000EE8F
find_devices: 3, 2CEE484A0000EE0A
find_devices: 4, 2CEEA84A0000EED0
find_devices: 5, 2CEE584D0000EEF0
find_devices: 6, 2CEE384A0000EE67
find_devices: 7, 2CEEB84D0000EE2A
find_devices: 8, 2CEE244D0000EEBC
find_devices: 9, 2CEEA44A0000EEF1
find_devices: 10, 2CEEE4490000EE90
find_devices: 11, 2CEE544A0000EE57
find_devices: 12, 2CEE2C4D0000EE82
find_devices: 13, 2CEE6C4D0000EE6B
find_devices: 14, 2CEEEC490000EEAE
find_devices: 15, 2CEE3C4A0000EE78
find_devices: 16, 2CEE424A0000EEB7
find_devices: 17, 2CEEE2490000EE0C
find_devices: 18, 2CEE524A0000EECB
find_devices: 19, 2CEEAA4D0000EED5
find_devices: 20, 2CEE5A4A0000EEF5
find_devices: 21, 2CEE5A4D0000EE73
find_devices: 22, 2CEEFA490000EE4E
find_devices: 23, 2CEEE6490000EE13
find_devices: 24, 2CEEEE490000EE2D
find_devices: 25, 2CEEDE490000EEA9
find_devices: 26, 2CEE3E4A0000EEFB
find_devices: 27, 2CEE694D0000EEB9
find_devices: 28, 2CEEE9490000EE7C
find_devices: 29, 2CEE594A0000EEBB
find_devices: 30, 2CEE394A0000EEAA
find_devices: 31, 2CEEF9490000EE00
find_devices: 32, 2CEE454A0000EEE6
find_devices: 33, 2CEEE5490000EE5D
find_devices: 34, 2CEEB54D0000EEC6
find_devices: 35, 2CEEF5490000EE21
find_devices: 36, 2CEEED490000EE63
find_devices: 37, 2CEEDD490000EEE7
find_devices: 38, 2CEEFD490000EE1F
find_devices: 39, 2CEEA3490000EE28
find_devices: 40, 2CEEE3490000EEC1
find_devices: 41, 2CEE534A0000EE06
find_devices: 42, 2CEEB34D0000EE5A
find_devices: 43, 2CEEAB4A0000EE9E
find_devices: 44, 2CEEEB490000EEFF
find_devices: 45, 2CEE074A0000EE8C
find_devices: 46, 2CEE274D0000EEF2
find_devices: 47, 2CEE574A0000EE19
find_devices: 48, 2CEE6F4D0000EE25
find_devices: 49, 2CEE3F4A0000EE36
1: 2CEE004A0000EEDD, BE9206FFFF9805785FC3, 255-255: 26.0(92 06), 46.0(78 5F)
2: 2CEEE0490000EE8F, BE9006FFFF790679B997, 255-255: 26.0(90 06), 47.0(79 B9)
3: 2CEE484A0000EE0A, BEAF06FFFF026373955A, 255-255: 28.0(AF 06), 45.0(73 95)
4: 2CEEA84A0000EED0, BEA306FFFF1023743648, 255-255: 27.0(A3 06), 45.0(74 36)
5: 2CEE584D0000EEF0, BE8F067FFFEEE479A502, 127-255: 26.0(8F 06), 47.0(79 A5)
6: 2CEE384A0000EE67, BEB506FFFFFA44709CE8, 255-255: 28.0(B5 06), 43.0(70 9C)
7: 2CEEB84D0000EE2A, BE4C06FFFF0C238B7FB0, 255-255: 23.0(4C 06), 54.0(8B 7F)
8: 2CEE244D0000EEBC, BE5B06FFFFD0A487EE3D, 255-255: 24.0(5B 06), 52.0(87 EE)
9: 2CEEA44A0000EEF1, BE7D06FFFFD3647E777B, 255-255: 25.0(7D 06), 49.0(7E 77)
10: 2CEEE4490000EE90, BE9206FFFF5B2278C611, 255-255: 26.0(92 06), 46.0(78 C6)
11: 2CEE544A0000EE57, BEB506FFFF9CE5724694, 255-255: 28.0(B5 06), 44.0(72 46)
12: 2CEE2C4D0000EE82, BE8106FEFE7EC67D3707, 254-254: 26.0(81 06), 49.0(7D 37)
13: 2CEE6C4D0000EE6B, BE8706FFFF14237B6C46, 255-255: 26.0(87 06), 48.0(7B 6C)
14: 2CEEEC490000EEAE, BE8B06FFFFEB047A9F2E, 255-255: 26.0(8B 06), 47.0(7A 9F)
15: 2CEE3C4A0000EE78, BE8D06FFFE0E6378BAEA, 255-254: 26.0(8D 06), 47.0(78 BA)
16: 2CEE424A0000EEB7, BE8A06F7FECF047B91A4, 247-254: 26.0(8A 06), 48.0(7B 91)
17: 2CEEE2490000EE0C, BE9006FFFFFA64786A5D, 255-255: 26.0(90 06), 47.0(78 6A)
18: 2CEE524A0000EECB, BE8D06FFFE13037A7273, 255-254: 26.0(8D 06), 47.0(7A 72)
19: 2CEEAA4D0000EED5, BE8106FFFFC9A47C9FA9, 255-255: 26.0(81 06), 48.0(7C 9F)
20: 2CEE5A4A0000EEF5, BE5E06FFFF87C5863875, 255-255: 24.0(5E 06), 52.0(86 38)
21: 2CEE5A4D0000EE73, BE7106FFFF7A467F49C0, 255-255: 25.0(71 06), 49.0(7F 49)
22: 2CEEFA490000EE4E, BEA7067FFFE7E471DADC, 127-255: 27.0(A7 06), 44.0(71 DA)
23: 2CEEE6490000EE13, BE7F06FFFFA6C57C4E3A, 255-255: 26.0(7F 06), 48.0(7C 4E)
24: 2CEEEE490000EE2D, BE9706F7FF0BE37654B7, 247-255: 27.0(97 06), 46.0(76 54)
25: 2CEEDE490000EEA9, BEB706FFFF85C56EEFBF, 255-255: 28.0(B7 06), 43.0(6E EF)
26: 2CEE3E4A0000EEFB, BE8306FFFD27A37A85C3, 255-253: 26.0(83 06), 47.0(7A 85)
27: 2CEE694D0000EEB9, BE9C06FFFFF1A4748CDC, 255-255: 27.0(9C 06), 45.0(74 8C)
28: 2CEEE9490000EE7C, BE8306FFFFC9247BC35B, 255-255: 26.0(83 06), 48.0(7B C3)
29: 2CEE594A0000EEBB, BE6D06FEFFF46481B026, 254-255: 25.0(6D 06), 50.0(81 B0)
30: 2CEE394A0000EEAA, BE8D06FFFF3A2376AF2E, 255-255: 26.0(8D 06), 46.0(76 AF)
31: 2CEEF9490000EE00, BEB806FFFFE1046F6B0A, 255-255: 28.0(B8 06), 43.0(6F 6B)
32: 2CEE454A0000EEE6, BE8506FEFEC4C47B4A78, 254-254: 26.0(85 06), 48.0(7B 4A)
33: 2CEEE5490000EE5D, BE9706FFFFC7A4776CCE, 255-255: 27.0(97 06), 46.0(77 6C)
34: 2CEEB54D0000EEC6, BE9306FFFFB125771C4B, 255-255: 26.0(93 06), 46.0(77 1C)
35: 2CEEF5490000EE21, BE8606FFFF52067BE062, 255-255: 26.0(86 06), 48.0(7B E0)
36: 2CEEED490000EE63, BE8606FFFFD5247C8FAC, 255-255: 26.0(86 06), 48.0(7C 8F)
37: 2CEEDD490000EEE7, BE9C06FFFE032374BF23, 255-254: 27.0(9C 06), 45.0(74 BF)
38: 2CEEFD490000EE1F, BE8E06FFFFD9C4787E42, 255-255: 26.0(8E 06), 47.0(78 7E)
39: 2CEEA3490000EE28, BE8606FFF78D057A31EE, 255-247: 26.0(86 06), 47.0(7A 31)
40: 2CEEE3490000EEC1, BEA506FFFF210773FCCC, 255-255: 27.0(A5 06), 44.0(73 FC)
41: 2CEE534A0000EE06, BE9706FDFE6CE67A737B, 253-254: 27.0(97 06), 48.0(7A 73)
42: 2CEEB34D0000EE5A, BEA406FFFF95E5762851, 255-255: 27.0(A4 06), 46.0(76 28)
43: 2CEEAB4A0000EE9E, BE9E06FFFFEF04752A37, 255-255: 27.0(9E 06), 45.0(75 2A)
44: 2CEEEB490000EEFF, BEA106FFFFBA45751032, 255-255: 27.0(A1 06), 45.0(75 10)
45: 2CEE074A0000EE8C, BEA606FFFF4EE27183D9, 255-255: 27.0(A6 06), 44.0(71 83)
46: 2CEE274D0000EEF2, BE6F06FFFE520682FE1C, 255-254: 25.0(6F 06), 50.0(82 FE)
47: 2CEE574A0000EE19, BEB106FEFD5A1A756578, 254-253: 28.0(B1 06), 45.0(75 65)
48: 2CEE6F4D0000EE25, BE8E06FFFF2147792215, 255-255: 26.0(8E 06), 47.0(79 22)
49: 2CEE3F4A0000EE36, BEB806FFFFE1246FBFA8, 255-255: 28.0(B8 06), 43.0(6F BF)
From: https://blog.csdn.net/ytsanhuan/article/details/136698200