首页 > 系统相关 >【环境配置记录】ubuntu用samba共享文件夹给windows


时间:2023-12-07 23:25:56浏览次数:50  
标签:username samba name windows sudo share ubuntu smb




Please see the following installation guideline. It can effectively solve the outstanding issue of 'net usershare' returned error 255..."

Install & Configure Samba

0.Remove your previously-installed samba

$ sudo apt-get purge samba samba-common
$ cd /home/username/Documents
$ sudo rm -rf share

1.Install samba

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install samba samba-common 

2.Check both version & path

1).Check version

$ samba -V

Version 4.15.13-Ubuntu

2).Installation path

$ whereis samba

3.Create share and authorize share

1).Show user's username (not host name)

$ whoami

The command reminds User to input the correct name for the next procedure.

2).Create share and authorize it

$ sudo mkdir /home/username/Documents/share 
$ sudo chmod 777 /home/username/Documents/share

4.Write the following lines in smb.conf

1).Open smb.conf

$ sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

2).Write the command lines in smb.conf

    comment = Samba on Ubuntu
    path = /home/username/Documents/share
    read only = no
    browsable = yes
    available = yes
    writable = yes
    public = yes

The above commands enable other Operation Systems such as Mac or Windows can access to Ubuntu 20.04. Please note the last three commands are essential to enable the Samba visible to Mac OS or Windows.

3).Save smb.conf

4).Close smb.conf

5.Restart Samba

$ sudo service smbd restart

6.Update the firewall rules to allow Samba traffic

$ sudo ufw allow samba

7.Set up user account

Please note the username and host name(or computer name) (username@hostname)

$ whoami

Show your username again in order to write a wrong name(such as host name)

$ sudo smbpasswd -a username

8.Connecting to Share

Please go to Files (of Ubuntu 20.04) on the left hand side

1).Open New Windows 2).click Other Locations 3).click share 4).Input Password twice for confirmation

9.Write Save a sample document

Write a sample text and save it into share


Copy an existing text into share

10.Set Mac OS

1).Go to Finder

2).Open Network

User can see the above written or saved sample text.


  1. User can use the command of ifconfig to get your_ip_addres and then input samba://your_ip_address to connect the sever(Ubuntu). But the method has a little complex.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Zer0-Chambers/p/17884220.html


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