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时间:2023-11-20 12:34:37浏览次数:47  
标签:__ OK linux ---- tm 时间 str time return

摘自:https://blog.csdn.net/u010429831/article/details/122722187 (Linux_C环境编程:时间日期函数总结)

// TimeUtil.h
#ifndef __TIME_UTIL_H__ #define __TIME_UTIL_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus //告诉编译器,这部分代码按C语言的格式进行编译,而不是C++的 extern "C"{ #endif int UTIL_is_time_expired(string from, string to); #ifdef __cplusplus //告诉编译器,这部分代码按C语言的格式进行编译,而不是C++的 } #endif #endif /* __TIME_UTIL_H__ */
// TimeUtil.cpp
#include <string> using namespace std; #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> //#include "liblicense_log.h" #include "TimeUtil.h" #define DEBUG_TIMEUTIL (1) #define print_ln(log_level, fmt, ...) do {printf("(%s|%d)" fmt "\r\n", __func__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); fflush(stdout);} while(0) #define xxxx_free(a) do {if(a) {free((void *)a); (a) = NULL;}} while(0) /***************************************************************** 本地时间转time_t 本地时间 "2022-02-27 00:57:30" 本地时间 "2022-02-27" 参数 : time_str, 时间字符串 return : 0, 成功 -1, 失败 *****************************************************************/ static time_t str_to_time_t(string time_str) { struct tm tm; time_t ret_seconds; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); strptime(time_str.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm); ret_seconds = timelocal(&tm); // timelocal 函数都是线程安全的 //printf("timelocal():%d\n", ret_seconds); return ret_seconds; } /***************************************************************** 获取此刻本地时间 参数 : 无 return : 返回此刻时间 time_t *****************************************************************/ static time_t get_now_time_t(void) { return time(NULL); } static string print_time_t(time_t &tm) { struct tm *p_tm = NULL; char buf[256] = {0}; p_tm = localtime(&tm); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%F %T", p_tm); //printf("local time=%s\n", buf); return buf; } /***************************************************************** 比较当前时间是否在(from, to]时间内(本地时间) 时间示例: 本地时间 "2022-02-27 00:57:30" 本地时间 "2022-02-27" 参数 : from, 开始时间, 参考时间示例 to, 结束时间, 参考时间示例 return : 0, 当前时间处在有效期内 -1, 当前时间处在开始时间之前 1, 当前时间处在结束时间之后(过期) -2, 失败 *****************************************************************/ int UTIL_is_time_expired(string from, string to) { time_t time_from = str_to_time_t(from.c_str()); time_t time_to = str_to_time_t(to.c_str()); time_t time_curr = get_now_time_t(); xxxx_print_ln(xxxx_INFO, "DateFrom=%s, GraceTo=%s, curr=%s", from.c_str(), to.c_str(), print_time_t(time_curr).c_str()); xxxx_print_ln(xxxx_INFO, "DateFrom=%ld, GraceTo=%ld, curr=%ld", time_from, time_to, time_curr); if (time_from >= time_to) { return -2; } if (time_curr <= time_from) { return -1; } else if (time_curr <= time_to) { return 0; } else if (time_to < time_curr) { return 1; } return -2; } #if DEBUG_TIMEUTIL static string get_now() { time_t now; struct tm *p_tm = NULL; char buf[256] = {0}; now = time(NULL); p_tm = localtime(&now); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%F %T %a", p_tm); printf("local time=%s\n", buf); return buf; } int test1() { time_t to = str_to_time_t("2023-11-14 19:53:00"); time_t curr = time(NULL); printf("curr=%d\n", curr); printf("to=%d\n", to); printf("curr-to=%d\n", curr - to); printf("curr-to=%.0f\n", difftime(curr, to)); return 0; } int test2() { time_t to = str_to_time_t("2023-11-15"); time_t curr = time(NULL); printf("curr=%d\n", curr); printf("to=%d\n", to); printf("curr-to=%d\n", curr - to); printf("curr-to=%.0f\n", difftime(curr, to)); return 0; } int test3() { string from = "2023-11-14 20:14:30"; string to = "2023-11-14 20:15:00"; printf("from=%s\n", from.c_str()); printf("to =%s\n", to.c_str()); printf("ret=%d\n", UTIL_is_time_expired(from, to)); return 0; } int main() { test1(); test2(); test3(); return 0; } #endif
g++ TimeUtil.cpp


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/LiuYanYGZ/p/17843662.html


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