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Upgrade Ubuntu LTS to Ubuntu Pro for extending the support upto 10 years of patches

时间:2022-10-06 20:46:46浏览次数:52  
标签:LTS upto enable sudo server Ubuntu years your

Today the company canonical announced that all registered Ubuntu users can have free subscription of Ubuntu Pro for upto 5 machines. 

If you are a memeber of Ubuntu community, then you can use it upto 50 machines.

So, how to? I haven't found some tutorials from the internet. So I decided to write this one.


Suppose that you have a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server running somewhere, and you want it to receive patches for the next 10 years rather than 5 years very after the destro was released.

1. ssh to your server and install this package ( ubuntu advantage agent )

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ubuntu-advantage-tools

2. Attaching your subscription 

2.1) go to  https://ubuntu.com/pro and register an account, and you will see something like this


you will see there is a token.

2.2) attach your server to Ubuntu Pro by these commands

sudo pro attach <your_token>



3. enable the fips patches

as you can see, by default after you attach your server to Ubuntu Pro Subscription , your server will have "esm-infra" enable Expanded Security Maintenance for Infrastructure. 

You can enable fips by doing so.

sudo pro enable fips
sudo pro enable fips-updates

If you want to share some info with Canonical for auditions you can also do 

# I won't do this :) but you know it's not an issue for canonical to know you better
sudo pro enable usg


Now congratulations

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/spaceship9/p/16758428.html


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