error during connect: This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running.: Get "http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/version": open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified.
在cmd 窗口中执行如下命令
cd C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker
DockerCli.exe -SwitchDaemon
重新打开一个cmd窗口,然后再次执行docker pull 得相关命令,一切正常
Especially on windows machine when you see the above error after a docker update, try the above commands.
It appears like the Docker Desktop UI may indicate that you are already using Linux Containers, but the update may have messed up that setting.
Running the above commands will set to Linux Containers and there after you can work happily.
特别是在windows machine上,当您在docker更新后看到上述错误时,请尝试上述命令。
看起来Docker Desktop UI可能表明您已经在使用Linux容器,但更新可能会弄乱该设置。
标签:pull,Windows,error,system,may,above,Linux,docker,Docker From: https://blog.51cto.com/liwen629/7621127