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VMware Tools 12.3.0 发布,新增对搭载 Apple 芯片的 Mac 上运行 Windows ARM 虚拟机的支持

时间:2023-09-01 13:57:10浏览次数:48  
标签:Apple Windows 虚拟机 12.3 Mac version Tools Microsoft VMware

VMware Tools 12.3.0 发布,新增对搭载 Apple 芯片的 Mac 上运行 Windows ARM 虚拟机的支持



VMware Tools 是一套安装在虚拟机的操作系统中的实用程序。VMware Tools 可提高虚拟机的性能,并在 VMware 产品中实现主机与客户机便捷的交互功能。

适用于 Arm 的 Windows 11 上的全 3D 加速


VMware Tools 中包含一系列服务和组件,可在各种 VMware 产品中实现多种功能,从而使用户能够更好地管理客户机操作系统,以及与客户机操作系统进行无缝交互。

VMware Tools 生命周期管理为 VMware Tools 的安装和升级提供了一种简化且可扩展的方式。它包含多项功能增强和与驱动程序相关的增强,并支持新的客户机操作系统。

Open VM Tools (open-vm-tools) 是适用于 Linux 客户机操作系统的 VMware Tools 的开源实现 (sysin)。如需 Open VM Tools 源代码的最新副本,请参见 GitHub

对于 vSphere 部署,VMware 提供了操作系统特定软件包 (OSP) 充当 VMware Tools 的打包和分发机制。有关详细信息,请参见 VMware 操作系统特定软件包



  • Updated OpenSSL version to 3.0.8.
  • Updated libxml2 version to 2.10.4.
  • Updated glib version to 2.71.1.
  • Updated libffi version to 3.3.
  • This release resolves CVE-2023-20900.
  • From VMware Tools 12.3.0 version onwards, workload notifications for NSX distributed malware prevention is enabled.
  • VMware Tools 12.3.0 version provides support for Windows Arm VMs running on VMware Fusion on Apple silicon.


VMware Tools 12 upports the following guest operating systems:

  • windows.iso supports Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and later.
    • The Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package is a prerequisite for installing VMware Tools for Windows 12.0.0 and ships with the VMware Tools 12.0.0 download package. While preparing a Windows guest for installation, VMware Tools runs the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package installer which checks for the presence of a more recent version on the guest. If the guest has a more recent version already present, the package does not install.
      For a 32-bit Windows guest, the prerequisite version is Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86) version 14.29.30133.0.
      For a 64-bit Windows guest, the prerequisite versions are Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86) version 14.29.30133.0 and Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64) version 14.29.30133.0.
    • Installing or upgrading to VMware Tools 12.0.0 is not supported for Windows versions that do not meet the prerequisite. Customers should continue to use VMware Tools 10.2.x or older until they can patch or update their Windows OS to meet the prerequisites for VMware Tools 12.0.0. Refer to Microsoft’s update KB2977003 for latest supported Visual C++ downloads.
    • Windows OS level prerequisites
      • Windows Server 2022
      • Windows 11
      • Windows Server 2019
      • Windows Server 2016
      • Windows 10
      • Windows Server 2012 R2 with Microsoft’s update KB2919355
      • Windows 8.1 with Microsoft’s update KB2919355
      • Windows Server 2012
      • Windows 8
      • Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1) with Microsoft’s update KB4474419.
      • Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) with Microsoft’s update KB4474419.
  • darwin.iso supports Mac OS X versions 10.11 and later.
  • For details on linux.iso, refer to VMware Tools 10.3.24 Release Notes.
  • For details on solaris.iso, refer to VMware Tools 10.3.10 Release Notes.


VMware Tools 12.3.0 for Windows x86 & arm

新增支持在 Apple 芯片上的 VMware Fusion 上运行的 Windows Arm VM。

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/sysin/p/17671663.html


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