Linux 网卡实时流量查看脚本
#!/bin/bash PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export PATH function traffic_monitor { OS_NAME=$(sed -n '1p' /etc/issue) eth=$1 if [ ! -d /sys/class/net/$eth ];then echo -e "Network-Interface Not Found" echo -e "You system have network-interface:\n`ls /sys/class/net`" exit 5 fi while [ "1" ] do STATUS="fine" RXpre=$(cat /proc/net/dev | grep $eth | tr : " " | awk '{print $2}') TXpre=$(cat /proc/net/dev | grep $eth | tr : " " | awk '{print $10}') sleep 1 RXnext=$(cat /proc/net/dev | grep $eth | tr : " " | awk '{print $2}') TXnext=$(cat /proc/net/dev | grep $eth | tr : " " | awk '{print $10}') clear RX=$((${RXnext}-${RXpre})) TX=$((${TXnext}-${TXpre})) if [[ $RX -lt 1024 ]];then RX="${RX}B/s" elif [[ $RX -gt 1048576 ]];then RX=$(echo $RX | awk '{print $1/1048576 "MB/s"}') $STATUS="busy" else RX=$(echo $RX | awk '{print $1/1024 "KB/s"}') fi if [[ $TX -lt 1024 ]];then TX="${TX}B/s" elif [[ $TX -gt 1048576 ]];then TX=$(echo $TX | awk '{print $1/1048576 "MB/s"}') else TX=$(echo $TX | awk '{print $1/1024 "KB/s"}') fi echo -e "===================================" echo -e "Welcome to Traffic_Monitor stage" echo -e "version 1.0" echo -e "Since 2018.7.2" echo -e "Created by wangshibo" echo -e "BLOG:" echo -e "===================================" echo -e "System: $OS_NAME" echo -e "Date: `date +%F`" echo -e "Time: `date +%k:%M:%S`" echo -e "Port: $1" echo -e "Status: $STATUS" echo -e " \t RX \tTX" echo "------------------------------" echo -e "$eth \t $RX $TX " echo "------------------------------" echo -e "Press 'Ctrl+C' to exit" done } if [[ -n "$1" ]];then traffic_monitor $1 else echo -e "None parameter,please add system netport after run the script! \nExample: 'sh traffic_monitor eth0'" fi
标签:TX,RX,实时,echo,网卡,awk,Linux,print,eth From: