本文由 简悦 SimpRead 转码, 原文地址 blog.csdn.net
五、空进程 ---关闭应用后,没有清理缓存
1. <service android:
2. android:process="istep.service" //放入新进程
3. >
4. <intent-filter android:priority="1000">
5. <!-- 系统启动完成后会调用-->
6. <action android:/>
7. <action android:/>
8. <action android: />
9. <action android: />
10. <action android: />
11. <action android: />
12. <action android: />
13. </intent-filter>
14. </service>
17. <service android:
18. android:process=":GuardService">
19. <intent-filter >
20. <!-- 系统启动完成后会调用-->
21. <action android:/>
22. <action android:/>
23. <action android: />
24. <action android: />
25. <action android: />
26. <action android: />
27. <action android: />
28. </intent-filter>
29. </service>
1. interface ProcessConnection {
2. /**
3. * Demonstrates some basic types that you can use as parameters
4. * and return values in AIDL.
5. */
6. //删除不必要方法
7. }
1. /**
2. * 主进程 双进程通讯
3. * Created by db on 2018/1/11.
4. */
6. public class StepService extends Service{
7. @Nullable
8. @Override
9. public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
10. return new ProcessConnection.Stub() {};
11. }
13. @Override
14. public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
15. startForeground(1,new Notification());
16. //绑定建立链接
17. bindService(new Intent(this,GuardService.class),
18. mServiceConnection, Context.BIND_IMPORTANT);
19. return START_STICKY;
20. }
22. private ServiceConnection mServiceConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
23. @Override
24. public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName componentName, IBinder iBinder) {
25. //链接上
26. Log.d("test","StepService:建立链接");
27. }
29. @Override
30. public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName componentName) {
31. //断开链接
32. startService(new Intent(StepService.this,GuardService.class));
33. //重新绑定
34. bindService(new Intent(StepService.this,GuardService.class),
35. mServiceConnection, Context.BIND_IMPORTANT);
36. }
37. };
39. }
`1. /**
2. * 守护进程 双进程通讯
3. * Created by db on 2018/1/11.
4. */
6. public class GuardService extends Service{
7. @Nullable
8. @Override
9. public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
10. return new ProcessConnection.Stub() {};
11. }
13. @Override
14. public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
15. startForeground(1,new Notification());
16. //绑定建立链接
17. bindService(new Intent(this,StepService.class),
18. mServiceConnection, Context.BIND_IMPORTANT);
19. return START_STICKY;
20. }
22. private ServiceConnection mServiceConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
23. @Override
24. public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName componentName, IBinder iBinder) {
25. //链接上
26. Log.d("test","GuardService:建立链接");
27. }
29. @Override
30. public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName componentName) {
31. //断开链接
32. startService(new Intent(GuardService.this,StepService.class));
33. //重新绑定
34. bindService(new Intent(GuardService.this,StepService.class),
35. mServiceConnection, Context.BIND_IMPORTANT);
36. }
37. };
39. }` ![](https://csdnimg.cn/release/blogv2/dist/pc/img/newCodeMoreWhite.png)
- START_STICKY:在Service被关闭后,重新开启Service
- START_NOT_STICKY:服务被异常杀掉后,系统将会被设置为started状态,系统不会重启该服务,直到startService(Intent intent)方法再次被调用。
- START_REDELIVER_INTENT:重传Intent,使用这个返回值时,如果在执行完onStartCommand后,服务被异常kill掉,系统会自动重启该服务,并将Intent的值传入。
1. <service android:
2. android:permission="android.permission.BIND_JOB_SERVICE" >
3. </service>
1. /**
2. * 用于判断Service是否被杀死
3. * Created by db on 2018/1/11.
4. */
5. @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)//5.0以后可用
6. public class JobWakeUpService extends JobService{
7. private int JobWakeUpId = 1;
8. @Override
9. public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
10. //开启轮寻
11. JobInfo.Builder mJobBulider = new JobInfo.Builder(
12. JobWakeUpId,new ComponentName(this,JobWakeUpService.class));
13. //设置轮寻时间
14. mJobBulider.setPeriodic(2000);
15. JobScheduler mJobScheduler = (JobScheduler) getSystemService(Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE);
16. mJobScheduler.schedule(mJobBulider.build());
17. return START_STICKY;
18. }
20. @Override
21. public boolean onStartJob(JobParameters jobParameters) {
22. //开启定时任务 定时轮寻 判断应用Service是否被杀死
23. //如果被杀死则重启Service
24. boolean messageServiceAlive = serviceAlive(StepService.class.getName());
25. if(!messageServiceAlive){
26. startService(new Intent(this,StepService.class));
27. }
29. return false;
30. }
32. @Override
33. public boolean onStopJob(JobParameters jobParameters) {
35. return false;
36. }
38. /**
39. * 判断某个服务是否正在运行的方法
40. * @param serviceName
41. * 是包名+服务的类名(例如:net.loonggg.testbackstage.TestService)
42. * @return true代表正在运行,false代表服务没有正在运行
43. */
44. private boolean serviceAlive(String serviceName) {
45. boolean isWork = false;
46. ActivityManager myAM = (ActivityManager)getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
47. List<ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo> myList = myAM.getRunningServices(100);
48. if (myList.size() <= 0) {
49. return false;
50. }
51. for (int i = 0; i < myList.size(); i++) {
52. String mName = myList.get(i).service.getClassName().toString();
53. if (mName.equals(serviceName)) {
54. isWork = true;
55. break;
56. }
57. }
58. return isWork;
59. }
60. }
1. <receiver android:>
2. <intent-filter>
3. <action android:/>
4. </intent-filter>
5. </receiver>
1. /**
2. * 开机完成广播
3. */
5. public class mReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
6. @Override
7. public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent){
8. Intent mIntent = new Intent(context,StepService.class);
9. context.startService(mIntent);
10. }
11. }
<uses-permission android: />
`1. /**
2. * 同步方法 得到休眠锁
3. * @param context
4. * @return
5. */
6. synchronized private void getLock(Context context){
7. if(mWakeLock==null){
8. PowerManager mgr=(PowerManager)context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
9. mWakeLock=mgr.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK,StepService.class.getName());
10. mWakeLock.setReferenceCounted(true);
11. Calendar c=Calendar.getInstance();
12. c.setTimeInMillis((System.currentTimeMillis()));
13. int hour =c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
14. if(hour>=23||hour<=6){
15. mWakeLock.acquire(5000);
16. }else{
17. mWakeLock.acquire(300000);
18. }
19. }
20. Log.v(TAG,"get lock");
21. }`![](https://csdnimg.cn/release/blogv2/dist/pc/img/newCodeMoreWhite.png)
1. synchronized private void releaseLock()
2. {
3. if(mWakeLock!=null){
4. if(mWakeLock.isHeld()) {
5. mWakeLock.release();
6. Log.v(TAG,"release lock");
7. }
9. mWakeLock=null;
10. }
11. }
PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK | 保持CPU运转,屏幕和键盘灯有可能是关闭的。 |
SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK | 保持CPU运转,允许保持屏幕显示但有可能是灰的,允许关闭键盘灯。 |
SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK | 保持CPU运转,保持屏幕高亮显示,允许关闭键盘灯。 |
FULL_WAKE_LOCK | 保持CPU运转,保持屏幕高亮显示,键盘灯也保持亮度。 |
ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP | 不会唤醒设备,强制屏幕马上高亮显示,键盘灯开启。有一个例外,如果有notification弹出的话,会唤醒设备。 |
ON_AFTER_RELEASE | Wake Lock被释放后,维持屏幕亮度一小段时间,减少Wake Lock循环时的闪烁情况。 |
1. /**
2. * 开启所有Service
3. */
4. private void startAllServices()
5. {
6. startService(new Intent(this, StepService.class));
7. startService(new Intent(this, GuardService.class));
9. Log.d(TAG, "startAllServices: ");
10. //版本必须大于5.0
11. startService(new Intent(this, JobWakeUpService.class));
12. }
13. }
标签:Service,保活,public,StepService,Intent,进程,new,class From: https://www.cnblogs.com/cps666/p/17318696.html