首页 > 系统相关 >linux 中非root用户安装R:configure: error: libcurl >= 7.28.0 library and headers are required with suppo

linux 中非root用户安装R:configure: error: libcurl >= 7.28.0 library and headers are required with suppo

时间:2023-01-12 22:33:59浏览次数:45  
标签:PC1 configure libcurl required 7.61 liujiaxin01 curl root



configure: error: libcurl >= 7.28.0 library and headers are required with support for https



002、解决方法:切回root, 安装curl

[root@PC1 software]# wget https://curl.se/download/curl-7.61.0.tar.gz --no-check-certificate
[root@PC1 software]# ls
[root@PC1 software]# tar -xzvf curl-7.61.0.tar.gz
[root@PC1 software]# cd curl-7.61.0/
[root@PC1 curl-7.61.0]# ./configure
[root@PC1 curl-7.61.0]# make
[root@PC1 curl-7.61.0]# make install




[liujiaxin01@PC1 R-4.2.1]$ pwd
[liujiaxin01@PC1 R-4.2.1]$ ls
ChangeLog    config.status  COPYING  INSTALL  Makeconf     Makefile.fw  Makefrag.cc_lo  po      src           tools
config.log   configure      doc      libtool  Makeconf.in  Makefile.in  Makefrag.cxx    README  SVN-REVISION  VERSION
config.site  configure.ac   etc      m4       Makefile     Makefrag.cc  Makefrag.m      share   tests         VERSION-NICK
[liujiaxin01@PC1 R-4.2.1]$ ./configure --prefix=/home/liujiaxin01/r_test


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/liujiaxin2018/p/17048129.html
