select count(*) from user where account='admin' and password='123456'
select count(*) from user where account="admin"
insert into user(account,password) values ("admin","777")
update user set password = "666" where account="admin"
delete from student where id = 1
-- 查找
select id,name,age,sex from student
select * from student
-- 运算符
-- =等于
-- >大于
-- <小于
-- >=大于等于
-- <=小于等于
-- != <> 不等于
select * from student where age >= 21
select * from student where age <= 21
select * from student where age <> 21
-- 关键字
-- between .. and ... [] 介于..之间
select * from student where id between 2 and 5
-- in 包含
select * from student where id in(1,2,4,6)
-- is null 为null
select * from student where sex is null
-- 逻辑运算符
-- and 并且
-- or 或者
-- not 非 与 is in 搭配
select * from student where age >20 and id in(1,2,4,6)
select * from student where age >=20 and age <= 32 and name = "李四"
-- select * from student where age between 20 and 32
select * from student where age >=32 or age<=20 or sex ="女"
select * from student where sex is not null
select * from student where id not in(1,2,4,6)
-- 模糊查找 like 占位符 _代表一位字符 %代表任意位字符
select * from student where name like "_李"//李前边有一位
select * from student where name like "李%"//李后边有多位
select * from student where name like "%李%"//李前后都有多位
limit子语句 限制查询:
-- limit a , b
-- limit b offset a
-- a表示起始索引值,索引从0开始 b代表查询个数
select * from student limit 7,2
-- 一页四条
-- 第一页
select * from student limit 0,4
-- 第二页
select * from student limit 4,4
-- 第三页
select * from student limit 8,4
-- 页码page 一页大小 pageSize
select * from student limit (page-1)*pageSize,pageSize
select * from student where sex = "女" limit 0,4
-- 排序子语句 order by 列名 desc降序|asc升序 (asc可省)
select * from student order by age asc
select * from student where age>21 order by age desc limit 0,4
-- where order by limit
-- 分组函数 聚合函数
-- 聚合函数
-- sum 求和
-- avg 取平均
-- max 取最大值
-- min 取最小值
select min(age) from student min可以用上述函数替换
-- count 取得记录数量 count(字段名) 不统计为null的记录
select count(*) from student
-- group by 分组函数
select class,max(age) from student group by class
select class,max(age) from student where sex = "女" group by class having class = 3
分组之前用where找 分组之后用having找 两者用法完全相同