#语法 with 表达式 as name select x from xxx
- 定义变量
- 调用函数
- 查询
形式1:定义变量 -->注意:这种是要给字段赋一个临时的值,所以select的时候必须查这个字段,如果查*输出的结果仍然是原数据的值
with 'hello' as sku_id select sku_id,* from t_order_mt
with toYYYYMM(create_time) as dy select dy,* from t_order_mt limit 2; -- 语句解析:用with调用函数toYYYYMM把create_time定义成年月
WITH JSONExtract( data, 'event_raw_log', 'JSON') AS event_raw_log ,JSONExtract( event_raw_log, 'device_info', 'JSON') AS device_info ,JSONExtractString(device_info,'device_id') as device_id SELECT device_id,* FROM target_event_attribution where device_id = 'b6d17958-06f5-4fc5-9097-d4b79a3dfb51' and appkey = '750bb7f034cd701b' ORDER BY db_time desc limit 10 ;
形式3:执行查询 --->返回结果必须是一行,否则就报错
语法:with () as xx
1)全局聚合 sum count avg
with (select count(1) from t_order_mt) as cnt select cnt,* from t_order_mt limit 2;
2、array join 函数获取每一行并将他们展开到多行(unfold)
- 获取数组的角标
SELECT id, name, bobby, arrayEnumerate(bobby) as idx --获取数组的角标 from tb_arr_join
- 升级语句
SELECT id, name, bobby, arrayEnumerate(bobby) as idx, --获取数组的角标 h, i from tb_arr_join array join --拆分数组 bobby as h, idx as i
SELECT id, name, h, idx from tb_arr_join array join --拆分数组 bobby as h, arrayEnumerate(bobby) as idx
# 案例:
- 将同一个店铺中的时间收集到数组中,按照日期排序
- array join
- 日期 - 编号
- 分组 聚合
1、创建一个shop.txt文件,放到clickhouse 的服务器下的/root/data路径下
a,2017-02-05,200 a,2017-02-06,300 a,2017-02-07,200 a,2017-02-08,200 b,2017-02-05,200 b,2017-02-06,300 b,2017-02-09,400 b,2017-02-08,200 c,2017-01-31,200 c,2017-02-01,300 c,2017-02-03,400 c,2017-02-10,600 a,2017-03-01,200 a,2017-03-02,300 a,2017-03-04,400 a,2017-03-05,600
CREATE table shop( name String, cdate Date, money Float64 )engine=MergeTree() order by (name,cdate);
[root@localhost data]# clickhouse-client --host localhost --user default --port 9000 --password 123456 -q 'insert into shop FORMAT CSV' < '/root/data/shop.txt'
select * from shop
SELECT name,groupArray(cdate) as dates ,arrayEnumerate(dates) as idxs from shop group by name;
2)array join
SELECT name , dy,idx from ( -- groupArray 合并成数组,arrayEnumerate 获取数组角标 SELECT name,groupArray(cdate) as dates ,arrayEnumerate(dates) as idxs from shop group by name ) array join dates as dy, idxs as idx order by dy asc;
3) 日期减编号
-- groupArray 合并成数组,arrayEnumerate 获取数组角标,subtractDays 求日期差值 SELECT name , dy,idx,subtractDays(dy,idx) sub from ( SELECT name,groupArray(cdate) as dates ,arrayEnumerate(dates) as idxs from shop group by name ) array join dates as dy, idxs as idx order by dy asc;
4)分组 聚合
SELECT name,sub,COUNT(1) cnt from ( SELECT name , dy,idx,subtractDays(dy,idx) sub from ( SELECT name,groupArray(cdate) as dates ,arrayEnumerate(dates) as idxs from shop group by name ) array join dates as dy, idxs as idx order by dy asc ) group by (name,sub) HAVING cnt >1 order by name,cnt DESC limit 1 by name; -- 只取一个name
标签:03,name,idx,--,SQL,SELECT,dy,2017,clickhouse From: https://www.cnblogs.com/frankruby/p/18569811