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INFO20003 SQL Requesting Communications

时间:2024-09-16 10:52:11浏览次数:1  
标签:will return Requesting 2024 Communications INFO20003 query your

INFO20003 S2 2024 – ASSIGNMENT 2 v1.4 1

INFO20003 Semester 2, 2024
Assignment 2: SQL
Due: Week 8 - Sunday 15th September 2024, 5:59pm Melbourne Time.
Submission - Via LMS https://canvas.lms.unimelb.edu.au/
Case: “Slarc” App
“Slarc”: Super Lovely App for Requesting Communications
As fellow Database experts, DOTA2 fans, and enterprising communications fans, you and your classmates have
created a new open source version of Teams/Slack called Slarc (inspired by the DOTA2 character and Slack!).
For each user, Slarc records their details such as an ID, a username, an email address, a login mechanism (which is
defined strictly as one of the following: Google, Apple, Facebook, GitHub), and a reputation score (which is an
integer from 0-100 inclusive, 100 as highly trustworthy and 0 being highly untrustworthy). Users can also upload an
image for their avatar.
Users communicate with each other by posting in channels. Each channel has an ID, name, date of creation and
optional description. When a user posts in a channel, Slarc tracks the post’s author, content and date of creation.
Users can also post a reply to an existing post, or react to a post with an emoji, of which the reaction timestamp is
recorded. There is an option for users to send attachments in a post; The system records the file size and the
dataURL of the object. Slarc automatically scans each post for any harmful content, such as swearing and not safe
for work material, and automatically restricts such posts. Similarly, it scans any attached files for potential viruses
and flags the results.
When a user's reputation becomes greater than 80, they can be promoted to become a moderator. Other users
will be able to see the date that a moderator was promoted, and their self-description if they choose to write one.
Once one becomes a moderator, they can be appointed to moderate channels, usually endorsed by another
moderator of the associated channel. Their date of appointment is also stored.
INFO20003 S2 2024 – ASSIGNMENT 2 v1.4 2
Moderators have the responsibility to ensure that posts in the channel abide by community guidelines. If they
come across an inappropriate post or one that is flagged with restricted content, they will need to investigate and
report on this case. For代 写INFO20003 SQL Requesting Communications each case, the responsible moderator must record the case ID, give a brief explanation of
the allegation and decide on whether it requires a consequential disciplinary action. The date of allegation will be
automatically recorded. If a moderator decides that there needs to be a consequential action, then they can write
down the associated action and its date; they are able to hide any post in the channel.
The Data Model
The Data Model from MySQL Workbench is provided in Figure 1.
INFO20003 S2 2024 – ASSIGNMENT 2 v1.4 3
Assignment 2 Setup
Please pay special attention to the penalties listed [⚠].
A dataset is provided which you can use when developing your solutions. To set up the dataset, download the file
slarc.sql from the Assignment link on Canvas and run it in Workbench. This script creates the database tables and
populates them with data.
The sample dataset provided is a basic example of Slarc deployed for a DOTA2 e-sports community. You may find
that you may need to add some more sample data in Workbench to fully test out each and every query.
Note that this dataset is provided for you to experiment with: but it is NOT the same dataset as what your
queries will be tested against (the schema will stay the same, but the data itself may be different). This means
when designing your queries, you must consider edge cases even if they are not represented in this particular
data set.
The script is designed to run against your account on the Engineering IT server (info20003db.eng.unimelb.edu.au).
If you want to install the schema on your own MySQL Server installation, uncomment the lines at the beginning
of the script.
⚠ WARNING: Do NOT disable only_full_group_by mode when completing this assignment. This mode is
the default and is turned on in all default installs of MySQL workbench, and we’ve added a line to the top of
slarc.sql to turn it on every time you run the script in case you disable it! You can check whether it is turned on using
the command SELECT @@sql_mode; The command should return a string containing
ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY or ANSI. When testing, our test server WILL have this mode turned on, and if your
query fails due to this, you will lose marks.
The SQL Tasks
Please pay special attention to the penalties listed [⚠].
In this section are listed 10 questions for you to answer. Write one (single) SQL statement per question. Each
statement must end with a semicolon (

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/qq---99515681/p/18416057


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