import os import json import pymysql import re """ 尝试插入json文件到 MySQL 数据库。 dbInfo: MySQL数据库信息 table_name: MySQL数据中表名 table_items_obj: MySQL数据中表头各项名称 json_directory_path: 本地的json文件路径 """ dbInfo = { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 3306, 'user': 'root', 'password': '887910', 'db': 'testpython' } table_name = 'products' table_items_obj = ('ProductKey', 'AppKey', 'AndroidKey', 'VersionKey', 'VersionValue', 'FileName', 'Filedate') json_directory_path = os.getcwd() def connect_to_database(host, port, user, password, database): """ 尝试连接到 MySQL 数据库并返回连接对象和状态。 :param host: 数据库主机地址 :param port: 数据库端口号 :param user: 数据库用户名 :param password: 数据库密码 :param database: 要连接的数据库名 :return: (connection) - 连接对象 """ connection = None status_message = "数据库尝试连接...\n" try: # 尝试连接到数据库 connection = pymysql.connect( host=host, port=port, user=user, password=password, database=database ) status_message = status_message+"数据库连接成功\n" # 检查连接状态 if connection.open: status_message = status_message+"检查数据库状态:已连接\n" else: status_message = status_message+"检查数据库状态:未连接\n" except Error as e: # 捕获连接错误 status_message = status_message+f"连接数据库错误: {e}"+'\n' print(status_message+'\n') return connection def close_database_connection(connection): """ 关闭数据库连接。 :param connection: 数据库连接对象 """ if connection and connection.open: connection.close() print("数据库连接已关闭") else: print("数据库连接已关闭或数据库对象无效") def insert_one_data_to_database(connection,table_name,table_items,table_values): """ 插入一条数据到数据库 :param connection: 数据库连接对象 :param table_name: 数据库表名 :param table_values:表头项名称 :param table_values:表数据各项的值 """ if not(connection and connection.open): print("数据库连接已关闭或数据库对象无效") return None print('table_name:',table_name) print('table_items:', table_items) print('table_values:', table_values) """ #table_items = ('productID', 'productName', 'price', 'nums', 'date') #sql_table_items='(productID, productName, price, nums, date)' """ sql_table_items = f"({', '.join(table_items)})" """ #table_values = ('00004', '桔子', 9.88, 10, '2024-08-18 11:03:02) #sql_table_values='(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' """ # 生成占位符 sql_table_values="(" for index, value in enumerate(table_values): if index == len(table_values) - 1: sql_table_values += '%s)' else: sql_table_values += '%s,' """ table_name=sales sql_table_items='(productID, productName, price, nums, date)' sql_insert_cmd= INSERT INTO sales (productID, productName, price, nums, date) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """ sql_insert_cmd = "INSERT INTO "+table_name+" "+sql_table_items+"\n"+"VALUES "+sql_table_values+"\n" print('sql insert cmd:', sql_insert_cmd) try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: # 执行插入操作 cursor.execute(sql_insert_cmd, table_values) # 提交事务 connection.commit() print("sql插入数据命令执行,数据插入成功") except Error as e: print(f"sql插入数据命令执行,插入数据错误: {e}") def get_json_data(data, indent=0,infileName=None,connection=None): """ 递归遍历 JSON 数据并打印每个键值对。 :param data: JSON 数据(字典或列表)。 :param indent: 当前层级的缩进级别。 """ # 示例字符串 filename = "current_version2024_01_02.txt" # 使用正则表达式提取时间信息 new_date_string = '' match = re.search(r'(\d{4})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})', filename) if match: year, month, day = match.groups() # 重新组成时间字符串,例如 "2024-01-02" new_date_string = f"{year}-{month}-{day}" print(new_date_string) else: print("No date found") values = [] for category, stores in data.items(): for store, platforms in stores.items(): for platform, details in platforms.items(): for key, value in details.items(): values.append((category, store, platform, key, value,infileName,new_date_string)) print(values) for value in values: insert_one_data_to_database(connection,table_name,table_items_obj, value) return values def read_json_files(directory,connection): """ 读取目录下所有 JSON 文件并打印其内容 :param directory: 目录路径 """ for filename in os.listdir(directory): if filename.endswith('.txt'): print(f"\n匹配.txt文件成功===========Reading file:============= {filename}") file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename) with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: try: data = json.load(file) print(f"\n===========Reading file:============= {filename}") in_indent = 0 get_json_data(data, in_indent, filename, connection) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print(f"Error decoding JSON from file {filename}: {e}") else: print(f"\n非.txt文件,跳过处理===========Ignore file:============= {filename}") if __name__ == "__main__": connect_obj=connect_to_database(dbInfo['host'],dbInfo['port'],dbInfo['user'],dbInfo['password'],dbInfo['db']) # items_obj = ('productID', 'productName', 'price', 'nums', 'date') # values_obj = ('000010', '桔子', 9.88, 10, '2024-08-18 11:03:02') # insert_one_data_to_database(connect_obj,'sales',items_obj,values_obj) # 指定你的目录路径 print(f"\n处理从文件插入数据的目录:",json_directory_path) read_json_files(json_directory_path,connect_obj) # 调用函数读取和处理 JSON 文件 # read_and_process_json(r'.\current_version2024_01_01.txt') close_database_connection(connect_obj)
{ "移动云盘": { "华为应用市场": { "Android": { "version": "V10.4.0" } }, "小米应用商店": { "Android": { "version": "V10.4.0" } }, "OPPO软件商店": { "Android": { "version": "V10.4.0" } }, "vivo应用商店": { "Android": { "version": "V10.4.0" } }, "魅族应用商店": { "Android": { "version": "V10.4.0" } }, "三星应用商店": { "Android": { "version": "V10.3.4" } }, "联想乐商店": { "Android": { "version": "V10.4.0" } }, "腾讯应用宝": { "Android": { "version": "V10.4.0" } }, "百度手机助手": { "Android": { "version": "V10.4.0" } }, "豌豆荚": { "Android": { "version": "V10.4.0" } }, "360手机助手": { "Android": { "version": "V10.4.0" } }, "官网": { "Windows": { "version": "V7.7.0" }, "Mac": { "version": "V3.1.2" }, "Android": { "version": "V10.4.0" }, "iOS": { "version": "V10.4.0" }, "TV": { "version": "V6.3.0" } }, "App Store": { "iOS": { "version": "V10.4.0" } } }, }
标签:items,数据库,connection,values,mysql,print,table,chatgpt,Python3 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/jest549/p/18375486