动态列宽整体修改 select t.strtitle,t.intwidth from baselistcolumn t where t.lngmenuid=600038 for update; update baselistcolumn t set t.intwidth=100 where t.strtitle='状态'; 改变字段的sql update sysmenu t set t.strurl='cashier-payments',t.strmenuen='CashierPayments',t.strviewurl='/second/index' where t.lngmenuid=600043; update sysmenu t set t.strurl='cashier-payment',t.strmenuen='CashierPayment',t.strviewurl='/cashier-payment/cashier-payment/index' where t.lngmenuid=600044; xlykce0001 gold yun 资金支出细表数据 select * from otherexecutedetail t order by t.lngotherexecuteid desc for update 查找身份证为空的人 update employee t set t.strcardno='Rqd/puyXhGX/ndGGhUyhW/5a3pKebU9DArWZ7vF1DyY=' where t.strcardno is null Select * FROM (select * from sysmenu t where t.lngproductid = 313 start with t.strmenuname = '教学项目预算' connect by prior t.lngmenuid = t.lngparentid) WHERE strmenuname = '生成预算方案'; select * from sysmenu t where t.lngmenuid=1015 or t.lngmenuid=1045 for update select t.*,t.rowid from sysmenu t where t.lngproductid = 315 and (t.lngmenuid in (600038, 600040, 600057, 600058, 600063, 600065,600208) or t.lngparentid in (600038, 600040, 600057, 600058, 600063, 600065,600208)) order by t.lngmenuid select t.*,t.rowid from sysmenu t where t.lngproductid = 315 and (t.lngmenuid in (600060,600250, 600251,600252,600253) or strmenuname like '%还款审批%') order by t.lngmenuid select t.*, t.rowid from SYSMENU t where t.lngproductid=311 and t.strmenuen like '%DataCollection%' select t.*, t.rowid from SYSMENU t where t.lngproductid=311 order by lngmenuid desc select t.*, t.rowid from SYSMENU t where t.lngproductid=311 and t.lngparentid=200003 select t.*, t.rowid from SYSMENU t where t.lngproductid=311 and t.strmenuname like '%平衡计分卡%' select t.*, t.rowid from LISTSTYLE t where t.strkey like '%borrowapply%' select t.strqrcode,t.lngreceipttypeid from xlykce0001.costexecute t where t.bytstatus=2; 用户解锁 alter user xlykcb0001 account unlock; select * from sysmenu t where t.lngproductid=324 and t.lngparentid in (1100302,1100202) for update select * from sysmenu t where t.lngproductid=324 and t.lngmenuid in (1100302,1100202) for update 资金支出iframe数据库 select * from RECEIPTTYPEROUTE
标签:update,lngmenuid,sql,lngproductid,where,sysmenu,select From: https://www.cnblogs.com/hellofangfang/p/18280960