How to Change in SQL Prompt format in Oracle , MySQL, PostgreSQL
像UNIX的PS1环境变量可以改变shell操作提示符, 在日常工作环境中可以提升一些效率可以防止一些误操作, 很多年前在看tom关于在练习oracle操作前的一些环境配置像login.sql, 比起”SQL >”还可以显示当前的用户或数据库名很是欣喜, 下面记录Oracle , MySQL, PostgreSQL三个主流数据库改变命令行提示符的方法。
sqlplus中执行set sqlprompt或增加到logoin.sql/global.sql脚本中自动触发
col ver new_value ver
col host new_value host
col inst new_value inst
set termout off
select substr(version,1,instr(version,'.',1,4)) ver,
upper(instance_name) inst,
substr(host_name,1,instr(host_name,'.',1,1) - 1) host
from v$instance;
set termout on
--set sqlprompt "&&ver&&_USER@&&_CONNECT_IDENTIFIER SQL> "
set sqlprompt "&&ver&&_USER@&&host/&&inst SQL> "
set linesize 500 pagesize 2000 timi on
alter session set max_dump_file_size = unlimited;
-- or --
col "_myprompt" new_value myprompt
set termout off
substr('&_USER@&_CONNECT_IDENTIFIER'||rtrim(' &_PRIVILEGE')||'/'||
trunc(&_O_RELEASE/100000000) || '.' ||
mod(trunc(&_O_RELEASE/1000000),100) || '.' ||
mod(trunc(&_O_RELEASE/10000),100) || '.' ||
1, 36)
||chr(27)||'[m'||chr(10)||'SQL> ' "_myprompt"
from dual;
set termout on
set sqlp "&myprompt"
SQL> @login
Session altered.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.00 SQL>
配置MYSQL_PS1 或 配置在/etc/my.cnf or .my.cnf 文件中
The MYSQL_PS1 in this example displays the following three information in the prompt:
#Generic variables:
\S displays semicolon
\' displays single quote
\" displays double quote
\v displays server version
\p displays port
\ displays backslash
\n displays newline
\t displays tab
\ displays space (there is a space after \ )
\d displays default database
\h displays default host
_ displays space (there is a underscore after \ )
\c displays a mysql statement counter. keeps increasing as you type commands.
\u displays username
\U displays username@hostname accountname
#Date related variables:
\D displays full current date (as shown in the above example)
\w displays 3 letter day of the week (e.g. Mon)
\y displays the two digit year
\Y displays the four digit year
\o displays month in number
\O displays 3 letter month (e.g. Jan)
\R displays current time in 24 HR format
\r displays current time in 12 hour format
\m displays the minutes
\s displays the seconds
\P displays AM or PM
$ export MYSQL_PS1="\u@\h [\d]> "
$ mysql -u root -pyour-password -D xxxCRM
root@dev-db [XXcrm]>
mysql> prompt (\u@\h) [\d] \R:\m:\s>\_
在psql中配置set PROMPT1或配置到.psqlrc文件中
vi ~/.psqlrc
\set PROMPT1 '%M:%> %n@%/%R%#%x '
%M refers to the database server’s hostname – is “[local]” if the connection is over a Unix domain socket
%> refers to the listening port
%n refers to the session username
%/ refers the current database
%R refers to whether you’re in single-line mode (^) or disconnected (!) but is normally =
%# refers to whether you’re a superuser (#) or a regular user (>)
%x refers to the transaction status – usually blank unless in a transaction block (*)
#The prompt color can be edited with the psqlrc. To make the port number red add the following.
\set PROMPT1 '%M:%[%033[1;31m%]%>%[%033[0m%] %n@%/%R%#%x '
There are various colors you can use – change the value 31 to:
- 32 for green
- 33 for yellow
- 34 for blue
- 35 for magenta
- 36 for cyan
- 37 for white
像UNIX PS1环境的配置参考Bash Shell PS1: 10 Examples to Make Your Linux Prompt like Angelina Jolie
# openGauss提示符
cat >.gsqlrc <<EOF
\set PROMPT1 '%n@%~%R%#'
\pset border 2