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Redis labs 的安装

时间:2022-10-14 07:11:26浏览次数:246  
标签:installation Redis labs install Enterprise group 安装 your

Install and setup 

This guide shows how to install Redis Enterprise Software, which includes several steps:

  1. Plan your deployment
  2. Download the installation package
  3. Prepare to install
  4. Perform the install

Depending on your needs, you may also want to customize the installation.

Here, you’ll learn how to perform each step.

Plan your deployment 

Before installing Redis Enterprise Software, you need to:

  • Set up your hardware.

  • Choose your deployment platform.

    Redis Enterprise Software supports a variety of platforms, including:

    For complete details, see Supported platforms

  • Open appropriate network ports in the firewall to allow connections to the nodes.

  • Configure cluster DNS so that cluster nodes can reach each other by DNS names.

  • By default, the install process requires an Internet connection to install dependencies and to synchronize the operating system clock. To learn more, see Offline installation.

Download the installation package 

To download the installation package for any of the supported platforms:

  1. Go to the Redis download page.
  2. Sign in with your Redis credentials or create a new account.
  3. In the Downloads section for Redis Enterprise Software, select the installation package for your platform then select Go.
Note:  Before you install the Linux package or AWS AMI on an AWS EC2 instance, review the configuration requirements for AWS EC2 instances.

Prepare to install on Linux 

Before installing, review these notes:

  • Review the security considerations for your deployment.

  • If you want to use Redis on Flash (RoF) for your databases, review the prerequisites, storage requirements, and other considerations for RoF databases and prepare and format the flash memory.

    Use the prepare_flash script to prepare and format flash memory:

    sudo /opt/redislabs/sbin/prepare_flash.sh

    This script finds unformatted disks and mounts them as RAID partitions in /var/opt/redislabs/flash.

    To verify the disk configuration, run:

    sudo lsblk
  • Disable Linux swap on all cluster nodes.

  • Make sure that you have root-level access to each node, either directly or with sudo.

  • If you require the redislabs UID (user ID) and GID (group ID) numbers to be the same on all the nodes, create the redislabs user and group with the required numbers on each node.

  • When port 53 is in use, the installation fails. This is known to happen in default Ubuntu 18.04 installations in which systemd-resolved (DNS server) is running.

    To work around this issue, change the system configuration to make this port available before installation. Here’s one way to do so:

    1. Run: sudo vi /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
    2. Add DNSStubListener=no as the last line in the file and save the file.
    3. Run: sudo mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.orig
    4. Run: sudo ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
    5. Run: sudo service systemd-resolved restart
  • Make sure that the ports Redis assigns to databases are available; that is, they’re not being used by the operating system or other processes.

    To avoid port collision, we recommend updating /etc/sysctl.conf to include:

    net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 30000 65535

Install on Linux 

After you download the .tar file installation package, install the package on one of the nodes in the cluster.

To install from the CLI:

  1. Copy the installation package to the node.

    (Optional) Use the GPG key file to confirm authenticity of Ubuntu/Debian or RHEL RPM packages:

    • For Ubuntu:

      1. Import the key with:
      gpg --import <path to GPG key>
      1. Verify the package signature with:
      dpkg-sig --verify <path to installation package>
    • For RHEL:

      1. Import the key with:
      rpm --import <path to GPG key>
      1. Verify the package signature with:
      rpm --checksig <path to installation package>
  2. On the node, change to the directory where the installation package is and extract the installation files:

    tar vxf <tarfile name>
  3. To install, run:

    sudo ./install.sh
    • The Redis Enterprise Software files are installed in the default file locations.
    • By default, Redis Enterprise Software runs on the OS as the redislabs user and redislabs group. If needed, you can specify a different user and group during the installation.
    • You must either be logged in as the root user or use sudo to run the install process.
  4. Answer the installation questions when shown to complete the installation process, including the rlcheck installation verification.


    To install without answering the installation questions, either:

    • Run ./install.sh -y to answer yes to all of the questions.
    • Use an answer file to answer installation questions automatically.

    When the installation completes successfully, the IP address of the admin console is displayed:

    2017-04-24 10:54:15 [!] Please logout and login again to make
    sure all environment changes are applied.
    2017-04-24 10:54:15 [!] Point your browser at the following
    URL to continue:
    2017-04-24 10:54:15 [!] https://<your_ip_here>:8443

    Redis Enterprise Software is now installed on the node.

    Repeat this process for each node in the cluster.

  5. Create or join an existing Redis Enterprise Software cluster.

  6. Create a database.

    For geo-distributed Active-Active replication, create an Active-Active database.

Permissions and access 

  • Redis Enterprise Software installation creates the redislabs:redislabs user and group.

    Assigning other users to the redislabs group is optional. Users belonging to the redislabs group have permission to read and execute (e.g. use the rladmin status command) but are not allowed to write (or delete) files or directories.

  • Redis Enterprise Software is certified to run with permissions set to 750, an industry standard.

    We recommend against reducing permissions to 700; this configuration has not been tested and is not supported.

Install command line-options 

Run ./install.sh --help to view command-line options supported by the install script.

At this time, the following options are supported:

-y Automatically answers yes to all install prompts, accepting all default values
See Manage install questions
-c <answer file> Specify answer file used to respond to install prompts
See Manage install questions
-s <socket dir> Specify directory for redislabs unix sockets (new installs only)
--install-dir <dir> Specifies installation directory (new installs only)
See Customize install locations
--config-dir <dir> Configuration file directory (new installs only)
See Customize install locations
--var-dir <dir> Var dir used for installation (new installs only)
See Customize install locations
--os-user <user> Operating system user account associated with install; default: redislabs
See Customize user and group (new installs only)
--os-group <group> Operating system group associated with install; default: redislabs
See Customize user and group (new installs only)

The next section provides additional configuration details.

More info and options 

If you’ve already installed Redis Enterprise Software, you can also:

More info is available to help with customization and related questions:

Next steps 

Now that your cluster is set up with nodes, you can:

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/jinanxiaolaohu/p/16790279.html


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