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【Mysql】 数据库高级查询

时间:2022-10-13 17:05:51浏览次数:41  
标签:name students 18 数据库 查询 Mysql where age select


# 查询

# 查询所有字段
# select * from 表名
select * from students;
select * from class;

# 查询指定字段
# select 列1,列2,..... from 表名
select name,age from students;

# 使用as给字段起别名
# select 字段 as 名字 ...... from 表名
select name as 姓名,age as 年龄 from students;

# select 表名.字段, ...... from 表名
select students.name,students.age from students;

# 可以通过as给表起别名
# select 别名.字段 ...... from 表名 as 别名;
select s.name,s.age from students as s;

# 查询数据去重
select distinct gender from students;

# 条件查询
# 比较运算符
# >
# 查询大于18岁的信息
select * from students where age>18;
# <
# 查询小于18岁的信息
select * from students where age<18;
# >=
# 查询大于18岁的信息
select * from students where age>=18;
# <=
# 查询大于18岁的信息
select * from students where age<=18;
# =
# 查询大于18岁的信息
select * from students where age=18;
# !=
# 查询不等于18岁的信息
select * from students where age!=18;

# 逻辑运算符
# and
# 18到28之间的所有学生信息
select * from students where age>18 and age<28;
# 查询18岁以上的女性
select * from students where age>18 and gender="女";
select * from students where age>18 and gender=2;
# or
# 18岁以上或者身高高过180以上
select * from students where age>18 or height>180;
# not
# 不在18岁以上的女性这个范围内的信息
select * from students where not (age>18 and age<28);
# 年龄不是小于或者等于18 ,并且是女性
select * from students where not age<=18 and gender=2;

# 模糊查询
# 查询姓名为小的数据信息
select name from students where name="小";
# like 效率较低
# % 替换0个或者多个
# 查询姓名中以"小"开始所有的名字
select name from students where name like "小%";
# _ 替换一个
# 查询姓名中以"小"开始的两个字的名字
select name from students where name like "小_";
# 查询姓名中包含有小的所有名字
select name from students where name like "%小%";
# 查询有两个字的名字
select name from students where name like "__";
# 查询有三个字的名字
select name from students where name like "___";
# 查询至少有两个字的名字
select name from students where name like "__%";
# rlike 正则
# 查询以周开始的姓名
select name from students where name rlike "^周.*";
# 查询以周开始以伦结束的姓名
select name from students where name rlike "^周.*伦$";

# 范围查询
# in {1,2,8} 表示在一个非连续的范围内
# 查询18,34的姓名
select name from students where age=18 or age=34;
select name from students where age in {18,34,45};
# not in 不在连续的范围之内
# 年龄不在18,34岁之间的信息
select name from students where age not in {18,34};

# between...and... 表示在一个连续的范围之内
select name,age from students where age between 18 and 34;
# 查询 年龄不在18到34之间的信息
select name from students where age not between 18 and 34;

# 空判断
# 判空 is null
# 查询身高为空的信息
select * from students where heights is null;
select * from students where heights is Null;
select * from students where heights is NULL;
# 判非空is not null
select * from students where heights is not null;


From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15828115/5754009


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