import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
* @author : chenKeFeng
* @date : 2024/1/30 10:21
public class MySQLConnector {
private final String url;
private final String userName;
private final String passWord;
public MySQLConnector(String url, String username, String password) {
this.url = url;
this.userName = username;
this.passWord = password;
public Connection connect() throws SQLException {
return DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, passWord);
public ResultSet executeQuery(Connection connection, String query) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(query);
return preparedStatement.executeQuery();
public void close(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
if (connection != null) {
private static final String AVATAR = "xxx";
private static final String URL = "jdbc:mysql://xxx:3306/user";
private static final String USERNAME = "root";
private static final String PASSWORD = "xxx";
private static final String URL2 = "jdbc:mysql://xxx:3306/channel";
private static final String USERNAME2 = "root";
private static final String PASSWORD2 = "xxx";
private static final String DEPTID = "xxx";
private static final BigDecimal INITVALUE = new BigDecimal("xxx");
private static final String ROLEID = "xxx";
private static final String ROLEName = "xxx";
public static void main(String[] args) {
MySQLConnector connector = new MySQLConnector(URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD);
MySQLConnector connector2 = new MySQLConnector(URL2, USERNAME2, PASSWORD2);
try {
Connection connection = connector.connect();
Connection connection2 = connector2.connect();
String query = "SELECT sui.id, sui.user_name, sui.phone_number FROM sys_user_info as sui join sys_staff_info as ssi on ssi.user_id = sui.id where ssi.user_type in(0, 2, 3) and ssi.deleted =0 and ssi.status in (0, 3) and sui.is_deleted = 0";
ResultSet resultSet = connector.executeQuery(connection, query);
List<CrmUserVo> userList = new ArrayList<>();
//boolean numberExists = false;
while (resultSet.next()) {
CrmUserVo crmUserVo = new CrmUserVo();
String id = resultSet.getString("id");
String name = resultSet.getString("user_name");
String mobile = resultSet.getString("phone_number");
System.out.println("crm用户:" + crmUserVo);
String sql1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM channel_user WHERE phone_number = ? and deleted =0";
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection2.prepareStatement(sql1);
preparedStatement.setString(1, mobile);
try (ResultSet result = preparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
if (result.next()) {
int count = result.getInt(1);
if (count == 0) {
//numberExists = true;
System.out.println("过滤后的数据条数" + userList.size());
for (CrmUserVo crmUserVo : userList) {
Dept dept = new Dept();
String deptSql = "SELECT * FROM sys_department_info WHERE id = ?";
PreparedStatement deptPreparedStatement = connection2.prepareStatement(deptSql);
deptPreparedStatement.setString(1, DEPTID);
try (ResultSet results = deptPreparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
if (results.next()) {
String deptId = results.getString("id");
String deptName = results.getString("depart_name");
BigDecimal maxPowerNum = results.getBigDecimal("max_power_num");
Integer level = results.getInt("level");
String companyId = results.getString("company_id");
BigDecimal maxValue = dept.getMaxPowerNum().add(INITVALUE);
String insertQuery = "INSERT INTO channel_user (id, user_name, phone_number, avatar, invite_code, create_time, date_join, company_id, depart_id, status, power_num) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection2.prepareStatement(insertQuery);
String channelUserId = UUIDutils.getUUID32();
preparedStatement.setString(1, channelUserId);
preparedStatement.setString(2, crmUserVo.getUserName());
preparedStatement.setString(3, crmUserVo.getMobile());
preparedStatement.setString(4, AVATAR);
preparedStatement.setString(5, createChannelUserInvite());
preparedStatement.setTimestamp(6, Timestamp.valueOf(LocalDateTime.now()));
preparedStatement.setDate(7, Date.valueOf(LocalDate.now()));
preparedStatement.setString(8, dept.getCompanyId());
preparedStatement.setString(9, dept.getId());
preparedStatement.setInt(10, 0);
preparedStatement.setBigDecimal(11, maxValue);
int rowsAffected = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();
System.out.println("插入用户数据:" + rowsAffected);
if (rowsAffected > 0) {
String insertRole = "INSERT INTO union_role_user (id, user_id, role_id, role_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
PreparedStatement rolePreparedStatement = connection2.prepareStatement(insertRole);
rolePreparedStatement.setString(1, UUIDutils.getUUID32());
rolePreparedStatement.setString(2, channelUserId);
rolePreparedStatement.setString(3, ROLEID);
rolePreparedStatement.setString(4, ROLEName);
int roleRows = rolePreparedStatement.executeUpdate();
System.out.println("插入角色" + roleRows);
String updateSql = "UPDATE sys_department_info SET max_power_num = ? WHERE id = ?";
try (PreparedStatement updatePreparedStatement = connection2.prepareStatement(updateSql)) {
updatePreparedStatement.setBigDecimal(1, maxValue);
updatePreparedStatement.setString(2, dept.getId());
int rowsAffected1 = updatePreparedStatement.executeUpdate();
System.out.println("修改部门权值: " + rowsAffected1);
} catch (SQLException e) {