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Oracle ODP.NET ConnectionString接池及连接参数

时间:2023-11-10 11:46:33浏览次数:39  
标签:ODP attribute ConnectionString 接池 connections connection pool Pool Size


 出自: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_28570965/article/details/126935639


1. 连接字符串中提供了服务器地址,端口,实例等信息,具体格式如下:
User ID=MyUserid;Password=MyPassword;Pooling=MyPooling; Min Pool Size=MyMinPoolSize; Max Pool Size=MyMaxPoolSize; Decr Pool Size=MyDecrPoolSize;Incr Pool Size=MyIncrPoolSize; Connect Timeout=MyConnectTimeout; Validate Connection=MyValidateConnection;

2. 主要节点信息

3. 如果不设置,ODP.NET提供以下默认值
Connection Lifetime = 0;
Incr Pool Size = 5;
Decr Pool Size = 1;
Max Pool Size = 100;
Min Pool Size = 1;
Pooling = true;
Connection Timeout = 15;
Connection Pool Timeout = 15;

4. 官方文档解释
Connection String Attribute Description Default Value
Application Continuity

Enables database requests to automatically replay transactional or non-transactional operations in a non-disruptive and rapid manner in the event of a severed database session, which results in a recoverable error.

Not Available in ODP.NET, Managed Driver and ODP.NET Core


Connection Lifetime

Minimum life time (in seconds) of the connection.

This attribute specifies the lifetime of the connection in seconds. Before the Connection is placed back into the pool upon a Close() or Dispose() call, the lifetime of the connection is checked. If the lifetime of the connection exceeds this property value and the number of connections will not fall below Min Pool Size, then the connection is destroyed. If this property value is 0, then the connection lifetime is never checked.


Connection Timeout

The time to wait (in seconds) for a new connection or an idle connection from the connection pool before a connection time out error can occur.

This attribute specifies the minimum amount of time (in seconds) that the Open() method must take to obtain a pooled connection before it terminates the request. This value comes into effect only if no free connection is available from the connection pool and the Max Pool Size is reached. If a free connection is not available within the specified time, an exception is thrown. Connection Timeout does not limit the time required to open new connections.

This attribute value takes effect for pooled connection requests and not for new connection requests.

(The default value is 0 for the implicit database connection in a .NET stored procedure.)


Context Connection

Returns an implicit database connection if set to true.

An implicit database connection can only be obtained from within a .NET stored procedure. Other connection string attributes cannot be used in conjunction with "context connection" when it is set to true.

Supported in a .NET stored procedure only


Data Source

Oracle Net Services Name, Connect Descriptor, or an easy connect naming that identifies the database to which to connect.

empty string

DBA Privilege

Administrative privileges.

This connection string attribute accepts SYSASM, SYSBACKUP, SYSDBA, SYSDG, SYSKM, SYSOPER, and SYSRAC as the attribute value. It is case-insensitive.

empty string

Decr Pool Size

Number of connections that are closed when an excessive amount of established connections are unused.

This connection string attribute controls the maximum number of unused connections that are closed when the pool regulator makes periodic checks. The regulator thread is spawned every 3 minutes and closes up to Decr Pool Size amount of pooled connections if they are not used. The pool regulator never takes the total number of connections below the Min Pool Size by closing pooled connections.



Controls the enlistment behavior and capabilities of a connection in context of COM+ transactions or System.Transactions.

If this attribute is set to true, the connection is automatically enlisted in the thread's transaction context. If this attribute is false, no enlistments are made. If this attribute is set to dynamic, applications can dynamically enlist in distributed transactions. This attribute can be set to true, false, yes, no, or dynamic.


HA Events

Enables ODP.NET connection pool to proactively remove connections from the pool when an Oracle database service, service member, or node goes down.

This feature can be used with Global Data Services, including Oracle RAC, Data Guard, GoldenGate, and single instance deployments. "pooling=true" must also be set

This attribute can be set to true, false, yes, or no.


Load Balancing

Enables ODP.NET connection pool to balance work requests across Oracle database instances based on the load balancing advisory and service goal.

This feature can be used with Global Data Services, including Oracle RAC, Active Data Guard, and GoldenGate. "pooling=true" must also be set.

This attribute can be set to true, false, yes, or no.


Incr Pool Size

Number of new connections to be created when all connections in the pool are in use.

This connection string attribute determines the number of new connections that are established when a pooled connection is requested, but no unused connections are available and Max Pool Size is not reached. If new connections have been created for a pool, the regulator thread skips a cycle and does not have an opportunity to close any connections for 6 minutes. Note, however, that some connections can be still be closed during this time if their lifetime has been exceeded.


Max Pool Size

Maximum number of connections in a pool.

This attribute specifies the maximum number of connections allowed in the particular pool used by that OracleConnection. Simply changing this attribute in the connection string does not change the Max Pool Size restriction on a currently existing pool. Doing so simply creates a new pool with a different Max Pool Size restriction. This attribute must be set to a value greater than the Min Pool Size. This value is ignored unless Pooling is turned on.


Metadata Pooling

Caches metadata information.

This attribute indicates whether or not metadata information for executed queries are cached for improved performance.


Min Pool Size

Minimum number of connections in a pool.

This attribute specifies the minimum number of connections to be maintained by the pool during its entire lifetime. Simply changing this attribute in the connection string does not change the Min Pool Size restriction on a currently existing pool. Doing so simply creates a new pool with a different Min Pool Size restriction. This value is ignored unless Pooling is turned on.



Password for the user specified by User Id.

This attribute specifies an Oracle user's password. Password is case-sensitive by default for Oracle Database 11g release 1 (11.1) and later.

empty string

Persist Security Info

Retrieval of the password in the connection string.

If this attribute is set to false, the Password value setting is not returned when the application requests the ConnectionString after the connection is successfully opened by the Open() method. This attribute can be set to either true, false, yes, or no.



Connection pooling.

This attribute specifies whether or not connection pooling is to be used. Pools are created using an attribute value matching algorithm. This means that connection strings which only differ in the number of spaces in the connection string use the same pool. If two connection strings are identical except that one sets an attribute to a default value while the other does not set that attribute, both requests obtain connections from the same pool. This attribute can be set to either true, false, yes, or no.


Proxy User Id

User name of the proxy user.

This connection string attribute specifies the middle-tier user, or the proxy user, who establishes a connection on behalf of a client user specified by the User Id attribute. ODP.NET attempts to establish a proxy connection if either the Proxy User Id or the Proxy Password attribute is set to a non-empty string.

For the proxy user to connect to an Oracle database using operating system authentication, the Proxy User Id must be set to "/". The Proxy Password is ignored in this case. The User Id cannot be set to "/" when establishing proxy connections. The case of this attribute value is preserved.

empty string

Proxy Password

Password of the proxy user.

This connection string attribute specifies the password of the middle-tier user or the proxy user. This user establishes a connection on behalf of a client user specified by the User Id attribute. ODP.NET attempts to establish a proxy connection if either the Proxy User Id or the Proxy Password attribute is set to a non-empty string.

The case of this attribute value is preserved if it is surrounded by double quotes.

empty string

Statement Cache Purge

Statement cache purged when the connection goes back to the pool.

If statement caching is enabled, setting this attribute to true purges the Statement Cache when the connection goes back to the pool.


Statement Cache Size

Statement cache enabled and cache size set size, that is, the maximum number of statements that can be cached.

A value greater than zero enables statement caching and sets the cache size to itself. This value should not be greater than the value of the OPEN_CURSORS parameter set in the init.ora database configuration file.


Self Tuning

Enables or disables self-tuning for the connection.

If self-tuning is enabled, then the StatementCacheSize settings in the registry, configuration files, and connection string are ignored.

If self-tuning is disabled, then a StatementCacheSize value of 0 is used unless StatementCachSize is specified in the registry, configuration file, or connection string.



Directory where ODP.NET can find its sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora configuration files.

Not available in ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver

empty string


This attribute specifies the access token authentication type. Possible values are OCITOKEN, OAUTH, or DISABLED.

Only supported for managed ODP.NET and ODP.NET Core.



This attribute is the file-based token location. The value can be a directory where a file named "token" is or it can be the file's full path specification.

Only supported for managed ODP.NET and ODP.NET Core.

Varies depending on token authentication type

User Id

Oracle user name.

This attribute specifies the Oracle user name. The case of this attribute value is preserved if it is surrounded by double quotes. For the user to connect to an Oracle database using operating system authentication, set the User Id to "/". Any Password attribute setting is ignored in this case.

empty string

Validate Connection

Validation of connections coming from the pool.

Validation causes a round-trip to the database for each connection. Therefore, it should only be used when necessary.



ODP.NET wallet directory

Not available in ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver

empty string
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From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Jamesblog/p/17823728.html


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