首页 > 数据库 >java mysql druid mybatis-plus里使用多表删除出错的一种处理方式

java mysql druid mybatis-plus里使用多表删除出错的一种处理方式

时间:2023-10-31 12:38:26浏览次数:29  
标签:java WHERE mysql inst act 多表 proc id DELETE


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.nbcio.modules.flowable.mapper.FlowTaskMapper">
  <select id="queryActivityInstance" resultType="org.flowable.engine.impl.persistence.entity.ActivityInstanceEntityImpl">
        select t.* from
        act_ru_actinst t
           <if test="processInstanceId !=null and processInstanceId != ''" >
              t.PROC_INST_ID_=#{processInstanceId} and ACT_TYPE_ = 'userTask' and  END_TIME_ is not null 
         order by t.END_TIME_ ASC

    <delete id="deleteRunActinstsByIds" parameterType="java.util.List">
        delete from act_ru_actinst where ID_ in
        <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="list" open="(" separator="," close=")">

    <delete id="deleteHisActinstsByIds" parameterType="java.util.List">
        delete from act_hi_actinst where ID_ in
        <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="list" open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <delete id="deleteAllHisAndRun" parameterType="String">
      delete  from  act_ru_actinst  where proc_inst_id_ = #{processInstanceId}; 
      delete  from  act_ru_identitylink  where proc_inst_id_ = #{processInstanceId};
      delete  from  act_ru_task  where proc_inst_id_ = #{processInstanceId};
      delete  from  act_ru_variable  where proc_inst_id_ = #{processInstanceId};
      delete  from  act_ru_execution  where proc_inst_id_ = #{processInstanceId};
      delete  from  act_hi_actinst where proc_inst_id_ = #{processInstanceId};
      delete  from  act_hi_comment where proc_inst_id_ = #{processInstanceId};
      delete  from  act_hi_identitylink  where proc_inst_id_ = #{processInstanceId};
      delete  from  act_hi_procinst where proc_inst_id_ = #{processInstanceId};
      delete  from  act_hi_taskinst where proc_inst_id_ = #{processInstanceId};
      delete  from  act_hi_varinst  where proc_inst_id_ = #{processInstanceId};


2023-08-19 10:32:22.408 [http-nio-8080-exec-6] [34mINFO [0;39m [36mo.j.c.util.security.AbstractQueryBlackListHandler:56[0;39m - 
2023-08-19 10:32:32.175 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] [1;31mERROR[0;39m [36mo.jeecg.common.exception.JeecgBootExceptionHandler:69[0;39m - 
### Error updating database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLException: sql injection violation, dbType mysql, druid-version 1.2.15, multi-statement not allow : 
DELETE FROM act_ru_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_task WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_variable WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_execution WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_comment WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_procinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_taskinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_varinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?
### The error may exist in file [F:\codestudy\nbcio-oa\develop\nbcio-boot\nbcio-boot-module-flowable\target\classes\com\nbcio\modules\flowable\mapper\xml\FlowTaskMapper.xml]
### The error may involve com.nbcio.modules.flowable.mapper.FlowTaskMapper.deleteAllHisAndRun
### The error occurred while executing an update
### SQL: DELETE FROM act_ru_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_task WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_variable WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_execution WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_comment WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_procinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_taskinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_varinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?
### Cause: java.sql.SQLException: sql injection violation, dbType mysql, druid-version 1.2.15, multi-statement not allow : DELETE FROM act_ru_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_task WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_variable WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_execution WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_comment WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_procinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_taskinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_varinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?
; uncategorized SQLException; SQL state [null]; error code [0]; sql injection violation, dbType mysql, druid-version 1.2.15, multi-statement not allow : DELETE FROM act_ru_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_task WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_variable WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_execution WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_comment WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_procinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_taskinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_varinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: sql injection violation, dbType mysql, druid-version 1.2.15, multi-statement not allow : DELETE FROM act_ru_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_task WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_variable WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_execution WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_comment WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_procinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_taskinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_varinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?
### Error updating database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLException: sql injection violation, dbType mysql, druid-version 1.2.15, multi-statement not allow : DELETE FROM act_ru_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_task WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_variable WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_execution WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_comment WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_procinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_taskinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_varinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?
### The error may exist in file [F:\codestudy\nbcio-oa\develop\nbcio-boot\nbcio-boot-module-flowable\target\classes\com\nbcio\modules\flowable\mapper\xml\FlowTaskMapper.xml]
### The error may involve com.nbcio.modules.flowable.mapper.FlowTaskMapper.deleteAllHisAndRun
### The error occurred while executing an update
### SQL: DELETE FROM act_ru_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_task WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_variable WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_execution WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_comment WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_procinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_taskinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_varinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?
### Cause: java.sql.SQLException: sql injection violation, dbType mysql, druid-version 1.2.15, multi-statement not allow : DELETE FROM act_ru_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_task WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_variable WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_execution WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_comment WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_procinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_taskinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_varinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?
; uncategorized SQLException; SQL state [null]; error code [0]; sql injection violation, dbType mysql, druid-version 1.2.15, multi-statement not allow : DELETE FROM act_ru_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_task WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_variable WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_execution WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_comment WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_procinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_taskinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_varinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: sql injection violation, dbType mysql, druid-version 1.2.15, multi-statement not allow : DELETE FROM act_ru_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_task WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_variable WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_ru_execution WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_actinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_comment WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_identitylink WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_procinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_taskinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?;DELETE FROM act_hi_varinst WHERE proc_inst_id_ = ?
    at org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisExceptionTranslator.translateExceptionIfPossible(MyBatisExceptionTranslator.java:92)



url: jdbc:mysql://

同时druid里filters: stat,slf4j  这里去掉防火墙wall


From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15070324/8103561


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