构造当前日期之前10天的日期表 可以把DAY换成 MONTH 构造需要的月份 不需要固定天数的 可以去掉limit
SELECT @cdate := date_add( @cdate, INTERVAL - 1 DAY ) date FROM ( SELECT @cdate := date_add( CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY ) FROM APPLY LIMIT 10 ) a
select DATE_FORMAT( o.deadline, '%Y/%m' ) as 'date', SUM(1) addCount from u_model m,u_other o where m.up_code = o.up_code and o.deadline BETWEEN #{now} and #{future} group by `date`
最后以日期表为主表 左连接 业务sql的结果聚合表
select table1.`date` as 'date',cast(ifnull(table2.`addCount`, 0) as char) as 'addCount' from (SELECT DATE_FORMAT( @cdate := DATE_ADD(@cdate,INTERVAL - 1 month), '%Y/%m' ) `date`,0 `addCount` FROM (SELECT @cdate :=DATE_ADD('2024-03-01', INTERVAL 1 month) FROM u_other) t1 WHERE @cdate > #{now} ) table1 left join (select DATE_FORMAT( o.deadline, '%Y/%m' ) as 'date', SUM(1) addCount from u_model m,u_other o where m.up_code = o.up_code and o.deadline BETWEEN #{now} and #{future} group by `date`) table2 on table1.`date` = table2.`date` order by table1.`date`
标签:code,SELECT,不含,DATE,cdate,addCount,mysql,date,统计 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/xuchao0506/p/17791016.html