import; import; import com.juxiao.xchat.manager.cache.redis.RedissonManager; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.redisson.api.*; import org.redisson.client.protocol.ScoredEntry; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; @Slf4j @Service public class RedissonManagerImpl implements RedissonManager { @Autowired private RedissonClient redissonClient; @Override public RLock lock(String key, int waitTime, int lockTimeout) { RLock rLock = redissonClient.getLock(key); try { if (rLock.tryLock(waitTime, lockTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { return rLock; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("[ Redisson ] tryLock err:", e); } return null; } @Override public RLock fairLock(String key, int waitTime, int lockTimeout) { RLock rLock = redissonClient.getFairLock(key); try { if (rLock.tryLock(waitTime, lockTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { return rLock; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("[ Redisson ] tryLock err:", e); } return null; } @Override public long del(String... key) { RKeys rKeys = redissonClient.getKeys(); return rKeys.delete(key); } @Override public boolean expire(String key, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) { RKeys rKeys = redissonClient.getKeys(); return rKeys.expire(key, time, timeUnit); } @Override public Iterable<String> keys(String key) { RKeys rKeys = redissonClient.getKeys(); return rKeys.getKeysByPattern(key); } @Override public boolean exists(String key) { RBucket<String> rBucket = redissonClient.getBucket(key); return rBucket.isExists(); } @Override public Long getExpire(String key) { RKeys rKeys = redissonClient.getKeys(); return rKeys.remainTimeToLive(key); } @Override public long ttl(String key) { RBucket<String> rBucket = redissonClient.getBucket(key); return rBucket.remainTimeToLive(); } @Override public String get(String key) { RBucket<String> rBucket = redissonClient.getBucket(key); return rBucket.get(); } @Override public Map<String, String> mGet(String... key) { RBuckets rBuckets = redissonClient.getBuckets(); return rBuckets.get(key); } @Override public void set(String key, String value) { RBucket<String> rBucket = redissonClient.getBucket(key); rBucket.set(value); } @Override public String getAndSet(String key, String value) { RBucket<String> rBucket = redissonClient.getBucket(key); return rBucket.getAndSet(value); } @Override public String getAndDelete(String key) { RBucket<String> rBucket = redissonClient.getBucket(key); return rBucket.getAndDelete(); } @Override public void set(String key, String value, int time, TimeUnit timeUnit) { RBucket<String> rBucket = redissonClient.getBucket(key); rBucket.set(value, time, timeUnit); } @Override public void set(String key, String value, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) { RBucket<String> rBucket = redissonClient.getBucket(key); rBucket.set(value, time, timeUnit); } @Override public boolean setnx(String key, String value) { RBucket<String> rBucket = redissonClient.getBucket(key); return rBucket.trySet(value); } @Override public boolean setnx(String key, String value, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) { RBucket<String> rBucket = redissonClient.getBucket(key); return rBucket.trySet(value, time, timeUnit); } @Override public boolean msetnx(Map<String, String> map) { RBuckets rBuckets = redissonClient.getBuckets(); return rBuckets.trySet(map); } @Override public boolean msetnx(String key, String otherKey, String value, String otherValue) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(key, value); map.put(otherKey, otherValue); return msetnx(map); } private final static String SCRIPT_1 = "local v1 ='SETNX',KEYS[1],ARGV[1]); " + "local v2 ='SETNX',KEYS[2],ARGV[2]); " + "return v1 + v2; "; @Override public Long setnx(String key, String otherKey, String value, String otherValue) { RScript rScript = redissonClient.getScript(); List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(key); list.add(otherKey); List<Object> params = new ArrayList(2); params.add(value); params.add(otherValue); return rScript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, SCRIPT_1, RScript.ReturnType.INTEGER, list, params.toArray()); } private final static String SCRIPT_2 = "local val ='MSETNX',KEYS[1],ARGV[1],KEYS[2],ARGV[2]) " + "if val == 0 then " + " return 0 " + "else " + "'Expire', KEYS[1],ARGV[3]) " + "'Expire', KEYS[2],ARGV[3]) " + " return 1 " + "end"; @Override public Long msetnx(String key, String otherKey, String value, String otherValue, String timeoutSeconds) { RScript rScript = redissonClient.getScript(); List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(key); list.add(otherKey); List<Object> params = new ArrayList(2); params.add(value); params.add(otherValue); params.add(timeoutSeconds); return rScript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, SCRIPT_2, RScript.ReturnType.INTEGER, list, params.toArray()); } @Override public Long increment(String key, Long value) { RAtomicLong rAtomicLong = redissonClient.getAtomicLong(key); return rAtomicLong.addAndGet(value); } @Override public Double increment(String key, Double value) { RAtomicDouble rAtomicDouble = redissonClient.getAtomicDouble(key); return rAtomicDouble.addAndGet(value); } @Override public long incrByTime(String key, int timeout) { RAtomicLong rAtomicLong = redissonClient.getAtomicLong(key); long result = rAtomicLong.addAndGet(1); rAtomicLong.expire(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS); return result; } @Override public String hGet(String key, String field) { RMap<String, String> rMap = redissonClient.getMap(key); return rMap.get(field); } @Override public Map<String, String> hMGet(String key, Set<String> field) { RMap<String, String> rMap = redissonClient.getMap(key); return rMap.getAll(field); } @Override public Map<String, String> hGetAll(String key) { RMap<String, String> rMap = redissonClient.getMap(key); return rMap.readAllMap(); } @Override public int hLen(String key) { RMap<String, String> rMap = redissonClient.getMap(key); return rMap.size(); } @Override public String hSet(String key, String field, String value) { RMap<String, String> rMap = redissonClient.getMap(key); return rMap.put(field, value); } @Override public void hSetAll(String key, Map<String, String> value) { RMap<String, String> rMap = redissonClient.getMap(key); rMap.putAll(value); } @Override public String hSet(String key, String field, String value, int time, TimeUnit timeUnit) { RMapCache<String, String> rMapCache = redissonClient.getMapCache(key); return rMapCache.put(field, value, time, timeUnit); } @Override public boolean hSetIfAbsent(String key, String field, String value) { RMap<String, String> rMap = redissonClient.getMap(key); return rMap.fastPutIfAbsent(field, value); } @Override public Integer hIncrement(String key, String field, Integer value) { RMap<String, Integer> rMap = redissonClient.getMap(key); return rMap.addAndGet(field, value); } @Override public Long hIncrement(String key, String field, Long value) { RMap<String, Long> rMap = redissonClient.getMap(key); return rMap.addAndGet(field, value); } @Override public Double hIncrement(String key, String field, Double value) { RMap<String, Double> rMap = redissonClient.getMap(key); return rMap.addAndGet(field, value); } @Override public String hDel(String key, String field) { RMap<String, String> rMap = redissonClient.getMap(key); return rMap.remove(field); } @Override public Long hDelKeys(String key, String[] fields) { RMap<String, String> rMap = redissonClient.getMap(key); return rMap.fastRemove(fields); } @Override public Set<String> hKeys(String key) { RMap<String, String> rMap = redissonClient.getMap(key); return rMap.keySet(); } @Override public boolean pushAll(String key, List<String> values) { RList<String> rList = redissonClient.getList(key); return rList.addAll(values); } @Override public void leftPush(String key, String value) { RDeque<String> rDeque = redissonClient.getDeque(key); rDeque.addFirst(value); } @Override public String leftPop(String key) { RDeque<String> rDeque = redissonClient.getDeque(key); return rDeque.pollFirst(); } @Override public List<String> lPop(String key, int size) { RDeque<String> rDeque = redissonClient.getDeque(key); return rDeque.pollFirst(size); } @Override public void rightPush(String key, String value) { RDeque<String> rDeque = redissonClient.getDeque(key); rDeque.addLast(value); } @Override public int rPush(String key, String[] value) { RDeque<String> rDeque = redissonClient.getDeque(key); return rDeque.addFirstIfExists(value); } @Override public String rightPop(String key) { RDeque<String> rDeque = redissonClient.getDeque(key); return rDeque.pollLast(); } @Override public boolean lRemove(String key, Integer count, String value) { RList<String> rList = redissonClient.getList(key); return rList.remove(value, count); } @Override public List<String> lRange(String key, int start, int end) { RList<String> rList = redissonClient.getList(key); return rList.range(start, end); } @Override public int lSize(String key) { RDeque<String> rDeque = redissonClient.getDeque(key); return rDeque.size(); } @Override public List<String> listAll(String key) { RDeque<String> rDeque = redissonClient.getDeque(key); return rDeque.readAll(); } @Override public boolean zAdd(String key, String field, double score) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.add(score, field); } @Override public boolean zAdd(String key, double score, String field) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.add(score, field); } @Override public int zAddAll(String key, Map<String, Double> map) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.addAll(map); } @Override public Double zIncrement(String key, String field, Double score) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.addScore(field, score); } @Override public Double zIncrement(String key, Double score, String field) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.addScore(field, score); } @Override public Double zIncrement(String key, Long score, String field) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.addScore(field, score); } private final static String ZINCRBY_IF_EXISTS = "local val ='ZRANK',KEYS[1],ARGV[1]) " + "if val == false or val == nil then " + " return nil " + "else " + " return'ZINCRBY', KEYS[1],ARGV[2],ARGV[1]) " + "end"; @Override public String zincrbyIfExists(String key, String member, double increment) { RScript rScript = redissonClient.getScript(); List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(key); List<Object> params = new ArrayList(2); params.add(member); params.add(increment); return rScript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, ZINCRBY_IF_EXISTS, RScript.ReturnType.VALUE, list, params.toArray()); } @Override public Integer zRank(String key, String field) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.rank(field); } @Override public Integer reverseZRank(String key, String field) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.revRank(field); } @Override public int zCard(String key) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.size(); } @Override public Double zScore(String key, String field) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.getScore(field); } @Override public boolean zRemove(String key, String field) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.remove(field); } @Override public int zRemoveByScore(String key, double min, double max) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.removeRangeByScore(min, true, max, true); } @Override public int removeRange(String key, int start, int end) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.removeRangeByRank(start, end); } @Override public int removeRangeByScore(String key, double min, double max) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.removeRangeByScore(min, true, max, true); } @Override public boolean zRemoveAll(String key, List<String> fieldList) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.removeAll(fieldList); } @Override public Integer getZetSize(String key) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.size(); } @Override public long zcount(String key, double min, double max) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.count(min, true, max, true); } @Override public Collection<ScoredEntry<String>> zRange(String key, int start, int end) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.entryRange(start, end); } @Override public Collection<ScoredEntry<String>> reverseZRange(String key, int start, int end) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.entryRangeReversed(start, end); } @Override public Collection<ScoredEntry<String>> zRangeByScore(String key, double min, double max) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.entryRange(min, true, max, true); } @Override public Collection<ScoredEntry<String>> reverseZRangeByScore(String key, double min, double max) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.entryRangeReversed(min, true, max, true); } @Override public Collection<String> zrangeByScore(String key, double min, double max) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.valueRange(min, true, max, true); } @Override public Collection<String> zrevRangeByScore(String key, double max, double min) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.valueRangeReversed(min, true, max, true); } @Override public Collection<String> zrange(String key, int start, int end) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.valueRange(start, end); } @Override public Collection<String> zrevrange(String key, long start, long end) { RScoredSortedSet<String> rScoredSortedSet = redissonClient.getScoredSortedSet(key); return rScoredSortedSet.valueRangeReversed((int) start, (int) end); } @Override public boolean sExists(String key) { RSet<String> rSet = redissonClient.getSet(key); return rSet.isExists(); } @Override public boolean sIsMember(String key, String field) { RSet<String> rSet = redissonClient.getSet(key); return rSet.contains(field); } @Override public boolean sAdd(String key, String field) { RSet<String> rSet = redissonClient.getSet(key); return rSet.add(field); } @Override public boolean sAddAll(String key, Collection<String> field) { RSet<String> rSet = redissonClient.getSet(key); return rSet.addAll(field); } @Override public boolean sRemove(String key, String field) { RSet<String> rSet = redissonClient.getSet(key); return rSet.remove(field); } @Override public Set<String> sPop(String key, int size) { RSet<String> rSet = redissonClient.getSet(key); return rSet.removeRandom(size); } @Override public int sCard(String key) { RSet<String> rSet = redissonClient.getSet(key); return rSet.size(); } @Override public Set<String> sMembers(String key) { RSet<String> rSet = redissonClient.getSet(key); return rSet.readAll(); } @Override public long sAddAndCard(String key, String field) { String script = "'sAdd', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); " + "return'sCard', KEYS[1]); "; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.INTEGER, Collections.singletonList(key), field); } @Override public boolean hSetIfExist(String key, String field, String value) { String script = "local n ='hGet', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); " + "if n then " + "'hSet', KEYS[1], ARGV[1], ARGV[2]); " + "return true;" + "else " + "return false;" + "end; "; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.BOOLEAN, Collections.singletonList(key), field, value); } @Override public String luaKeepIncrement(String key, Long num) { if(num == null) { return null; } String script = "local last ='get', KEYS[1]); " + "if not last or tonumber(ARGV[1]) > tonumber(last) then " + "'set', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); " + "end; " + "return last; "; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.VALUE, Collections.singletonList(key), num); } @Override public Long luaDoubleAddUp(String key, Double val, boolean end) { if(val == null) { return null; } String script = "local v ='incrbyfloat', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); " + "local t1, t2 = math.modf(v);" + "if ARGV[2] == 'true' then " + "'del', KEYS[1]);" + "else " + "'set', KEYS[1], t2);" + "end; " + "return t1;"; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.VALUE, Collections.singletonList(key), val, end); } @Override public String couponsOperator(String key, long now, boolean reduce, CallStatus.Coupons value) { String script = "while true do " + " local r ='lpop', KEYS[1]); " + " if not r then break; end; " + " local json = cjson.decode(r); " + " if json.expireTime > tonumber(ARGV[1]) then " + " if ARGV[2] == 'true' then return r; end; " + "'lpush', KEYS[1], r); break; " + " end; " + " end; " + " local v = ARGV[3]; if v ~= '' then'rpush', KEYS[1], v); end; " + " return v; "; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.VALUE, Collections.singletonList(key), now, reduce, value == null ? "" : JSON.toJSONString(value)); } @Override public void fixSizeListAdd(String key, String value, int limit) { String script = "local t ='llen', KEYS[1]);" + "if (t >= tonumber(ARGV[2])) then " + "'rpop', KEYS[1]); end; " + "'lpush', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); "; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.BOOLEAN, Collections.singletonList(key), value, limit); } /** * 数据量不大的情况下,首页也可以考虑这种方式获取排序的数据。 * @param key * @param language * @param country * @return */ @Override public String sortTable(String key, String language, String country) { String script = "local t ='hgetall', KEYS[1]);\n" + "local arr = {};\n" + "for i, v in pairs(t) do\n" + " if i % 2 == 0 then\n" + " local j = cjson.decode(v)\n" + " if j.language == ARGV[1] then j.languageEquals = 1 else j.languageEquals = 0 end;\n" + " if == ARGV[2] then j.countryEquals = 1 else j.countryEquals = 0 end;\n" + " table.insert(arr, j)\n" + " end \n" + "end \n" + "table.sort(arr, function (a, b) \n" + " local ta = a.languageEquals + a.countryEquals; \n" + " local tb = b.languageEquals + b.countryEquals; \n" + " if ta > 0 then ta = 1 end; \n" + " if tb > 0 then tb = 1 end; \n" + " if ta - tb == 0 then \n" + " return a.createTime < b.createTime \n" + " else " + " return ta > tb end;\n" + "end)\n" + "return cjson.encode(arr); \n"; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.VALUE, Collections.singletonList(key), language, country); } @Override public String hSetIsNull(String key, String field, String value) { String script = "local t ='hget', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]);\n" + "if t then return t; else'hset', KEYS[1], ARGV[1], ARGV[2]); return t; end;"; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.VALUE, Collections.singletonList(key), field, value); } @Override public String setIsNull(String key, String value) { String script = "local t ='get', KEYS[1]);\n" + "if t then return t; else'set', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); return t; end;"; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.VALUE, Collections.singletonList(key), value); } @Override public String updateJson(String key, String field, long num, long limit) { String script = "local t ='get', KEYS[1]);\n" + "local j;\n" + "if t then j = cjson.decode(t); else j = cjson.decode(\"{}\"); end;\n" + "local n;\n" + "if j[ARGV[3]] then n = tonumber(j[ARGV[3]]); else n = 0 end;\n" + "local r = n + tonumber(ARGV[1]);\n" + "local limit = tonumber(ARGV[2]);\n" + "if r >= 0 and (limit < 0 or r <= limit) then j[ARGV[3]] = r; " + "'set', KEYS[1], cjson.encode(j)); end;\n" + "j[ARGV[3]] = r;" + "return cjson.encode(j);"; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.VALUE, Collections.singletonList(key), num, limit, field); } @Override public String updateJson(String key, String field, String value) { String script = "local t ='get', KEYS[1]);\n" + "local j;\n" + "if t then j = cjson.decode(t); else j = cjson.decode(\"{}\"); end;\n" + "j[ARGV[1]] = ARGV[2]; " + "'set', KEYS[1], cjson.encode(j));\n" + "return cjson.encode(j);"; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.VALUE, Collections.singletonList(key), field, value); } @Override public String hUpdateJson(String key, String uid, String field, long num, long limit) { String script = "local t ='hget', KEYS[1], ARGV[4]);\n" + "local j;\n" + "if t then j = cjson.decode(t); else j = cjson.decode(\"{}\"); end;\n" + "local n;\n" + "if j[ARGV[3]] then n = tonumber(j[ARGV[3]]); else n = 0 end;\n" + "local r = n + tonumber(ARGV[1]);\n" + "local limit = tonumber(ARGV[2]);\n" + "if r >= 0 and (limit < 0 or r <= limit) then j[ARGV[3]] = r; " + "'hset', KEYS[1], ARGV[4], cjson.encode(j)); end;\n" + "j[ARGV[3]] = r;" + "return cjson.encode(j);"; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.VALUE, Collections.singletonList(key), num, limit, field, uid); } @Override public String mUpdateJson(String key, List<String> field, List<Number> num, List<Long> limit) { if(field == null || num == null || limit == null) { throw new RuntimeException("mUpdateJson param error, has null, field: " + field + " num:" + num + " limit: " + limit); } field =; num =; limit =; if(field.size() > 100) { throw new RuntimeException("mUpdateJson operator field length not > 100!"); } if(field.size() != num.size() || field.size() != limit.size()) { throw new RuntimeException("mUpdateJson param size error, fieldSize: " + field.size() + " numSize:" + num.size() + " limitSize: " + limit.size()); } String script = "local t ='get', KEYS[1]);\n" + "local j; local err = false;\n" + "if t then j = cjson.decode(t); else j = cjson.decode(\"{}\"); end;\n" + "local n;\n" + "for i = 1, #ARGV, 3 do \n" + "if j[ARGV[i]] then n = tonumber(j[ARGV[i]]); else n = 0 end;\n" + "local r = n + tonumber(ARGV[i + 1]);\n" + "local limit = tonumber(ARGV[i + 2]);\n" + "if (r >= 0 or r > n) and (limit < 0 or r <= limit) then j[ARGV[i]] = r;\n" + "else j[ARGV[i]] = r; err = true; j['error'] = 1; end;\n" + "end; \n" + "local er = cjson.encode(j);\n" + "if err then return er;\n" + "else'set', KEYS[1], er); return er end;"; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); int size = field.size(); Object[] param = new Object[size * 3]; for(int i = 0;i < size;i++) { param[3 * i] = field.get(i); param[3 * i + 1] = num.get(i); param[3 * i + 2] = limit.get(i); } return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.VALUE, Collections.singletonList(key), param); } @Override public void listDel(String key, String value) { String script = "local t ='LRANGE', KEYS[1], 0, -1); " + "if t then " + "local len = 0; " + "for i=1, #t do " + " if (t[i] == ARGV[1]) then table.remove(t, i); len = len - 1; end;" + " len = len + 1; " + "end; " + "'del', KEYS[1]); " + "if len > 0 then'RPUSH', KEYS[1], unpack(t)); end;" + "end;"; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.BOOLEAN, Collections.singletonList(key), value); } @Override public List<Long> sAddAndExpire(String key, String field, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) { String script = "local t ='sadd', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]);" + "local time ='ttl', KEYS[1]);" + "if not time or tonumber(time) <= 0 then'EXPIRE', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]); end;" + "return {t,'scard', KEYS[1])}; "; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.MULTI, Collections.singletonList(key), field, timeUnit.toMillis(time)/1000); } @Override public String hSetAndExpire(String key, String field, String value, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) { String script = "local t ='hget', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]);" + "'hset', KEYS[1], ARGV[1], ARGV[2]);" + "local time ='ttl', KEYS[1]);" + "if not time or tonumber(time) <= 0 then'EXPIRE', KEYS[1], ARGV[3]); end;" + "return t; "; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.VALUE, Collections.singletonList(key), field, value, timeUnit.toMillis(time)/1000); } @Override public boolean zAddAndExpire(String key, String field, double score, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) { String script = "local t ='zadd', KEYS[1], ARGV[1], ARGV[2]);" + "local time ='ttl', KEYS[1]);" + "if not time or tonumber(time) <= 0 then'EXPIRE', KEYS[1], ARGV[3]); end;" + "return t; "; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.BOOLEAN, Collections.singletonList(key), field, score, timeUnit.toMillis(time)/1000); } @Override public Long incrementAndExpire(String key, Long value, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) { String script = "local t ='INCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]);" + "local time ='ttl', KEYS[1]);" + "if not time or tonumber(time) <= 0 then'EXPIRE', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]); end;" + "return t; "; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.INTEGER, Collections.singletonList(key), value, timeUnit.toMillis(time)/1000); } @Override public Long hIncrementAndExpire(String key, String field, Long score, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) { String script = "local t ='HINCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1], ARGV[2]);" + "local time ='ttl', KEYS[1]);" + "if not time or tonumber(time) <= 0 then'EXPIRE', KEYS[1], ARGV[3]); end;" + "return t; "; RScript rscript = redissonClient.getScript(); return rscript.eval(RScript.Mode.READ_WRITE, script, RScript.ReturnType.INTEGER, Collections.singletonList(key), field, score, timeUnit.toMillis(time)/1000); } }
标签:redisson,return,String,redissonClient,key,Override,工具,public From: