SELECT order_num, COUNT(*) AS items
FROM OrderItems
GROUP BY order_num
ORDER BY items, order_num;
编写 SQL 语句,返回名为 cheapest_item 的字段,该字段包含每个供应商成本最低的产品(使用 Products 表中的 prod_price),然后从最低成本到最高成本对结果进行排序
在这个例子中,使用 GROUP BY 子句按订单号(order_num 列)分组数据,以便 COUNT(*)函数能够返回每个订单中的物品数目。HAVING 子句过滤数据,使得只返回包含三个或更多物品的订单。最后,用 ORDER BY子句排序输出。
SELECT vend_id, min(prod_price) as cheapest_item FROM products
group by vend_id
order by cheapest_item,vend_id ;
确定最佳顾客非常重要,请编写 SQL 语句,返回至少含 100 项的所有订单的订单号(OrderItems 表中的 order_num)
SELECT order_num
FROM OrderItems
GROUP BY order_num
HAVING SUM(quantity) >= 100
ORDER BY order_num;
HAVING 子句是用来过滤特定的组的
提示:不要忘记 **ORDER BY**
一般在使用 GROUP BY 子句时,应该也给出 ORDER BY 子句。这是保
证数据正确排序的唯一方法。千万不要仅依赖 GROUP BY 排序数据。
<select id="pageUserData" resultType="com.shsajt.common.dto.UserDataPageDTO">
wap.user_id AS userId,
count(case when cw.work_type_id = 8 then cw.id end) AS checkCount,
count(case when cw.work_type_id = 9 then cw.id end) AS trainCount,
count(case when cw.work_type_id = 10 then cw.id end) AS guideCount,
count(case when cw.work_type_id = 11 then cw.id end) AS serveCount,
count(case when cw.work_type_id = 12 then cw.id end) AS meetCount,
count(case when cw.work_type_id = 13 then cw.id end) AS reportCount,
count(case when cw.work_type_id = 14 then cw.id end) AS otherCount
work_and_person wap
contract_work cw
wap.work_id = cw.id
cw.deleted = 0 and wap.deleted = 0
and cw.office_id = #{vo.officeId}
<if test="vo.beginCreate != null">
and cw.gmt_create <![CDATA[ >= ]]> #{vo.beginCreate}
<if test="vo.endCreate != null">
and cw.gmt_create <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{vo.endCreate}
group by wap.user_id
order by cw.gmt_create desc
分组关键字 group by加上去之后,count(case when cw.work_type_id = 8 then cw.id end) AS checkCount 就是对分完组的每个小组的cw.work_type_id进行操作了而不是整个cw表的work_type_id。
标签:系列,type,work,order,分组,SQL,2724586,cw,id From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zheng-s/p/17712214.html