create database database_name;
create database db_book;
2, 查看数据库
Show databases;
Drop database database_name;
Drop database db_book;
Create table table_name(字段 属性,) CHARSET=utf8;
2,给表增加字段 add
Alter table table_name add filed_name 属性;
Alter table old_tableName rename new_tableName;
2,给表修改字段 change
Alter table table_name change old_field_name new_field_name 属性;
3,删除表字段 drop
Alter table table_name drop field_name;
Drop table table_name;
-- 查询所有的数据
select * from t_student ;
-- 查询年龄20的学生 where
select * from t_Student where age=21;
-- 查询年龄不等于20的学生 !=
select * from t_Student where age!=21;
-- 查询年龄20到21间的学生 between and
select * from t_Student where age between 20 and 21;
-- 初选年龄不在20到21间的学生
select * from t_Student where age not between 20 and 21;
-- 查询年龄在数组中的学生 in
select * from t_Student where age in (20, 21);
-- 查询 not in
select * from t_Student where age not in (20, 21);
-- 查询 null
select * from t_Student where sex is null;
-- 查询is not null;
select * from t_Student where sex is not null;
-- like 模糊查询_是一个词
select * from t_Student where stuName like '张_';
-- %是多个词
select * from t_Student where stuName like '张%';
-- 去除字段中的重复值
select distinct gradeName from t_Student;
-- GROUP BY必须分组相关数据,如果直接用*,会报错
select gradeName,GROUP_CONCAT(stuName) from t_Student GROUP BY gradeName;
SELECT sex,COUNT(stuName) FROM t_student GROUP BY sex HAVING COUNT(stuName)>2;
-- 从下标2开始,10个数据
select * from t_Student limit 2,10
四、 聚会函数查询
-- count,计数
select COUNT(*) as total from t_grade ;
-- 分组后再计数
-- 最大的得分,
select stuName,COUNT(*) as total from t_grade GROUP BY stuName;
当使用group by 时,前边必须查询分组字段
select stuName, MAx(score) from t_grade GROUP BY stuName;
-- avg平均数
select stuName, avg(score) from t_grade GROUP BY stuName;
五、 多表查询、内连接,左右外连接
-- 直接通过where实现多表的连接,内连接
select * FROM t_book tb, t_booktype tbk where tb.bookTypeId = tbk.id;
-- 通过table1 left join table2 on 表1属性=表2属性
select * FROM t_book tb LEFT JOIN t_booktype tbk on tb.bookTypeId= tbk.id;
-- 通过table1 right join table2 on 表1属性=表2属性
select * FROM t_book tb RIGHT JOIN t_booktype tbk on tb.bookTypeId = tbk.id;
-- 连接后,再次通过and来操作过滤
select * FROM t_book tb RIGHT JOIN t_booktype tbk on tb.bookTypeId = tbk.id and tb.price > 70;
-- 三张表连接
select * FROM (t_book tb RIGHT JOIN t_booktype2 tbk2 on tb.bookTypeId=tbk2.id ) RIGHT JOIN t_booktype tbk on tb.bookTypeId = tbk.id;
对已经查询的结果再次查询,in, any,all,exists
-- 对已经查询的结果再次查询,使用where in
SELECT * FROM t_book tb where tb.id in (SELECT id FROM t_booktype);
-- 对查询结果在查询,使用where exists 子查询有结果就查询外边
SELECT * FROM t_book tb where exists (SELECT id FROM t_booktype);
-- 对查询结果在查询,使用where not exists 子查询没有结果就查询外边
SELECT * FROM t_book tb where not exists (SELECT id FROM t_booktype);
-- 对查询结果在查询,使用where any 满足任何一个子查询的结果,就查询外边
SELECT * FROM t_book tb where price >= any (SELECT price FROM t_pricelevel);
-- 对查询结果在查询,使用where all 满足全部子查询的结果,就查询外边
SELECT * FROM t_book tb where price >= all (SELECT price FROM t_pricelevel);
使用union,union all,和给表、字段取别名
-- union会自动去掉重复数据,union的两个表必须有相同的列数,按照第一个表的字段去排列数据
SELECT id FROM t_book union SELECT id FROM t_booktype ;
-- union all不去掉重复数据,union all的两个表必须有相同的列数,按照第一个表的字段去排列数据
SELECT id, price FROM t_book union all SELECT id,bookTypeName FROM t_booktype ;
-- 字段一般加上as,也可以省略,表后直接加别名,不需要as
SELECT tb.id as id1, tb.price as price2, tbk.id as tbk_id FROM t_book tb LEFT JOIN t_booktype tbk on tb.bookTypeId = tbk.id;
-- 增加表中数据行
insert into t_book (author) values('我爱我家'),('我爱我家2'),('我爱我家3');
-- 删除表中数据行
DELETE from t_book where author is Null;
-- 修改表中数据行
update t_book set author='我' WHERE author like '我%' ;
标签:语句,--,tb,查询,mysql,where,id,select From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wuzhenhu/p/17679333.html