redis-py提供两个类Redis和StrictRedis用于实现Redis的命令,StrictRedis用于实现大部分官方的命令,并使用官方的语法和命令(比如,SET命令对应与StrictRedis.set方法)。Redis是StrictRedis的子类,用于向后兼容旧版本的redis-py。 简单说,官方推荐使用StrictRedis方法。
·LREM:参数 ‘num’ 和 ‘value’ 的顺序交换了一下,cli是 lrem queueName 0 ‘string’ 。 这里的0时所有的意思。 但是Redis这个类,把控制和string调换了。
·ZADD:实现时 score 和 value 的顺序不小心弄反了,后来有人用了,就这样了
·SETEX: time 和 value 的顺序反了
.Pool: 连接池
再就是连接池,很多人用Redis的原因是,以前的一些个博客的关于python redis的操作,基本用的时Redis的连接池方式。 其实StrictRedis也是支持的。
pool = redis . ConnectionPool ( host = 'localhost' , port = 6379 , db = 0 )
r = redis . Redis ( connection_pool = pool )
In [ 4 ] : pool = redis . ConnectionPool ( host = '' , port = 6379 )
In [ 5 ] : r = redis . StrictRedis ( connection_pool = pool )
class redis . StrictRedis ( host = 'localhost' , port = 6379 , db = 0 , password = None , socket_timeout = None , connection_pool = None , charset = 'utf-8' , errors = 'strict' , decode_responses = False , unix_socket_path = None )
Implementation of the Redis protocol .
This abstract class provides a Python interface to all Redis commands and an implementation of the Redis protocol .
Connection and Pipeline derive from this , implementing how the commands are sent and received to the Redis server
另外的再说下redis的对于有些编码入库的问题,redis的连接附加的参数里面,默认编码是utf-8,但是如果你非要用GBK那就需要指明你的chardet和decode_responses为True 。
class redis . StrictRedis ( host = 'localhost' , port = 6379 , db = 0 , password = None , socket_timeout = None , connection_pool = None , charset = 'GBK ' , errors = 'strict' , decode_responses = True )
嗯,剩下的就没什么了 。以后要好好的看文档哈。
更新, 今天又遇到这问题了…
redis . zadd ( 'timer_scheduler' , json . dumps ( urlbody ) , score )
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/redis/" , line 1574 , in zadd
return self . execute_command ( 'ZADD' , name , * pieces )
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/redis/" , line 565 , in execute_command
return self . parse_response ( connection , command_name , * * options )
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/redis/" , line 577 , in parse_response
response = connection . read_response ( )
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/redis/" , line 574 , in read_response
raise response
ResponseError : value is not a valid float
很明显,顺序不对… ResponseError: value is not a valid float ,字符串跟score反了…