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mongodb explain

时间:2023-07-31 13:34:00浏览次数:56  
标签:mongodb explain plan query performance execution method

MongoDB Explain: Understanding Query Optimization

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that offers high performance, scalability, and flexibility. To make the most out of this database system, it's important to optimize your queries. MongoDB provides a powerful tool called explain that helps developers understand how the database executes their queries and find opportunities for query optimization.

What is explain?

The explain method in MongoDB provides detailed information about the execution plan of a query. It returns a document containing statistics and metadata about how the query is executed, such as the index used, the number of scanned documents, and the execution time.

Using the explain method, you can understand how your queries are performing and identify potential performance bottlenecks. It helps you optimize your database schema, indexes, and query patterns to achieve better performance.

How to Use explain?

To use the explain method, you need to call it on a query using the find method. Here's an example:

db.collection('users').find({ age: { $gt: 25 } }).explain();

In this example, we are using the find method to search for all users with an age greater than 25. By calling explain on this query, we can retrieve the execution plan details.

The result of the explain method will contain various fields that provide insights into the query execution process. Some of the important fields are:

  • queryPlanner: Provides information about the query plan chosen by the query optimizer.
  • executionStats: Gives detailed statistics about the query execution, including the number of documents examined, the execution time, and the memory usage.
  • winningPlan: Describes the chosen query plan, including the indexes used and the number of documents examined.

Analyzing the explain Output

Let's dive into the fields returned by the explain method and understand how to interpret them.


The queryPlanner field contains information about the query plan selected by the query optimizer. It includes the selected plan's state, index usage, and other relevant details. By analyzing this field, you can identify whether the query optimizer is choosing the desired plan.


The executionStats field provides detailed statistics about the query execution. It includes the execution time, number of documents examined, number of documents returned, index usage, and memory usage. These statistics help you assess the query's performance and identify potential areas for improvement.


The winningPlan field describes the chosen query plan. It includes information about the index used, the number of documents examined, and the stage-by-stage execution plan. This field is crucial in understanding how MongoDB executes your query and if it is utilizing the available indexes efficiently.

Optimizing Queries Using explain

The explain method is a powerful tool for optimizing queries in MongoDB. By analyzing the output, you can identify potential performance issues and take appropriate actions to improve them. Here are a few tips on how to use explain effectively:

1. Check Index Usage

Ensure that the query is utilizing the appropriate indexes. The winningPlan field provides information about the indexes used for the query. If the output shows no index usage or a suboptimal index, you may need to create additional indexes or modify existing ones to improve performance.

2. Assess Document Scanning

The executionStats field provides information about the number of documents examined during the query execution. If the number of examined documents is significantly high, it may indicate suboptimal query performance. Consider optimizing the query or adding indexes to reduce the number of scanned documents.

3. Analyze Execution Time

The executionStats field also includes the execution time of the query. If the execution time is longer than expected, you can investigate the query plan and consider optimizations such as index creation, query rewriting, or schema changes.

4. Use Different Query Patterns

By analyzing multiple query plans using explain, you can compare the performance of different query patterns. Experiment with different query patterns and analyze their explain output to find the most efficient approach.


The explain method in MongoDB is a powerful tool for query optimization. By using this method, you can gain insights into the query execution process, analyze the query plan, and identify opportunities for performance improvements. By making efficient use of indexes, optimizing document scanning, and analyzing execution time, you can greatly enhance the performance of your MongoDB queries.

Remember to utilize the explain method during the development and optimization process to ensure your queries are efficient and performant. With this knowledge, you can take full advantage of MongoDB's capabilities and deliver high-performance applications.

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16175510/6907489


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