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【数据库原理、编程与性能】Programming to access a Database

时间:2023-06-20 11:35:42浏览次数:41  
标签:cust exec Database Programming declare access sql id name


  • 1. Introduction to Embedded SQL in C
  • 1.1 Declare section
  • 1.2 Connect/Disconnect
  • 1.2.1 Connect
  • 1.2.2 Disconnect
  • 1.3 Commit / Rollback
  • 1.4 Whenever
  • 1.5 一个实例:
  • 1.6 Host Variable
  • 1.6.1 Definition
  • 1.6.2 说明
  • 1.6.3 用法
  • 1.6.4 实例
  • 1.6.5 Indicator Var
  • 2. Common Embedded SQL statements
  • 2.1 Cursor
  • 2.1.1 Using Method
  • 2.2.2 实例
  • 2.2 Select
  • 2.3 Delete
  • 2.3.1 Two forms of Delete statement
  • 2.3.2 Embedded Delete statement
  • 2.3.3 实例
  • 2.4 Update
  • 2.4.1 Two forms of Update statement
  • 2.4.2 Forms of Embedded Searched Update statement
  • 2.4.3 Forms of Embedded Positioned Update statement
  • 2.5 Insert
  • 2.6 Whenever
  • 3. Programming for Transaction
  • 3.1 Transaction property : referred as “ACID” properties
  • 3.2 Transaction的ACID特性遭破坏的可能因素
  • 4. Lock
  • 4.1 Classification of the Lock
  • 4.2 Diagnose Dead lock

1. Introduction to Embedded SQL in C

  • 句首:EXEC SQL

EXEC SQL SELECT [ALL|DISTINCT] expression{, expr…} INTO host_variable { , host_variable… } FROM tableref [corr_name] {, tableref[corr_name] …} [WHERE search_condition]

  • 分类
  • Declaration Statement(说明性语句)
  • Executable Statement(可执行语句)

1.1 Declare section

exec sql begin declare section;

···声明部分(host variable)···

exec sql end declare section;


exec sql begin declare section;
char c_id[5] = "c001", c_name[14];
float c_discnt;	
exec sql end declare section;

1.2 Connect/Disconnect

1.2.1 Connect

连接ORACLE数据库:exec sql connect :user_name identified by :user_pwd;

1.2.2 Disconnect


  • exec sql disconnect connect_name;
  • exec sql disconnect current;

1.3 Commit / Rollback


  • 对于成功执行的事务:
  • CommitDisconnect的组合:

exec sql commit work; exec sql disconnect current;

  • ORACLE的特殊语法(同时执行CommitDisconnect):

exec sql commit release;

  • 对于执行失败的事务:
  • RollbackDisconnect的组合:

exec sql rollback work; exec sql disconnect current;

  • ORACLE的特殊语法(同时执行RollbackDisconnect):

exec sql rollback release;

1.4 Whenever


exec sql include sqlca//为特定的错误和统计分配空间(SQL Communication Area) exec sql whenever sqlerror goto report_error;//发生错误时跳转至report_error处

1.5 一个实例:


#include <stdio.h>
#include "prompt.h"
exec sql include sqlca;

char  cid_prompt [] = "Please enter customer id:"; 
int main(){
    exec sql begin declare section;//声明部分
    char cust_id[5], cust_name[l4];
    float cust_di scnt;
    char user_name[20], user_pwd[20];
    exec sql end declare section;
    exec sql whenever sqlerror goto report_error;//错误跳转
    exec sql whenever not found goto notfound; //查询失败跳转
    strcpy(user_name,  "poneilsql");
    strcpy(user _pwd.   "XXXX"); 
    exec sql connect :user_name identified by :user_pwd;//连接数据库
    while((prompt(cid_prompt, 1, cust_id, 4))  > 0)//输入cust_id
        exec sql select cname, discnt into :cust_name, :cust_discnt 
        from customers where cid = :cust_id;//查询
    	exec sql commit work;//正确执行
    	printf("Customer's name is %s and discount is %5.lf\n", cust_name, cust_discnt);
    	notfound:   printf("Can't find customer %s", cust_id);//查询失败执行
	exec sql commit release; //事务执行正常,断开连接
	return 0;
	report_error:	print_dberror() ://错误报告
    exec sql rollback release; //事务执行失败,回退并断开连接
    return  1;

1.6 Host Variable

【数据库原理、编程与性能】Programming to access a Database_SQL

1.6.1 Definition

  • Input host variable :由主语言对其赋值,在 SQL 语句中引用。
  • Output host variable :由 SQL 语句对其赋值,在主语言中引用。
  • Indicator variable ( 指示变量) :为整型变量,跟在(I/O) Host Var之后 ,用来“指示”主变量值的可使用条件。

1.6.2 说明

exec sql begin declare section;
char cust_id; c_dis;
exec sql end declare section;

1.6.3 用法

  • 在 SQL句中使用时,前面要 加冒号(:)作为标志,且指示变量
  • 在 Host Language 句中使用, 不必加冒号。

1.6.4 实例

exec sql begin declare section
char cust_id, c_dis;
integer c_ind;
exec sql end declare section
exec sql select discnt into :c_dis :c_ind from customers
where cid=:cust_id;
if (c_ind==0) printf(―The discount of %s is %d !\n‖, cust_id, c_dis);

1.6.5 Indicator Var

跟在某个Host-Varible 之后,指示 SQL 执行后,此Host Varible 值的合法性,其自身值也有三种可能。

  • = 0 , not null, the value is assigned to the host-varible.
  • > 0 , a truncated value is assigned to the host-varible.
  • = -1 , is null, the host-varible value is not a meaningful.

2. Common Embedded SQL statements

2.1 Cursor

【数据库原理、编程与性能】Programming to access a Database_SQL_02

2.1.1 Using Method

  • 定义游标 (declare cursor)

exec sql declare <cursor_name> cursor for <Subquery> [Read only | For Updata of colname];

  • 打开游标 (open cursor)

exec sql OPEN <cursor_name>;

  • 推进游标 (fetch cursor),并将当前指向的buffer 数据放入主变量中

exec sql FETCH < cursor_name > INTO <host_var1> {,<host_var2>…};

  • 关闭游标 (close cursor)

exec sql CLOSE < cursor_name >;

2.2.2 实例

a GROUP BY Select statement listing agent ID values and sum of dollar orders by these agents for any customer ID provided by the user.

#define TRUE 1
#include <stdio.h>
#include ―prompt.h
exec sql include sqlca;
exec sql begin declare section;
char cust_id[5], agent_id[4];
double dollar_sum;
exec sql end declare section;

int main()
    char cid_prompt[]="Please input customer id:";
    exec sql declare agent_dollars cursor for
        select aid,sum(dollars) from orders where cid = :cust_id group by aid;
    exec sql whenever sqlerror goto report-error; /* error condition */
    exec sql connect to testdb; /* for DB2 login */
    exec sql whenever not found goto finish; /* not found condition */
    while (prompt(cid_prompt,1,cust_id,4))>0) /*input cid get cname,discnt*/
        exex sql open agent_dollars;
        while (TRUE) {
            exec sql fetch agent_dollars into :agent_id, :dollar_sum;
            printf("%s %11.2f\n", agent_id, dollar_dum);
        finish: exec sql close agent_dollars ;
        exec sql commit work;
    exec sql disconnect current ; /* Disconnect from database */
    return 0; /* Indicate success of program */
    report-error : print_dberror(); /* Print out error message */
    exec sql rollback work ;
    exec sql disconnect current ;
    return 1; /* Indicate failure of program */

2.2 Select

EXEC SQL SELECT [ALL|DISTINCT] expression{, expr…}
INTO host_variable { , host_variable… }
FROM tableref [corr_name] {, tableref[corr_name] …}
[WHERE search_condition ]

2.3 Delete

2.3.1 Two forms of Delete statement

  • Searched Delete
  • Positioned Delete(use cursor|我认为所有的Positioned ···都是为了保存被修改前的数据)

2.3.2 Embedded Delete statement

exec sql DELETE FROM tablename [corr_name]
[WHERE search_condition | WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name];

2.3.3 实例

Delete all customers from the customers table who live in Duluth and have made no orders.

  • In a Searched Delete
exec sql delete from customers c where c.city = ‗Duluth‘ and
not exists (select * from orders o where o.cid =c.cid) ;
  • In a Positioned Delete
exec sql declare delcust cursor for
select cid from customers c where c.city = ‗Duluth‘ and
not exists (select * from orders o where o.cid = c.cid) for update of cid;
exec sql whenever not found goto skip;
exec sql open delcust;
while (TRUE) {exec sql fetch delcust into :cust_id;
exec sql delete from customers where current of delcust;}
skip : ……

2.4 Update

2.4.1 Two forms of Update statement

  • Searched Update
  • Positioned Update — using a cursor

2.4.2 Forms of Embedded Searched Update statement

exec sql UPDATE tablename [corr_name]
SET colname1 = expr { , colname2 = expr… }[WHERE search_condition];

2.4.3 Forms of Embedded Positioned Update statement

exec sql UPDATE tablename SET columnname=expr { , column=expr… }
WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name ;

2.5 Insert

exec sql INSERT INTO tablename [ (columnname { , columnname…} ) ]
{VALUES (expr { , expr } ) | Subquery } ;

2.6 Whenever

exec sql WHENEVER condition action ;
  • condition
  • sqlerror
  • not found
  • sqlwarning
  • action
  • continue
  • goto label
  • stop
  • do function

3. Programming for Transaction

  • 用户定义的一组 DB 操作序列。这些操作:
  • 要么全部操作成功,并永久性更新到DB 中
  • 要么操作失败,放弃本次所有操作对DB 的更新, DB 恢复到未操作前的状态
  • Database Transaction 一个不可分割的数据库运行单位(SQL是程序的书写单位)

3.1 Transaction property : referred as “ACID” properties

  • Atomicity: 事务是 DB 的逻辑运行单位。 ( 原子性)
  • Consistency: 事务执行效果使DB从一致性稳态A 变到一致性稳态B 。 ( 一致性)
  • Isolation: 事务内部的操作及所用数据,对其他并发事物是隔离的,不能互相干扰。 ( 隔离性)
  • Durability: 事务一旦提交,它对DB 的Data 更新是永久性的,后续操作或故障对其执行结果没有任何影响。 ( 持续性)

3.2 Transaction的ACID特性遭破坏的可能因素

  • 多个Transaction并行时,不同事物交叉访问相同Data,需控制并发;
  • Transaction在运行时被强行中止,此时应做好恢复机制;

4. Lock

4.1 Classification of the Lock

  • Read access lock( R lock / share lock );
  • Update or Write lock(W lock / exclusive lock);

4.2 Diagnose Dead lock

  • with Precedence Graph in RDBMS;
    Node—transaction; Edge—request Lock; Loop circuit—Dead Lock2)
  • Checking with Counter in program;(在死锁中止的情况下进行重试事务)
  • Solve the dead lock both in DBMS and program: Killing one of the transaction.

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_16165815/6521635


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