-- WX:DBAJOE399 --
set line 200 pages 999 column name for a10 column tablespace_name for a15 column "MAXSIZE (GB)" format 9,999,990.00 column "ALLOC (GB)" format 9,999,990.00 column "USED (GB)" format 9,999,990.00 select a.con_id,c.name,b.tablespace_name,a.bytes_alloc/power(2,30) "MAXSIZE (GB)",nvl(a.physical_bytes,0)/power(2,30) "ALLOC (GB)" ,nvl(b.tot_used,0)/power(2,30) "USED (GB)" from (select con_id,tablespace_name, sum(bytes) physical_bytes,sum(decode(autoextensible,'NO',bytes,'YES',maxbytes)) bytes_alloc from cdb_data_files group by con_id,tablespace_name ) a, (select con_id,tablespace_name, sum(bytes) tot_used from cdb_segments group by con_id,tablespace_name ) b, (select name,con_id from v$containers) c where a.con_id= b.con_id and a.con_id = c.con_id and a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name (+) order by 1,3;
-- output
CON_ID NAME TABLESPACE_NAME MAXSIZE (GB) ALLOC (GB) USED (GB) ------ -------- --------------- ------------ ---------- --------- 1 CDB$ROOT SYSAUX 32,767.98 510.00 479.00 1 CDB$ROOT SYSTEM 32,767.98 840.00 829.88 1 CDB$ROOT UNDOTBS1 32,767.98 60.00 9.06 3 XEPDB1 SYSAUX 32,767.98 410.00 383.31 3 XEPDB1 SYSTEM 32,767.98 260.00 255.94 3 XEPDB1 UNDOTBS1 32,767.98 100.00 0.00 4 PDB2 SYSAUX 32,767.98 410.00 383.44 4 PDB2 SYSTEM 32,767.98 260.00 255.94 4 PDB2 UNDOTBS1 32,767.98 100.00 0.00
-- WX:DBAJOE399 --
set line 200 pages 999 column name for a10 column tablespace_name for a26 column "MAXSIZE (GB)" format 9,999,990.00 column "ALLOC (GB)" format 9,999,990.00 select a.con_id,c.name,a.tablespace_name,a.bytes_alloc/power(2,30) "MAXSIZE (GB)",nvl(a.physical_bytes,0)/power(2,30) "ALLOC (GB)" from (select con_id,tablespace_name, sum(bytes) physical_bytes,sum(decode(autoextensible,'NO',bytes,'YES',maxbytes)) bytes_alloc from cdb_temp_files group by con_id,tablespace_name ) a, (select name,con_id from v$containers) c where a.con_id = c.con_id order by 1,3;
CON_ID NAME TABLESPACE_NAME MAXSIZE (GB) ALLOC (GB) ------ -------- --------------- ------------ ---------- 1 CDB$ROOT TEMP 32,767.98 131.00 3 XEPDB1 TEMP 32,767.98 129.00 4 PDB2 TEMP 32,767.98 129.00
标签:tablespaces,used,datafiles,name,bytes,tablespace,GB,id,con From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Jeona/p/17444009.html