1、普遍用于 使用expdp/impdp 数据泵进行的数据(全库或者特定schemas)迁移
3、适用于RAC,SI,ADG 以及多实例的环境
创建脚本为 display_all_users_ddl.sh 然后将正文内容贴入 并保存,然后执行 bash display_all_users_ddl.sh ,
# ################################################## # This script generate DDL for ALL USERS [Creation & Privileges] # ################################################## SCRIPT_NAME="display_all_users_ddl" # ############ # Description: # ############ echo echo "=====================================================" echo "This script generates the CREATION STATEMENT for ALL USERS." echo "=================================================" echo sleep 1 # ####################################### # Excluded INSTANCES: # ####################################### # Here you can mention the instances the script will IGNORE and will NOT run against: # Use pipe "|" as a separator between each instance name. # e.g. Excluding: -MGMTDB, ASM instances: EXL_DB="\-MGMTDB|ASM" #Excluded INSTANCES [Will not get reported offline]. # ############################ # Listing Available Databases: # ############################ # Count Instance Numbers: INS_COUNT=$( ps -ef|grep pmon|grep -v grep|egrep -v ${EXL_DB}|wc -l ) # Exit if No DBs are running: if [ $INS_COUNT -eq 0 ] then echo No Database Running ! exit fi # If there is ONLY one DB set it as default without prompt for selection: if [ $INS_COUNT -eq 1 ] then export ORACLE_SID=$( ps -ef|grep pmon|grep -v grep|egrep -v ${EXL_DB}|awk '{print $NF}'|sed -e 's/ora_pmon_//g'|grep -v sed|grep -v "s///g" ) # If there is more than one DB ASK the user to select: elif [ $INS_COUNT -gt 1 ] then echo echo "Select the ORACLE_SID:[Enter the number]" echo ——————— select DB_ID in $( ps -ef|grep pmon|grep -v grep|egrep -v ${EXL_DB}|awk '{print $NF}'|sed -e 's/ora_pmon_//g'|grep -v sed|grep -v "s///g" ) do if [ -z "${REPLY##[0-9]*}" ] then export ORACLE_SID=$DB_ID echo Selected Instance: echo echo "********" echo $DB_ID echo "********" echo break else export ORACLE_SID=${REPLY} break fi done fi # Exit if the user selected a Non Listed Number: if [ -z "${ORACLE_SID}" ] then echo "You've Entered An INVALID ORACLE_SID" exit fi # ######################### # Getting ORACLE_HOME # ######################### ORA_USER=`ps -ef|grep ${ORACLE_SID}|grep pmon|grep -v grep|egrep -v ${EXL_DB}|awk '{print $1}'|tail -1` USR_ORA_HOME=`grep ${ORA_USER} /etc/passwd| cut -f6 -d ':'|tail -1` # SETTING ORATAB: if [ -f /etc/oratab ] then ORATAB=/etc/oratab export ORATAB ## If OS is Solaris: elif [ -f /var/opt/oracle/oratab ] then ORATAB=/var/opt/oracle/oratab export ORATAB fi # ATTEMPT1: Get ORACLE_HOME using pwdx command: PMON_PID=`pgrep -lf _pmon_${ORACLE_SID}|awk '{print $1}'` export PMON_PID ORACLE_HOME=`pwdx ${PMON_PID}|awk '{print $NF}'|sed -e 's/\/dbs//g'` export ORACLE_HOME #echo "ORACLE_HOME from PWDX is ${ORACLE_HOME}" # ATTEMPT2: If ORACLE_HOME not found get it from oratab file: if [ ! -f ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus ] then ## If OS is Linux: if [ -f /etc/oratab ] then ORATAB=/etc/oratab ORACLE_HOME=`grep -v '^\#' $ORATAB | grep -v '^$'| grep -i "^${ORACLE_SID}:" | perl -lpe'$_ = reverse' | cut -f3 | perl -lpe'$_ = reverse' |cut -f2 -d':'` export ORACLE_HOME ## If OS is Solaris: elif [ -f /var/opt/oracle/oratab ] then ORATAB=/var/opt/oracle/oratab ORACLE_HOME=`grep -v '^\#' $ORATAB | grep -v '^$'| grep -i "^${ORACLE_SID}:" | perl -lpe'$_ = reverse' | cut -f3 | perl -lpe'$_ = reverse' |cut -f2 -d':'` export ORACLE_HOME fi #echo "ORACLE_HOME from oratab is ${ORACLE_HOME}" fi # ATTEMPT3: If ORACLE_HOME is still not found, search for the environment variable: [Less accurate] if [ ! -f ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus ] then ORACLE_HOME=`env|grep -i ORACLE_HOME|sed -e 's/ORACLE_HOME=//g'` export ORACLE_HOME #echo "ORACLE_HOME from environment is ${ORACLE_HOME}" fi # ATTEMPT4: If ORACLE_HOME is not found in the environment search user's profile: [Less accurate] if [ ! -f ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus ] then ORACLE_HOME=`grep -h 'ORACLE_HOME=\/' $USR_ORA_HOME/.bash_profile $USR_ORA_HOME/.*profile | perl -lpe'$_ = reverse' |cut -f1 -d'=' | perl -lpe'$_ = reverse'|tail -1` export ORACLE_HOME #echo "ORACLE_HOME from User Profile is ${ORACLE_HOME}" fi # ATTEMPT5: If ORACLE_HOME is still not found, search for orapipe: [Least accurate] if [ ! -f ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus ] then ORACLE_HOME=`locate -i orapipe|head -1|sed -e 's/\/bin\/orapipe//g'` export ORACLE_HOME #echo "ORACLE_HOME from orapipe search is ${ORACLE_HOME}" fi # TERMINATE: If all above attempts failed to get ORACLE_HOME location, EXIT the script: if [ ! -f ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus ] then echo "Please export ORACLE_HOME variable in your .bash_profile file under oracle user home directory in order to get this script to run properly" echo "e.g." echo "export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1" exit fi # ######################### # Getting DB_NAME: # ######################### DB_NAME_RAW=$(${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus -S "/ as sysdba" <<EOF set pages 0 feedback off; prompt SELECT name from v\$database exit; EOF ) # Getting DB_NAME in Uppercase & Lowercase: DB_NAME=`echo ${DB_NAME_RAW}| perl -lpe'$_ = reverse' |awk '{print $1}'|perl -lpe'$_ = reverse'` # ################################################ # SQLPLUS: Get the creation statement for ALL USERS: # ############################################### # Variables export LOGDATE=`date +%d-%b-%y` SPOOLLOF=${USR_ORA_HOME}/List_Of_Users_${DB_NAME}_${LOGDATE}.log SPOOL_FILE=${USR_ORA_HOME}/ALL_USERS_DDL_${DB_NAME}_${LOGDATE}.log #if [ -f ${SPOOL_FILE} ] #then echo "*****************" > ${SPOOL_FILE} echo "ALL DB USERS DLL:" >> ${SPOOL_FILE} echo "*****************" >> ${SPOOL_FILE} echo "" >> ${SPOOL_FILE} #fi # Perpare the List of user to loop on: ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus -S '/ as sysdba' << EOF PROMPT spool ${SPOOLLOF} set pages 0 set echo off heading off feedback off select username from dba_users where username not in ('SYS','SYSTEM','DBSNMP','EXFSYS','MDSYS','ORDDATA','UNDOTBS1') order by 1; spool off EOF # Loop on each user with generating its DDL: for USERNAME in `cat ${SPOOLLOF}` do export USERNAME ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus -S '/ as sysdba' << EOF spool ${SPOOL_FILE} APPEND set termout off set linesize 190 set pages 50000 set feedback off set trim on set echo off col USERNAME for a30 col account_status for a23 PROMPT PROMPT --- DDL for USER [$USERNAME] --- PROMPT select a.username,a.account_status,a.profile,q.tablespace_name,q.bytes/1024/104 USED_MB, q.max_bytes "MAX_QUOTA_Bytes" from dba_users a, dba_ts_quotas q where a.username=q.username and a.username='$USERNAME'; set pages 0 set echo off heading off feedback off — Generate Creation Statement: SELECT 'CREATE USER ' || u.username ||' IDENTIFIED ' ||' BY VALUES "' || c.password || "' DEFAULT TABLESPACE ' || u.default_tablespace ||' TEMPORARY TABLESPACE ' || u.temporary_tablespace ||' PROFILE ' || u.profile || case when account_status= 'OPEN' then ';' else ' Account LOCK;' end "–Creation Statement" FROM dba_users u,user$ c where u.username=c.name and u.username=upper('$USERNAME') UNION — Generate Granted Roles: select 'GRANT '||GRANTED_ROLE||' TO '||GRANTEE|| case when ADMIN_OPTION='YES' then ' WITH ADMIN OPTION;' else ';' end "Granted Roles" from dba_role_privs where grantee= upper('$USERNAME') UNION — Generate System Privileges: select 'GRANT '||PRIVILEGE||' TO '||GRANTEE|| case when ADMIN_OPTION='YES' then ' WITH ADMIN OPTION;' else ';' end "Granted System Privileges" from dba_sys_privs where grantee= upper('$USERNAME') UNION — Generate Object Privileges: select 'GRANT '||PRIVILEGE||' ON '||OWNER||'.'||TABLE_NAME||' TO '||GRANTEE||case when GRANTABLE='YES' then ' WITH GRANT OPTION;' else ';' end "Granted Object Privileges" from DBA_TAB_PRIVS where GRANTEE=upper('$USERNAME'); spool off EOF done echo "" echo "[ALL USERS DDL SAVED TO: ${SPOOL_FILE}]" echo ""
标签:Shell,grep,users,script,DB,echo,export,ORACLE,HOME From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Jeona/p/17435697.html