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MySQL报Got timeout writing communication packets错误

时间:2023-03-12 15:23:26浏览次数:55  
标签:abce Aborted communication packets writing timeout Got


2023-02-14T14:19:48.330743+08:00 696688 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 696688 to db: 'abce' user: 'abce' host: '' (Got timeout writing communication packets).
2023-02-14T14:20:55.911237+08:00 697898 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 697898 to db: 'abce' user: 'abce' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets).
2023-02-14T14:25:31.417976+08:00 701674 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 701674 to db: 'abce' user: 'abce' host: '' (Got timeout writing communication packets).
2023-02-14T14:25:31.794582+08:00 695976 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 695976 to db: 'abce' user: 'abce' host: '' (Got timeout writing communication packets).
2023-02-14T14:26:43.106000+08:00 707258 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 707258 to db: 'abce' user: 'abce' host: '' (Got timeout writing communication packets).
2023-02-14T14:29:36.373428+08:00 709051 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 709051 to db: 'abce' user: 'abce' host: '' (Got timeout writing communication packets).
2023-02-14T14:37:15.716545+08:00 709222 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 709222 to db: 'abce' user: 'abce' host: '' (Got timeout writing communication packets).
2023-02-14T14:37:36.151345+08:00 710054 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 710054 to db: 'abce' user: 'abce' host: '' (Got timeout writing communication packets).
2023-02-14T14:40:36.133651+08:00 715894 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 715894 to db: 'abce' user: 'abce' host: '' (Got timeout writing communication packets).
2023-02-14T14:40:48.797275+08:00 700920 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 700920 to db: 'abce' user: 'abce' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets).
2023-02-14T14:40:48.797316+08:00 700669 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 700669 to db: 'abce' user: 'abce' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets).


>show variables like '%timeout%';
| Variable_name                     | Value    |
| connect_timeout                   | 10       |
| delayed_insert_timeout            | 300      |
| have_statement_timeout            | YES      |
| innodb_flush_log_at_timeout       | 1        |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout          | 10       |
| innodb_rollback_on_timeout        | ON       |
| interactive_timeout               | 1800     |
| lock_wait_timeout                 | 1800     |
| mysqlx_connect_timeout            | 30       |
| mysqlx_idle_worker_thread_timeout | 60       |
| mysqlx_interactive_timeout        | 28800    |
| mysqlx_port_open_timeout          | 0        |
| mysqlx_read_timeout               | 30       |
| mysqlx_wait_timeout               | 28800    |
| mysqlx_write_timeout              | 60       |
| net_read_timeout                  | 30       |
| net_write_timeout                 | 60       |
| replica_net_timeout               | 60       |
| rpl_stop_replica_timeout          | 31536000 |
| rpl_stop_slave_timeout            | 31536000 |
| slave_net_timeout                 | 60       |
| ssl_session_cache_timeout         | 300      |
| wait_timeout                      | 1800     |
>set global net_write_timeout=240;







·对于读网络超时,一般是wait_timeout/interactive_timeout,基本不会是net_read_timeout(特例是业务用到LOAD DATA LOCAL FILE)

Aborted connection报错一般分两种,
(1)Got an error reading communication packets,基本是网络等原因导致。
(2)Got timeout reading communication packets,原因基本是会话的idle时间达到了数据库指定的timeout时间。



[Warning] Aborted connection 6 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (Got timeout reading communication packets)

很可能需要调整的 wait_timeout/interactive_timeout。


[Warning] Aborted connection 12 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (Got timeout writing communication packets)

需要调整 net_write_timeout


需要注意的是,MySQL 的关于网络的错误,除了超时以外都认为是 error,没有做进一步的细分,比如可能会看到下面这种日志,有可能是客户端异常退出了,也有可能是网络链路异常。

[Warning] Aborted connection 8 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)

[Warning] Aborted connection 13 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (Got an error writing communication packets)

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/abclife/p/17119923.html
