# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import pymysql from rest_framework.response import Response logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # 连接数据库 def get_sql(): try: conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', port=3306, user='root', passwd='12345678', database='django_backend_master', charset='utf8') return conn except Exception as error: print(error) logger.error("===error==>{0}".format(error)) # 单条数据查询 def select_sql(sql_str, *parameter): conn = get_sql() cur = conn.cursor() try: cur.execute(sql_str, *parameter) results = cur.fetchall() return results except Exception as e: print(e) logger.error("===error==>{0}".format(e)) # 单条数据更新 def commit_sql(sql_str, *parameter): """ :param sql_str: sql语句 :param parameter: 参数 :return: """ conn = get_sql() cur = conn.cursor() conn.begin() try: cur.execute(sql_str, *parameter) except Exception as e: print(e) logger.error("===error==>{0}".format(e)) print('事务回滚') conn.rollback() else: print('事务提交') conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() return 200 # 批量数据更新 def sql_executemany(sql_str, *parameter): """ 正确保存sql语句 :param sql_str: :param sql_info: :return: """ conn = get_sql() cur = conn.cursor() conn.begin() # with get_sql() as conn: # with conn.cursor() as cur: try: cur.executemany(sql_str, *parameter) except Exception as e: print(e) logger.error("===error==>{0}".format(e)) print('事务回滚') conn.rollback() else: print('事务提交') conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() return 200 if __name__ == '__main__': import datetime now = datetime.datetime.now() ###################################################### """新增""" sql_tup = (str(now), str(now), 'PHP', 0) # cur.execute(sql_str)一个参数的写法 insert_sql = f""" insert into blog_tag (update_datetime, create_datetime, tag_name, articles_count) values {sql_tup} """ commit_sql(insert_sql) # ============================= # # cur.execute(sql_str, *parameter) 两个参数的写法 sql_tup = (str(now), str(now), 'PHP1', 0) insert_sql = f""" insert into blog_tag (update_datetime, create_datetime, tag_name, articles_count) values (%s,%s,%s,%s) """ commit_sql(insert_sql, sql_tup) # ============================= # # 批量新增 列表里面是元组,每个元组是新增的数据 sql_list = [(str(now), str(now), 'Django', 0)] insert_sql = f""" insert into blog_tag (update_datetime, create_datetime, tag_name, articles_count) values (%s,%s,%s,%s) """ sql_executemany(insert_sql, sql_list) ###################################################### """更新""" update_list = ['vue333', 3] update_sql = f""" update blog_tag set tag_name=%s where id=%s """ commit_sql(update_sql, update_list) # ============================= # update_list = [('vue222', 3)] update_sql = f""" update blog_tag set tag_name=(%s) where id=(%s) """ sql_executemany(update_sql, update_list) ###################################################### """删除""" delete_tup = ('PHP1', 23) delete_sql = f""" delete from blog_tag where tag_name=%s and id=%s """ commit_sql(delete_sql, delete_tup) delete_list = [('Go', 21)] delete_sql = f""" delete from blog_tag where tag_name=%s and id=%s """ sql_executemany(delete_sql, delete_list)
标签:进阶,Python,Mysql,update,tag,str,sql,conn,cur From: https://www.cnblogs.com/maplethefox/p/17187960.html