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PostgreSQL-14 安装配置-wsl_v1_ubuntu22.04

时间:2023-02-07 16:00:15浏览次数:74  
标签:psql PostgreSQL 14 service ubuntu22.04 sudo postgresql your postgres


pgAdmin: Cisco2022

leiwang6: Leiwang6_2023
postgres: Postgres_2023



Update your Ubuntu packages: sudo apt update
Once the packages have updated, install PostgreSQL (and the -contrib package which has some helpful utilities) with: sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
Confirm installation and get the version number: psql --version

There are 3 commands you need to know once PostgreSQL is installed:

sudo service postgresql status for checking the status of your database.
sudo service postgresql start to start running your database.
sudo service postgresql stop to stop running your database.

The default admin user, postgres, needs a password assigned in order to connect to a database. To set a password:

Enter the command: sudo passwd postgres
You will get a prompt to enter your new password.
Close and reopen your terminal.

To run PostgreSQL with psql shell:

Start your postgres service: sudo service postgresql start
Connect to the postgres service and open the psql shell: sudo -u postgres psql

Once you have successfully entered the psql shell, you will see your command line change to look like this: postgres=#

To see what user accounts have been created on your PostgreSQL installation, use from your WSL terminal: psql -c "\du" ...or just \du if you have the psql shell open

postgres=# \du
                                   List of roles
 Role name |                         Attributes                         | Member of 
 postgres  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wl30564/p/17098735.html


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