SQL Terms/Concepts | MongoDB Terms/Concepts |
database | database |
table | Collection(集合) |
row | document(文档) |
column | Key(键) |
Value | Value(值) |
index | index |
table joins | embedded documents and linking |
primary key | primary key |
Specify any unique column or column combination as primary key. | In MongoDB, the primary key is automatically set to the _id field. |
aggregation (e.g. group by) | aggregation pipeline |
Help | 查看帮助(mongodb 中注意大小写) |
db.help() | help on db methods |
db.mycoll.help() | help on collection methods |
sh.help() | sharding helpers |
rs.help() | replica set helpers |
help admin | administrative help |
help connect | connecting to a db help |
help keys | key shortcuts |
help misc | misc things to know |
help mr | mapreduce |
show dbs | show database names |
show collections | show collections in current database |
show users | show users in current database |
show profile | show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms |
show logs | show the accessible logger names |
show log [name] | prints out the last segment of log in memory, 'global' is default |
use <db_name> | set current database |
db.foo.find() | list objects in collection foo |
db.foo.find( { a : 1 } ) | list objects in foo where a == 1 |
it | result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate |
DBQuery.shellBatchSize = x | set default number of items to display on shell |
exit | quit the mongo shell |
数据库 | |
show dbs | 查看所有数据库 |
use mydb | 设置为当前数据库 |
db | 查看当前数据库名称 |
db.createCollection("tab") db.tab.insert({"id":1}) | 创建数据库(创建collection) 创建数据库(插入数据也会被创建) |
db.copyDatabase("mydb", "newmydb", "") | 复制为另一个新的数据库 |
db.dropDatabase() | 删除数据库 |
Collection定义操作(集合必须以字母或下划线开头) | |
db.createCollection("tab",{size:1024,max:1000,capped:true}) db.tab.insert({"id":1}) | 创建collections 并做限制(如创建“tab”) (插入数据也会创建collections) |
show collections | 查看当前数据库所有collections |
db.tab.drop() | 删除collections |
db.tab.update({},{$rename:{"name":"newname"}},false,true) | 更改所有行的字段名name为newname |
db.getCollection('tab').renameCollection('newtab') db.newtab.renameCollection('tab') | 更改collection名称 |
Collection 数据操作 | |
db.tab.save({"id":2}) db.tab.insert({"id":3}) db.tab.insert([{ size: "S", qty: 25 }, { size: "M", qty: 50 }]) db.tab.insert({ array :[{ size: "S", qty: 25 }, { size: "M", qty: 50 } ]}) | 插入数据到collections (会自动生成唯一列 “_id”) 插入多行(相当: insert into tab values(“S”,1), (“M”,50)) 字段中插入子集 |
db.tab.update({"id":1},{$set:{"id":5}}) | 更改数据(id值由1更改为5) |
db.tab.update({ id:2},{id:6, name:'E'}) | 将id=2的行更新为新的行 |
db.tab.update({"id":1},{$unset:{ name:'120'}}) | 删除一个键值对(删除id=2中的字段name) |
db.tab.update({"id":1},{$push:{ name:'C'}}) | 往id=1的行 字段为name数组中插入元素’C’ |
db.tab.update({"id":1},{$pull:{ name:'C'}}) | 从id=1的行 字段为name数组中删除所有元素’C’ |
db.tab.remove({"id":3}) db.tab.remove({"id":3},1) db.tab.remove({}) | 删除id=3的所有记录 删除id=3的第一条记录 删除所有记录 |
Collection查询数据操作 | |
Select * from tab | db.tab.find() db.tab.find({}) |
Select id from tab | db.tab.find({},{"id":1}) #({条件},{字段:0/1}) db.tab.find({},{"_id":0,"id":1}) db.tab.aggregate({ $project : {id : 1 }}); db.tab.find({id:{$exists:1}}); |
Select * from tab where id=1 | db.tab.find( { id :1}) |
Select id from tab where id=1 | db.tab.find({id :1},{"_id":0,"id":1}) |
Select * from tab where id<>1 | db.tab.find({id:{$ne:1}}) |
Select * from tab where id>2 | db.tab.find( { id: { $gt: 2} } ) |
Select * from tab where id<3 | db.tab.find( { id: { $lt: 3} } ) |
Select * from tab where id>=2 | db.tab.find( { id: { $gte: 2 } } ) |
Select * from tab where id<=3 | db.tab.find( { id: { $lte: 3} } ) |
Select * from tab where id = 1 or id = 2 | db.tab.find({$or:[{id:3},{id:2}]}) |
Select * from tab where id < 2 or id >4 | db.tab.find({$or:[{id:{$gt:4}},{id:{$lt:2}}]}) |
Select * from tab where id in (1,2) | db.tab.find( { id: { $in: [ 1, 2 ] } } ) |
Select * from tab where id not in (2,3) | db.tab.find({id:{"$nin":[2,3]}}) |
Select * from tab where id between 2 and 3 Select * from tab where id >= 2 and id <= 3 | db.tab.find({$and:[{id:{$gte:2}},{id:{$lte:5}}]}) |
Select * from tab where id = 1 and name = ‘kk’ | db.tab.find({id:2, name:'kk'}) |
Select distinct id from tab | db.tab.distinct("id"); db.runCommand ( { distinct: "tab", key: "id" } ) |
Select distinct id from tab where name = ‘A’ | db.runCommand({distinct:'tab',key:'id',query:{name:'A'}}) |
Select * from tab where name like ‘%A%’ | db.tab.find({ name:{$regex:"A"}}) db.tab.find({ name:/A/}) |
Select * from tab order by id asc | db.tab.find().sort({id:1}) |
Select * from tab order by id desc | db.tab.find().sort({id:-1}) |
Select top 5 * from tab | db.tab.find().limit(5) |
跳过前m条记 | db.tab.find().skip(2) db.tab.aggregate({ $skip : 2 }); |
跳过前m条记录,从m+1开始取n条 | db.tab.find().skip(2).limit(3) |
除了指定的列,其他列都显示 | db.tab.find({id:null}) db.tab.find({},{"_id":0}) |
查找字段id为string类型的行(参考下表格) | db.tab.find({ id: {$type: 2}}); |
select name,sum(id) as sumid from tab where id >0 group by name | db.tab.group({ key:{ "name":true} # group by name ,cond:{id:{ $gt:0}} # where id >0 ,reduce:function(obj,prev) #聚合函数 { prev.sumid += obj.id; } #函数逻辑,累加id , initial: {sumid: 0 }}) #初始化 |
Select sum(*) from tab | db.tab.group({key:{},cond:{} ,reduce:function(obj,prev) { prev.sumid += obj.id; },initial: {sumid: 0 }}); |
Select sum(*) as newcol from tab | db.tab.aggregate([{$group:{_id:"$by_user",newcol:{$sum:"$id"}}}]) |
Select count(*) from tab | db.tab.count() 或者 db.tab.find().count() |
Select count(*) from tab | db.tab.group({key:{},cond:{}, reduce:function(obj,prev) { prev.sumid += 1; },initial: {sumid: 0 }}); |
Select avg(*) from tab | db.tab.aggregate([{$group:{_id:"$by_user",newcol:{$avg:"$id"}}}]) |
Select max(*) from tab | db.tab.find().sort({id:-1}).limit(1) db.tab.aggregate([{$group:{_id:"$by_user",newcol:{$max:"$id"}}}]) |
Select min(*) from tab | db.tab.find().sort({id:1}).limit(1) db.tab.aggregate([{$group:{_id:"$by_user",newcol:{$min:"$id"}}}]) |
#元素查询 #db.tab.insert({ratings: [ 5, 8, 9 ] }) db.tab.find({ ratings: [ 5, 8, 9 ] } ) #查找匹配的数组 db.tab.find({ ratings: 5 }) #查找元素中含“5”的记录 db.tab.find({ ratings:{$elemMatch:{$gt:8,$lt:10}}}) #元素匹配查找 #内嵌文档 #db.tab.insert({producer:{company: 'ABC',address: 'Street'}}) #db.tab.insert({producer:[{ company: 'ABC',address: 'Street'},{ company: 'KK',address: 'Street2'}] }) db.tab.find({producer:{company: 'ABC',address: 'Street'}}) db.tab.find({'producer.company': 'ABC'}) db.tab.find( { 'producer.0.address': 'Street'} ) #字段'producer的第一个元素的address=’ Street’ |
类型描述 | 类型值 |
Double | 1 |
String | 2 |
Object | 3 |
Array | 4 |
Binary data | 5 |
Object id | 7 |
Boolean | 8 |
Date | 9 |
Null | 10 |
Regular expression | 11 |
JavaScript code | 13 |
Symbol | 14 |
JavaScript code with scope | 15 |
32-bit integer | 16 |
Timestamp | 17 |
64-bit integer | 18 |
Min key | 255 |
Max key | 127 |
标签:name,MongoDB,SQL,db,find,tab,mongodb,id,Select From: https://blog.51cto.com/hzc2012/6024075