- python文件名为aeshandler.py
- -i,表示输入文件名
- -o,表示输出文件名
- -e,表示加密
- -d,表示解密
使用python经典的命令行框架argparse,它是python标准库的一部分,也就是说安装好python3.8就自带这个框架,不需要再安装什么。程序员经常说:talk is cheap,show me your code。所以将代码如下所示。
import argparse import os import struct import sys from pathlib import Path from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad __authors__ = 'tianbin' __version__ = 'version 0.9' __license__ = 'free' defaultsize = 64*1024 def encrypt_file(key, in_filename, out_filename=None, chunksize=defaultsize): """ 对文件进行加密 Args: key (str): 16字节密钥 in_filename (str): 待加密文件 out_filename (str, optional): 加密后输出的文件 chunksize (int, optional): 块大小,缺省64k """ if not out_filename: out_filename = in_filename + '.enc' iv = os.urandom(16) encryptor = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) filesize = os.path.getsize(in_filename) with open(in_filename, 'rb') as infile: with open(out_filename, 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write(struct.pack('<Q', filesize)) outfile.write(iv) pos = 0 while pos < filesize: chunk = infile.read(chunksize) pos += len(chunk) if pos == filesize: chunk = pad(chunk, AES.block_size) outfile.write(encryptor.encrypt(chunk)) def decrypt_file(key, in_filename, out_filename=None, chunksize=defaultsize): """ 解密文件 Args: key (str): 16字节密钥 in_filename (str): 待解密文件 out_filename (str, optional): 解密后输出的文件 chunksize (int, optional): 块大小,缺省64K """ if not out_filename: out_filename = in_filename + '.dec' with open(in_filename, 'rb') as infile: filesize = struct.unpack('<Q', infile.read(8))[0] iv = infile.read(16) encryptor = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) with open(out_filename, 'wb') as outfile: encrypted_filesize = os.path.getsize(in_filename) pos = 8 + 16 # the filesize and IV. while pos < encrypted_filesize: chunk = infile.read(chunksize) pos += len(chunk) chunk = encryptor.decrypt(chunk) if pos == encrypted_filesize: chunk = unpad(chunk, AES.block_size) outfile.write(chunk) if __name__ == '__main__': # 密钥随便写,使用时只使用前16字节 key = 'stayhungrystayfoolish' realkey = key[:16].encode('utf-8') def parser(): """ 分析用户命令行 """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-d", "--decry", action="store_true", help="解密模式") parser.add_argument("-e", "--encry", action="store_true", help="加密模式") parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str, help="要处理的文件") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, help="要输出的文件") args = parser.parse_args() print(args) # 判断参数输入情况,如果没有参数,则显示帮助。 if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() return # 解密模式,获得输入与输出文件后,调用算法解密 if args.decry: inputfilename = Path(args.input) if inputfilename.exists(): decrypt_file(realkey,in_filename=args.input,out_filename=args.output) else: print(f'{args.input}不存在') # 加密模式,获得输入与输出文件后,调用算法加密 if args.encry: inputfilename = Path(args.input) if inputfilename.exists(): encrypt_file(realkey,in_filename=args.input,out_filename=args.output) else: print(f'{args.input}不存在') parser()
# 以下命令显示帮助信息 python .\aeshandler.py usage: aeshandler.py [-h] [-d] [-e] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d, --decry 解密模式 -e, --encry 加密模式 -i INPUT, --input INPUT 要处理的文件 -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT 要输出的文件 # 以下命令加密指定的文件,加密后的文件为test1.docx python .\aeshandler.py -e -i ../resources/神龟虽寿.docx -o test1.docx Namespace(decry=False, encry=True, input='../resources/神龟虽寿.docx', output='test1.docx') # 以下命令解密指定的文件,要解密的文件为test1.docx,解密后的文件为test2.docx python .\aeshandler.py -d -i test1.docx -o test2.docx Namespace(decry=True, encry=False, input='test1.docx', output='test2.docx')
标签:__,文件,docx,Python,filename,十三,import,python,工具箱 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/shanxihualu/p/16869984.html