System.Data.DataTable dt; private void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { dt = null; string copyAfterFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHssmm");//文件名 以及解压后的文件夹名 string copyAfterFileNameExt = ".zip";//压缩后缀 string modelExlPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Temp\\Cache";//缓存文件 if (!Directory.Exists(modelExlPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(modelExlPath); }//创建缓存文件夹 string copyAfterFullName = Path.Combine(modelExlPath, copyAfterFileName + copyAfterFileNameExt);//移动到该目录并改为压缩包 string copyDirFullName = Path.Combine(modelExlPath, copyAfterFileName);//解压后的文件夹位置 OpenFileDialog openfile = new OpenFileDialog(); openfile.Filter = "导入Excel(*.xls,*.xlsx)|*.xls;*.xlsx"; openfile.FilterIndex = 0; openfile.RestoreDirectory = true; openfile.Title = "导入文件路径"; //openfile.ShowDialog(); if (openfile.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } Common.ShowWaitForm();//正在加载..窗口 FileInfo fi1 = new FileInfo(openfile.FileName); fi1.CopyTo(copyAfterFullName);//移动文件,并修改称为yyyyMMddHHssmm.zip try { wsDr wsDrModel = null; if (!Directory.Exists(copyDirFullName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(copyDirFullName); } //解压到当前文件夹 if (SharpZip.UnpackFiles(copyAfterFullName, copyDirFullName) == false)//yyyyMMddHHssmm.zip为文件夹yyyyMMddHHssmm { Common.ShowErrorDialog("导入失败!"); LogHelper.Instance.Error("产品导入失败," + copyDirFullName + "自解压失败!"); return; } else { wsDrModel = GetImgLoaction(copyDirFullName);//读取excel图片信息,对应位置,对应的绝对路径,对应的图片实体 } string msg = ""; dt = ExcelUtil.ExcelToTable(openfile.FileName, wsDrModel, ref msg);//获得Excel if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) { Common.ShowInfoDialog(msg); } if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { Common.ShowSuccessTip("导入失败!"); return; } LoadList();//刷新表格 } catch (Exception ex) { Common.ShowErrorDialog("导入错误!" + ex.Message); } finally { Common.HideWaitForm();//隐藏正在加载..窗口 } } private wsDr GetImgLoaction(string copydirfullname) { //copydirfullname = "E:\\administrator\\Desktop\\test\\yyyyMMddHHssmm"; string pathMap = Path.Combine(copydirfullname, "xl\\drawings\\drawing1.xml"); var doc = XDocument.Load(pathMap); //清理大部分命名空间,blip属性中的情况只能手动指定了 doc.Descendants().Attributes().Where(x => x.IsNamespaceDeclaration).Remove(); foreach (var elem in doc.Descendants()) { elem.Name = elem.Name.LocalName; } doc.Save(pathMap); wsDr model = XmlHelper.XmlToModelFile<wsDr>(pathMap); Relationships relationships = GetImg(copydirfullname); if (model.twoCellAnchorList.Count > 0) { //将图片路径,图片实体保存在图片位置表(wsDr)中 foreach (var item in model.twoCellAnchorList) { item.pic1.nvPicPr1.cNvPr1.img = relationships.Relationship.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == item.pic1.blipFill1.blip1.imgid).img; item.pic1.nvPicPr1.cNvPr1.imgUrl = relationships.Relationship.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == item.pic1.blipFill1.blip1.imgid).imgUrl; } } return model; } private Relationships GetImg(string copydirfullname) { string pathMap = Path.Combine(copydirfullname, "xl\\drawings\\_rels\\drawing1.xml.rels");//获取图片所在目录的xml.rels FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(pathMap); string newpathMap = Path.Combine(copydirfullname, "xl\\drawings\\_rels\\drawing1.xml");//转换为xml,不然不可读取 if (fi.Exists) { fi.MoveTo(newpathMap); } //代码可用 var doc = XDocument.Load(newpathMap); doc.Descendants().Attributes().Where(x => x.IsNamespaceDeclaration).Remove();//移除大部分命名空间 foreach (var elem in doc.Descendants()) elem.Name = elem.Name.LocalName; doc.Save(newpathMap); Relationships model = XmlHelper.XmlToModelFile<Relationships>(newpathMap);//获取图片所在目录的xml string pathMap1 = Path.Combine(copydirfullname, "xl\\drawings\\drawing1.xml");//../media/image1.png 是以xl/drawings文件夹的基础上,而不是xl/drawings/_rels foreach (var item in model.Relationship) { string newpath = GetPath(Path.GetFullPath(pathMap1), item.Target);//获取 yyyyMMddHHssmm\xl\drawings target ../media/image1.png 转换为yyyyMMddHHssmm\xl\media\image1.png //保存路径,该路径在上传图片时使用 item.imgUrl = newpath; //以流形式读取图片,不占用图片 using (var stream = new FileStream(newpath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite | FileShare.Delete)) { item.img = Image.FromStream(stream); } } return model; } private string GetPath(string sourPath, string path) { string[] pathT = path.Split('/'); string newpath = sourPath; for (int i = 0; i < pathT.Length; i++) { if (pathT[i] == "..") { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(newpath)); newpath = di.Parent.FullName; } else { newpath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(newpath, pathT[i])); } } return newpath; }
#region 主要实体 //实体主要部分,根据xml生成 [Serializable] public class wsDr { [XmlElement(ElementName = "twoCellAnchor")]//指定节点名称 public List<twoCellAnchor> twoCellAnchorList { get; set; } } //读取图片实体 public class Relationships { [XmlElement("Relationship")] public List<Relationship> Relationship { get; set; } } #endregion #region 其他实体 public class from { //这里列名称和节点名称相同,不需要特意指定xml节点名称 public int col { get; set; } public int row { get; set; } } public class to { public int col { get; set; } public int row { get; set; } } public class cNvPr { [XmlAttribute( "id")] public string _id { get; set; } [XmlAttribute("name")] public string _name { get; set; } public Image img { get; set; } public string imgUrl { get; set; } } public class blip { /*手动指定xml命名空间,该命名空间使用..Where(x => x.IsNamespaceDeclaration).Remove()移除不了。 * 注:xml中这块读取出来后不认为它是命名空间,因为是子级特意指定的 */ [XmlAttribute("embed",Namespace= "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships")] public string imgid { get; set; } } public class blipFill { [XmlElement("blip")] public blip blip1 { get; set; } } public class nvPicPr { [XmlElement(ElementName = "cNvPr")] public cNvPr cNvPr1 { get; set; } } public class pic { [XmlElement(ElementName = "nvPicPr")] public nvPicPr nvPicPr1 { get; set; } [XmlElement("blipFill")] public blipFill blipFill1 { get; set; } } public class twoCellAnchor { [XmlElement(ElementName = "from")] public from from1 { get; set; } [XmlElement(ElementName = "to")] public to to1 { get; set; } [XmlElement(ElementName = "pic")] public pic pic1 { get; set; } } public class Relationship { [XmlAttribute("Id")] public string Id { get; set; } [XmlAttribute("Target")] public string Target { get; set; } public Image img { get; set; } public string imgUrl { get; set; } } #endregion
private static ISheet ExcelToSheet(string file) { IWorkbook workbook; string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { //XSSFWorkbook 适用XLSX格式,HSSFWorkbook 适用XLS格式 if (fileExt == ".xlsx") { workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(fs); } else if (fileExt == ".xls") { workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); } else { workbook = null; } if (workbook == null) { return null; } ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0); return sheet; } } /// <summary> /// Excel导入成Datable /// </summary> /// <param name="file">导入路径(包含文件名与扩展名)</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable ExcelToTable(string file, wsDr wsDrModel, ref string msg) { try { ISheet sheet = ExcelToSheet(file); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //表头 IRow header = sheet.GetRow(sheet.FirstRowNum); //List<int> columns = new List<int>(); int columnsCount = 1; dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Id")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("dnxh")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("dwxh")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("zwmc")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ywmc")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("cplx")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("dw")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("sfwgcp")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("sflscp")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("mlj")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Img", typeof(Image))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("cpcc")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("cpjz")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ImgUrl")); for (int i = 1; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); object dnxh = sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(0).GetRealValue();//对内型号 if (dnxh == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dnxh.ToString())) { msg += "请填写第" + i + "行的【对内型号】!"; break; } dr["dnxh"] = dnxh; object dwxh = sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(1).GetRealValue();//对外型号 if (dwxh == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dwxh.ToString())) { msg += "请填写第" + i + "行的【对外型号】!"; break; } dr["dwxh"] = dwxh; object zwmc = sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(2).GetRealValue();//zwmc if (zwmc == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(zwmc.ToString())) { msg += "请填写第" + i + "行的【中文名称】!"; break; } dr["zwmc"] = zwmc; object ywmc = sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(3).GetRealValue();//英文名称 if (ywmc == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ywmc.ToString())) { msg += "请填写第" + i + "行的【英文名称】!"; break; } dr["ywmc"] = ywmc; object cplx = sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(4).GetRealValue();//产品类型 if (cplx == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cplx.ToString())) { msg += "请填写第" + i + "行的【产品类型】!"; break; } dr["cplx"] = cplx; object dw = sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(5).GetRealValue();//单位 if (dw == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dw.ToString())) { msg += "请填写第" + i + "行的【单位】!"; break; } dr["dw"] = dw; object sfwgcp = sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(6).GetRealValue();//是否外购 if (sfwgcp == null) { msg += "请填写第" + i + "行的【是否外购】!"; break; } if (sfwgcp.ToString() != "自制" && sfwgcp.ToString() != "外购") { msg += "请填写第" + i + "行的【是否外购】自制/外购,请勿填写其他内容!"; break; } dr["sfwgcp"] = sfwgcp; object sflscp = sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(7).GetRealValue();//是否临时产品 if (sflscp == null) { msg += "请填写第" + i + "行的【是否临时产品】!"; break; } if (sflscp.ToString() != "是" && sflscp.ToString() != "否") { msg += "请填写第" + i + "行的【是否临时产品】是/否,请勿填写其他内容!"; break; } dr["sflscp"] = sflscp; object mljobj = sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(8).GetRealValue();//目录价 decimal mlj = 0; if (mljobj != null) { if (!decimal.TryParse(mljobj.ToString(), out mlj)) { msg += "第" + i + "行的【目录价】数值错误,请正确填写!"; break; } } dr["mlj"] = mlj; object cpcc = sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(10).GetRealValue();//产品尺寸 dr["cpcc"] = cpcc; object cpjz = sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(11).GetRealValue();//净重 dr["cpjz"] = cpjz; dr["id"] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //-----------获取图片 //产品主图 第9列 int col = 9; if (wsDrModel != null && wsDrModel.twoCellAnchorList.Count > 0) { var list = wsDrModel.twoCellAnchorList.Where(a => i >= a.from1.row && col >= a.from1.col && i <= a.to1.row && col <= a.to1.col).ToList(); if (list.Count > 0) { dr["Img"] = (Image)list[0].pic1.nvPicPr1.cNvPr1.img; dr["ImgUrl"] = list[0].pic1.nvPicPr1.cNvPr1.imgUrl; } } //XmlHelper.SetValue //XmlHelper.XmlToModel<>(pathMap); //----------- dt.Rows.Add(dr); } return dt; } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Instance.Info(ex.ToString()); throw ex; } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List<Model.Product> listProduct = new List<Model.Product>(); foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { Model.Product model = new Model.Product(); //组建信息保存到实体 listProduct.Add(model); } if (listProduct.Count <= 0) { Common.ShowInfoTip("没有需要保存的信息!请先导入"); return; } Loading2.Show(this, new Action(() => UpLoadImage(listProduct)), new Action(() => this.Close()));//这个Loading异步加载在其他文章有 } bool isSuccess = false; private void UpLoadImage(List<Model.Product> listProduct) { List<CommandInfo> commandInfos = new List<CommandInfo>(); foreach (var item in listProduct) { item.Cpzp = CommonUtil.UploadFile(item.Cpzp);//上传后转换成服务器路径 \\Upload\Image\202211030918546.png commandInfos.Add(BLLService.Instance.BaseProducts.AddSql(item)); } try { if (BLLService.DoTran(commandInfos))//事务执行insert产品信息 { Common.ShowSuccessTip("导入成功!"); dt = null; isSuccess = true; } else { Common.ShowErrorDialog("导入失败!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Instance.Error("导入失败!" + ex); Common.ShowErrorDialog("导入失败!" + ex); } }