序号 | 关键字 | 用途 | 示例 |
1 | False | 布尔值,表示假 | if not condition: print("Condition is False") |
2 | None | 空值,表示无 | result = None |
3 | True | 布尔值,表示真 | if condition: print("Condition is True") |
4 | and | 逻辑与运算符 | if a and b: print("Both a and b are True") |
5 | as | 别名,用于导入模块或重命名变量 | import numpy as np |
6 | assert | 断言,用于调试 | assert x > 0, "x must be positive" |
7 | async | 异步函数声明 | async def fetch_data(): ... |
8 | await | 等待异步操作完成 | data = await fetch_data() |
9 | break | 跳出循环 | for i in range(10): if i == 5: break |
10 | class | 定义类 | class MyClass: pass |
11 | continue | 跳过当前循环迭代 | for i in range(10): if i % 2 == 0: continue |
12 | def | 定义函数 | def my_function(): pass |
13 | del | 删除变量或对象 | del my_variable |
14 | elif | 条件语句的“否则如果”部分 | if condition1: pass elif condition2: pass |
15 | else | 条件语句的“否则”部分 | if condition: pass else: pass |
16 | except | 异常处理 | try: pass except Exception as e: print(e) |
17 | finally | 无论是否发生异常,都执行的代码块 | try: pass finally: print("This will always be executed") |
18 | for | 循环遍历序列 | for i in range(10): print(i) |
19 | from | 从模块中导入特定部分 | from module import function |
20 | global | 声明全局变量 | def my_function(): global x; x = 10 |
21 | if | 条件语句 | if condition: pass |
22 | import | 导入模块 | import module |
23 | in | 检查成员是否在序列中 | if x in my_list: print("x is in the list") |
24 | is | 判断两个变量是否相同(身份运算符) | if x is y: print("x and y are the same object") |
25 | lambda | 创建匿名函数 | lambda x: x + 1 |
26 | nonlocal | 声明非局部变量(用于嵌套函数) | def outer(): x = "local"; def inner(): nonlocal x; x = "nonlocal"; inner(); print(x) |
27 | not | 逻辑非运算符 | if not condition: pass |
28 | or | 逻辑或运算符 | if a or b: print("At least one of a or b is True") |
29 | pass | 空操作,占位符 | def my_function(): pass |
30 | raise | 引发异常 | raise ValueError("An error occurred") |
31 | return | 从函数返回值 | def my_function(): return 10 |
32 | try | 异常处理 | try: pass except Exception: pass |
33 | while | 循环,直到条件为假 | while condition: pass |
34 | with | 上下文管理器,简化资源管理 | with open("file.txt") as f: pass |
35 | yield | 生成器函数返回值 | def my_generator(): yield 10 |
标签:10,示例,python,关键字,condition,pass,print,my,def From: https://www.cnblogs.com/nxhujiee/p/18626782