上面的参考的脚本只能拆分2代的. plist中metadata的format的值2
现有plist版本为3, 所以修改了下, 需要安装pillow库的
#需要安装pillow库 #pip3 install pillow import plistlib import os import sys from PIL import Image def export_image(img, pathname, item): # 去透明后的子图矩形 x, y, w, h = tuple(map(int, item['frame'])) # 子图原始大小 size = tuple(map(int, item['sourceSize'])) # 子图在原始图片中的偏移 ox, oy, _, _ = tuple(map(int, item['sourceColorRect'])) # 获取子图左上角,右下角 if item['rotated']: box = (x, y, x + h, y + w) else: box = (x, y, x + w, y + h) # 使用原始大小创建图像,全透明 image = Image.new('RGBA', size, (0, 0, 0, 0)) # 从图集中裁剪出子图 sprite = img.crop(box) # rotated纹理旋转90度 if item['rotated']: sprite = sprite.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90) # 粘贴子图,设置偏移 image.paste(sprite, (ox, oy)) # 保存到文件 print('保存文件:%s' % pathname) image.save(pathname, 'png') # 获取 frame 参数 def get_frame(frame): result = {} if 'frame' in frame: result['frame'] = frame['frame'].replace('}', '').replace('{', '').split(',') result['sourceSize'] = frame['sourceSize'].replace('}', '').replace('{', '').split(',') result['sourceColorRect'] = frame['sourceColorRect'].replace('}', '').replace('{', '').split(',') result['rotated'] = frame['rotated'] elif 'aliases' in frame: result['frame'] = frame['textureRect'].replace('}', '').replace('{', '').split(',') result['sourceSize'] = frame['spriteSourceSize'].replace('}', '').replace('{', '').split(',') result['sourceColorRect'] = [0, 0, 0, 0] result['rotated'] = frame['textureRotated'] return result # 生成图片 def gen_image(file_name, export_path): # 检查文件是否存在 plist = file_name + '.plist' if not os.path.exists(plist): print('plist文件【%s】不存在!请检查' % plist) return png = file_name + '.png' if not os.path.exists(png): print('png文件【%s】不存在!请检查' % plist) return # 检查导出目录 if not os.path.exists(export_path): try: os.mkdir(export_path) except Exception as e: print(e) return # 使用plistlib库加载 plist 文件 lp = plistlib.load(open(plist, 'rb')) # 加载 png 图片文件 img = Image.open(file_name + '.png') # 读取所有小图数据 frames = lp['frames'] for key in frames: item = get_frame(frames[key]) export_image(img, os.path.join(export_path, key), item) # Press the green button in the gutter to run the script. if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 3: #要拆的文件(不带扩展名) filename = sys.argv[1] #导出的目录 exportPath = sys.argv[2] gen_image(filename, exportPath) #文件不带.plist与.png(test.png拆分时, 应该传入test) #filename = r"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\plist\Table_Records\Table_Records" #exportPath = r"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\plist\Table_Records\new" #gen_image(filename, exportPath)
标签:python,frame,replace,item,result,plist,png From: https://www.cnblogs.com/barrysgy/p/18570381