When attempting to load the same module twice in JavaScript you'll hit a cache and code won't re-run. In scenarios where you actually do want to have state in your modules, you'll have to use a cache-busting technique by passing a query parameter to a dynamic import. This lesson walks through how to add a query parameter, how to add the appropriate types for loading dynamic modules in TypeScript, and when these techniques are valuable.
// file: timeout.ts
await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 1000));
console.log(`Timeout done ${new Date()}`)
// file: index.ts
import "./timeout";
import "./timeout";
Run bun run index.ts
, we only see the output once, even we have import the timeout.ts
file twice
Timeout done Mon Nov 25 2024 09:17:15 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)
This is due to the caching.
If we tried to change import by using dynamic importing:
await import("./timeout");
await import("./timeout");
It still behiavor the same.
What we need to do is adding some query param:
await import(`./timeout?random=${Math.random()}`);
await import(`./timeout?random=${Math.random()}`);
// file: timeout.ts
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000));
const date = new Date();
export const sayHi = () => console.log(`Hi ${date.toISOString()}`);
// file: index.ts
type TimeoutModule = typeof import("./timeout");
const { sayHi }: TimeoutModule = await import(
const { sayHi: sayHi2 }: TimeoutModule = await import(
标签:Busting,JavaScript,Multiple,random,ts,Math,timeout,import,await From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/18567653