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时间:2024-10-26 20:32:32浏览次数:1  
标签:Node 异步 ArkTS nullptr HarmonyOS API 线程 env napi













由于ArkTS天然线程安全,而Native侧代码需要开发者自行保障线程安全。Native侧C++子线程不可跨线程直接访问ArkTS对象。为此,Node-API提供了可保障线程异步执行与通信安全的机制 —— 线程安全函数。











  • Native接口,该部分主要实现Native接口的同步处理或者异步处理逻辑。
    • 同步处理,Native接口将直接调用图片路径搜索功能,将应用侧传入的图片名称输入到生产者-消费者模型中,进行相应图片路径获取,最后反馈到ArkTS应用侧。
    • 异步处理,Native接口将通过异步工作项或者线程安全函数进行异步任务创建,将应用侧传入的图片名称输入到上下文数据对象中,待后续异步任务调度处理。在异步任务处理中,同样调度生产者-消费者模型进行图片路径获取,最后通过线程通信将结果反馈到ArkTS应用侧。
  • 生产者-消费者模型,该部分逻辑主要通过C++子线程、信号量以及条件变量等关键特性来实现。
    • 生产者线程负责根据图片名称搜索目标图片路径。并且将搜索结果放入缓冲队列中。
    • 消费者线程负责从缓冲队列中取出目标图片路径,并通过线程通信的方式将结果反馈到ArkTS应用侧。





ProducerConsumer.h 头文件

#ifndef MultiThreads_ProducerConsumer_H
#define MultiThreads_ProducerConsumer_H

#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>

using namespace std;
// Principles of the producer-consumer model: Use buffer zones to balance the rate between production and consumption.
// Synchronization relationship 1: When the buffer is full, the producer needs to be blocked and wait. When a product
// pops up the buffer, the producer needs to be woken up for consumption. Synchronization relationship 2: When the
// buffer is empty, the consumer needs to be blocked and waited. When a product enters the buffer, the consumer needs to
// be woken up for consumption.
class ProducerConsumerQueue {
    // constructor
    ProducerConsumerQueue() {}
    ProducerConsumerQueue(int queueSize) : m_maxSize(queueSize) {}
    // producer enqueue operation
    void PutElement(string element);
    // consumer dequeue operation
    string TakeElement();
    // check whether the buffer queue is full
    bool isFull() { return (m_queue.size() == m_maxSize); }
    // check whether the buffer queue is empty
    bool isEmpty() { return m_queue.empty(); }
    queue<string> m_queue{};         // buffer queue
    int m_maxSize{};                 // buffer queue capacity
    mutex m_mutex{};                 // the mutex is used to protect data consistency
    condition_variable m_notEmpty{}; // condition variable, which is used to indicate whether the buffer queue is empty
    condition_variable m_notFull{};  // condition variable, which is used to indicate whether the buffer queue is full
#endif // MultiThreads_ProducerConsumer_H

ProducerConsumer.cpp 源文件

  1. #include "ProducerConsumer.h"
  2. void ProducerConsumerQueue::PutElement(string element) {
  3. unique_lock<mutex> lock(m_mutex); // add mutex
  4. while (isFull()) {
  5. // when the data buffer queue is full, the production is blocked and wakes up after consumer consumption
  6. // m_mutex is automatically released at the same time
  7. m_notFull.wait(lock);
  8. }
  9. // reacquire the lock
  10. // if the queue is not full
  11. // the product is added to the queue and the consumer is notified that the product can be consumed
  12. m_queue.push(element);
  13. m_notEmpty.notify_one();
  14. }
  15. string ProducerConsumerQueue::TakeElement() {
  16. unique_lock<mutex> lock(m_mutex); // add mutex
  17. while (isEmpty()) {
  18. // when the data buffer queue is empty, the consumption is blocked and the producer is woken up after production
  19. // m_mutex is automatically released at the same time
  20. m_notEmpty.wait(lock);
  21. }
  22. // reacquire the lock
  23. // if the queue is not empty, the product is ejected and the producer is notified that it is ready for production
  24. string element = m_queue.front();
  25. m_queue.pop();
  26. m_notFull.notify_one();
  27. return element;
  28. }





  1. // define the buffer queue and set the capacity to 1
  2. static ProducerConsumerQueue buffQueue(1);
  3. // defines the image path set, which is used for later search
  4. static vector<string> imagePathVec{"sync.png", "callback.png", "promise.png", "tsf.png"};
  5. // check the image paths based on the image name
  6. static bool CheckImagePath(const string &imageName, const string &imagePath) {
  7. // separate character strings by suffix
  8. size_t pos = imagePath.find_first_of('.');
  9. if (pos == string::npos) {
  10. return false;
  11. }
  12. string nameTemp = imagePath.substr(0, pos);
  13. if (nameTemp.empty()) {
  14. return false;
  15. }
  16. // determine whether the image path is the target path based on whether the image names are the same
  17. return (imageName == nameTemp);
  18. }
  19. // search for image paths by image name
  20. static string SearchImagePath(const string &imageName) {
  21. for (const string &imagePath : imagePathVec) {
  22. if (CheckImagePath(imageName, imagePath)) {
  23. return imagePath;
  24. }
  25. }
  26. return string("");
  27. }




  1. static void ProductElement(void *data) {
  2. buffQueue.PutElement(SearchImagePath(static_cast<ContextData *>(data)->args));
  3. }





  1. static void ConsumeElement(void *data) { static_cast<ContextData *>(data)->result = buffQueue.TakeElement(); }


  1. static void ConsumeElementTSF(void *data) {
  2. static_cast<ContextData *>(data)->result = buffQueue.TakeElement();
  3. // bind consumer thread to the thread safe function
  4. (void)napi_acquire_threadsafe_function(tsFun);
  5. // send async task to the JS main thread EventLoop
  6. (void)napi_call_threadsafe_function(tsFun, data, napi_tsfn_blocking);
  7. // release thread reference
  8. (void)napi_release_threadsafe_function(tsFun, napi_tsfn_release);
  9. }










  1. import testNapi from 'libentry.so';
  2. import Constants from '../../common/constants/CommonConstants';
  3. @Entry
  4. @Component
  5. struct Index {
  6. @State imagePath: string = Constants.INIT_IMAGE_PATH;
  7. imageName: string = '';
  8. build() {
  9. Column() {
  10. ...
  11. // button list, prompting the user to click the button to select the target image.
  12. Column() {
  13. ...
  14. // multi-threads sync call button
  15. Button($r('app.string.sync_button_title'))
  16. .width(Constants.FULL_PARENT)
  17. .margin($r('app.float.button_common_margin'))
  18. .onClick(() => {
  19. this.imageName = Constants.SYNC_BUTTON_IMAGE;
  20. this.imagePath = Constants.IMAGE_ROOT_PATH + testNapi.getImagePathSync(this.imageName);
  21. })
  22. ...
  23. }
  24. ...
  25. }
  26. ...
  27. }
  28. }





  1. // export sync interface
  2. export const getImagePathSync: (imageName: string) => string;



  1. // context data provided by users
  2. // data is transferred between the native method (initialization data), ExecuteFunc, and CompleteFunc
  3. struct ContextData {
  4. napi_async_work asyncWork = nullptr; // async work object
  5. napi_deferred deferred = nullptr; // associated object of the delay object promise
  6. napi_ref callbackRef = nullptr; // reference of callback
  7. string args = ""; // parameters from ArkTS --- imageName
  8. string result = ""; // C++ sub-thread calculation result --- imagePath
  9. };



  1. static void DeleteContext(napi_env env, ContextData *contextData) {
  2. // delete callback reference
  3. if (contextData->callbackRef != nullptr) {
  4. (void)napi_delete_reference(env, contextData->callbackRef);
  5. }
  6. // delete async work
  7. if (contextData->asyncWork != nullptr) {
  8. (void)napi_delete_async_work(env, contextData->asyncWork);
  9. }
  10. // release context data
  11. delete contextData;
  12. }



  1. // sync interface
  2. static napi_value GetImagePathSync(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
  3. size_t paraNum = 1;
  4. napi_value paraArray[1] = {nullptr};
  5. // parse parameters
  6. napi_status operStatus = napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &paraNum, paraArray, nullptr, nullptr);
  7. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  8. return nullptr;
  9. }
  10. napi_valuetype paraDataType = napi_undefined;
  11. operStatus = napi_typeof(env, paraArray[0], &paraDataType);
  12. if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (paraDataType != napi_string)) {
  13. return nullptr;
  14. }
  15. // convert napi_value to char *
  16. constexpr size_t buffSize = 100;
  17. char strBuff[buffSize]{}; // char buffer for imageName string
  18. size_t strLength = 0;
  19. operStatus = napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, paraArray[0], strBuff, buffSize, &strLength);
  20. if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (strLength == 0)) {
  21. return nullptr;
  22. }
  23. // defines context data. the memory will be released in CompleteFunc
  24. auto contextData = new ContextData;
  25. contextData->args = strBuff;
  26. // create producer thread
  27. thread producer(ProductElement, static_cast<void *>(contextData));
  28. producer.join();
  29. // create consumer thread
  30. thread consumer(ConsumeElement, static_cast<void *>(contextData));
  31. consumer.join();
  32. // convert the result to napi_value and send it to ArkTs application
  33. napi_value result = nullptr;
  34. (void)napi_create_string_utf8(env, contextData->result.c_str(), contextData->result.length(), &result);
  35. // delete context data
  36. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  37. return result;
  38. }




  • 文件操作:读取大型文件或执行复杂的文件操作时,可以使用异步工作项来避免阻塞主线程。
  • 网络请求:当需要进行网络请求并等待响应时,可以使用异步工作项来避免阻塞主线程,从而提高应用程序的响应性能。
  • 数据库操作:当需要执行复杂的数据库查询或写入操作时,可以使用异步工作项来避免阻塞主线程,从而提高应用程序的并发性能。
  • 图形处理:当需要对大型图像进行处理或执行复杂的图像算法时,可以使用异步工作项来避免阻塞主线程,从而提高应用程序的实时性能。


  1. 在Native接口函数中,创建一个异步工作项,并置入libuv调度队列中,然后立即返回一个临时结果给ArkTS调用者;
  2. 通过libuv线程池创建并调度work子线程完成异步业务逻辑的执行;
  3. 通过Callback回调或者Promise延时对象返回真正的处理结果,并用于应用侧UI刷新。



  1. NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_async_work(napi_env env,
  2. napi_value async_resource,
  3. napi_value async_resource_name,
  4. napi_async_execute_callback execute,
  5. napi_async_complete_callback complete,
  6. void* data,
  7. napi_async_work* result);
  8. 参数说明:
  9. [in] env:传入接口调用者的环境,包含方舟引擎等。由框架提供,默认情况下直接传入即可。
  10. [in] async_resource:可选项,关联async_hooks。
  11. [in] async_resource_name:异步资源标识符,主要用于async_hooks API暴露断言诊断信息。
  12. [in] execute:执行业务逻辑计算函数,由libuv线程池调度执行。在该函数中执行IO、CPU密集型任务,不阻塞主线程。
  13. [in] complete:execute回调函数执行完成或取消后,触发执行该函数。此函数在EventLoop子线程中执行。
  14. [in] data:用户提供的上下文数据,用于传递数据。
  15. [out] result:napi_async_work*指针,用于返回当前此处函数调用创建的异步工作项。 返回值:返回napi_ok表示转换成功,其他值失败。


  • execute函数用于执行工作项的业务逻辑,异步工作项被调度后,该函数从上下文数据中获取输入数据,在work子线程中完成业务逻辑计算(不阻塞主线程)并将结果写入上下文数据。
  • 因为execute函数不在ArkTS线程中,所以不允许execute函数调用napi的接口。业务逻辑的返回值可以返回到complete回调中处理。


  • 业务逻辑处理execute函数执行完成或被取消后,通过事件通知EventLoop执行complete函数,complete函数从上下文数据中获取结果,转换为napi_value类型,调用ArkTS回调函数或通过Promise resolve()返回结果。
  • 该函数运行在ArkTS主线程下,因此可以调用napi的接口,将execute中的返回值封装成ArkTS对象返回。



  • 用户在调用Native接口的时候,Native接口将异步执行任务,并临时返回空值给ArkTS应用侧。
  • 异步任务执行结果以参数的形式提供给用户注册的ArkTS回调函数,并通过napi_call_function将ArkTS回调函数进行调用执行以反馈结果到ArkTS应用侧。


  • 用户在调用Native接口的时候,Native接口将异步执行任务,并返回一个Promise对象给ArkTS应用侧。
  • Promise对象提供了API使得异步执行可以按照同步的流程表示出来,避免了层层嵌套的回调引用。
  • 异步任务执行结果以参数的形式提供给与ArkTS应用侧Promise对象关联的deferred对象,并通过napi_resolve_deferred将计算结果反馈到ArkTS应用侧。










  1. import testNapi from 'libentry.so';
  2. import Constants from '../../common/constants/CommonConstants';
  3. @Entry
  4. @Component
  5. struct Index {
  6. @State imagePath: string = Constants.INIT_IMAGE_PATH;
  7. imageName: string = '';
  8. build() {
  9. Column() {
  10. ...
  11. // button list, prompting the user to click the button to select the target image.
  12. Column() {
  13. ...
  14. // multi-threads callback async button
  15. Button($r('app.string.async_callback_button_title'))
  16. .width(Constants.FULL_PARENT)
  17. .margin($r('app.float.button_common_margin'))
  18. .onClick(() => {
  19. this.imageName = Constants.CALLBACK_BUTTON_IMAGE;
  20. testNapi.getImagePathAsyncCallBack(this.imageName, (result: string) => {
  21. this.imagePath = Constants.IMAGE_ROOT_PATH + result;
  22. });
  23. })
  24. ...
  25. }
  26. ...
  27. }
  28. ...
  29. }
  30. }




  1. // export async callback interface
  2. export const getImagePathAsyncCallBack: (imageName: string, callBack: (result: string) => void) => void;



  1. static void ExecuteFunc([[maybe_unused]] napi_env env, void *data) {
  2. // create producer thread
  3. thread producer(ProductElement, data);
  4. // the producer and consumer threads must be synchronized
  5. // otherwise, the complete operation is triggered to communicate with the ArkTS after the executeFunc is complete
  6. // the result is unpredictable
  7. producer.join();
  8. // create consumer thread
  9. thread consumer(ConsumeElement, data);
  10. consumer.join();
  11. }



  1. static void CompleteFuncCallBack(napi_env env, [[maybe_unused]] napi_status status, void *data) {
  2. // parse context data
  3. ContextData *contextData = static_cast<ContextData *>(data);
  4. napi_value callBack = nullptr;
  5. napi_status operStatus = napi_get_reference_value(env, contextData->callbackRef, &callBack);
  6. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  7. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  8. return;
  9. }
  10. // define the undefined variable, which is used in napi_call_function
  11. // because no other data is transferred, the variable is defined as undefined
  12. napi_value undefined = nullptr;
  13. operStatus = napi_get_undefined(env, &undefined);
  14. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  15. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  16. return;
  17. }
  18. // convert the calculation result of C++ sub-thread to the napi_value type
  19. napi_value callBackArgs = nullptr;
  20. operStatus = napi_create_string_utf8(env, contextData->result.c_str(),
  21. contextData->result.length(), &callBackArgs);
  22. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  23. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  24. return;
  25. }
  26. // call the JS callback and send the async calculation result on the Native to ArkTS application
  27. napi_value callBackResult = nullptr;
  28. (void)napi_call_function(env, undefined, callBack, 1, &callBackArgs, &callBackResult);
  29. // destroy data and release memory
  30. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  31. }



  1. // callback async interface
  2. static napi_value GetImagePathAsyncCallBack(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
  3. size_t paraNum = 2;
  4. napi_value paraArray[2] = {nullptr};
  5. // parse parameters
  6. napi_status operStatus = napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &paraNum, paraArray, nullptr, nullptr);
  7. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  8. return nullptr;
  9. }
  10. napi_valuetype paraDataType = napi_undefined;
  11. operStatus = napi_typeof(env, paraArray[0], &paraDataType);
  12. if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (paraDataType != napi_string)) {
  13. return nullptr;
  14. }
  15. operStatus = napi_typeof(env, paraArray[1], &paraDataType);
  16. if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (paraDataType != napi_function)) {
  17. return nullptr;
  18. }
  19. // napi_value convert to char *
  20. constexpr size_t buffSize = 100;
  21. char strBuff[buffSize]{}; // char buffer for imageName string
  22. size_t strLength = 0;
  23. operStatus = napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, paraArray[0], strBuff, buffSize, &strLength);
  24. if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (strLength == 0)) {
  25. return nullptr;
  26. }
  27. // defines context data. the memory will be released in CompleteFunc
  28. auto contextData = new ContextData;
  29. contextData->args = strBuff;
  30. operStatus = napi_create_reference(env, paraArray[1], 1, &contextData->callbackRef);
  31. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  32. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  33. return nullptr;
  34. }
  35. // async resource
  36. napi_value asyncName = nullptr;
  37. string asyncStr = "async callback";
  38. operStatus = napi_create_string_utf8(env, asyncStr.c_str(), asyncStr.length(), &asyncName);
  39. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  40. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  41. return nullptr;
  42. }
  43. // create async work
  44. operStatus = napi_create_async_work(env, nullptr, asyncName, ExecuteFunc, CompleteFuncCallBack,
  45. static_cast<void *>(contextData), &contextData->asyncWork);
  46. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  47. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  48. return nullptr;
  49. }
  50. // add the async work to the queue and wait for scheduling
  51. operStatus = napi_queue_async_work(env, contextData->asyncWork);
  52. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  53. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  54. }
  55. return nullptr;
  56. }





  1. import testNapi from 'libentry.so';
  2. import Constants from '../../common/constants/CommonConstants';
  3. @Entry
  4. @Component
  5. struct Index {
  6. @State imagePath: string = Constants.INIT_IMAGE_PATH;
  7. imageName: string = '';
  8. build() {
  9. Column() {
  10. ...
  11. // button list, prompting the user to click the button to select the target image.
  12. Column() {
  13. ...
  14. // multi-threads promise async button
  15. Button($r('app.string.async_promise_button_title'))
  16. .width(Constants.FULL_PARENT)
  17. .margin($r('app.float.button_common_margin'))
  18. .onClick(() => {
  19. this.imageName = Constants.PROMISE_BUTTON_IMAGE;
  20. let promiseObj = testNapi.getImagePathAsyncPromise(this.imageName);
  21. promiseObj.then((result: string) => {
  22. this.imagePath = Constants.IMAGE_ROOT_PATH + result;
  23. })
  24. })
  25. ...
  26. }
  27. ...
  28. }
  29. ...
  30. }
  31. }




  1. // export async promise interface
  2. export const getImagePathAsyncPromise: (imageName: string) => Promise<string>;



  1. static void ExecuteFunc([[maybe_unused]] napi_env env, void *data) {
  2. // create producer thread
  3. thread producer(ProductElement, data);
  4. // the producer and consumer threads must be synchronized
  5. // otherwise, the complete operation is triggered to communicate with the ArkTS after the executeFunc is complete
  6. // the result is unpredictable
  7. producer.join();
  8. // create consumer thread
  9. thread consumer(ConsumeElement, data);
  10. consumer.join();
  11. }



  1. static void CompleteFuncPromise(napi_env env, [[maybe_unused]] napi_status status, void *data) {
  2. // parse context data
  3. ContextData *contextData = static_cast<ContextData *>(data);
  4. // convert the calculation result of C++ sub-thread to the napi_value type
  5. napi_value promiseArgs = nullptr;
  6. napi_status operStatus =
  7. napi_create_string_utf8(env, contextData->result.c_str(), contextData->result.length(), &promiseArgs);
  8. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  9. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  10. return;
  11. }
  12. // the deferred and promise object are associated. the result is sent to ArkTS application through this interface
  13. operStatus = napi_resolve_deferred(env, contextData->deferred, promiseArgs);
  14. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  15. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  16. return;
  17. }
  18. // destroy data and release memory
  19. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  20. }



  1. // promise async interface
  2. static napi_value GetImagePathAsyncPromise(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
  3. size_t paraNum = 1;
  4. napi_value paraArray[1] = {nullptr};
  5. // parse parameters
  6. napi_status operStatus = napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &paraNum, paraArray, nullptr, nullptr);
  7. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  8. return nullptr;
  9. }
  10. napi_valuetype paraDataType = napi_undefined;
  11. operStatus = napi_typeof(env, paraArray[0], &paraDataType);
  12. if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (paraDataType != napi_string)) {
  13. return nullptr;
  14. }
  15. // napi_value convert to char *
  16. constexpr size_t buffSize = 100;
  17. char strBuff[buffSize]{}; // char buffer for imageName string
  18. size_t strLength = 0;
  19. operStatus = napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, paraArray[0], strBuff, buffSize, &strLength);
  20. if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (strLength == 0)) {
  21. return nullptr;
  22. }
  23. // defines context data. the memory will be released in CompleteFunc
  24. auto contextData = new ContextData;
  25. contextData->args = strBuff;
  26. // async resource
  27. napi_value asyncName = nullptr;
  28. string asyncStr = "async promise";
  29. operStatus = napi_create_string_utf8(env, asyncStr.c_str(), asyncStr.length(), &asyncName);
  30. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  31. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  32. return nullptr;
  33. }
  34. // create async work
  35. operStatus = napi_create_async_work(env, nullptr, asyncName, ExecuteFunc, CompleteFuncPromise,
  36. static_cast<void *>(contextData), &contextData->asyncWork);
  37. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  38. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  39. return nullptr;
  40. }
  41. // add the async work to the queue and wait for scheduling
  42. operStatus = napi_queue_async_work(env, contextData->asyncWork);
  43. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  44. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  45. return nullptr;
  46. }
  47. // create promise object
  48. napi_value promiseObj = nullptr;
  49. operStatus = napi_create_promise(env, &contextData->deferred, &promiseObj);
  50. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  51. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  52. return nullptr;
  53. }
  54. return promiseObj;
  55. }




  • 异步计算:如果需要进行耗时的计算或IO操作,可以创建一个线程安全函数,将计算或IO操作放在另一个线程中执行,避免阻塞主线程,提高程序的响应速度。
  • 数据共享:如果多个线程需要访问同一份数据,可以创建一个线程安全函数,确保数据的读写操作不会发生竞争条件或死锁等问题。
  • 多线程开发:如果需要进行多线程开发,可以创建一个线程安全函数,确保多个线程之间的通信和同步操作正确无误。

Node-API接口只能在ArkTS主线程上进行调用。当C++子线程或者work子线程需要调用ArkTS回调接口或者Node-API接口时,这些线程是需要与ArkTS主线程进行通信才能完成的。Node-API提供了类型napi_threadsafe_function(线程安全函数)以及创建、销毁和调用该类型对象的 API来完成此操作。Node-API主要是通过创建一个线程安全函数,然后在C++子线程或者work子线程中调用线程安全函数来实现线程安全开发。总体步骤如下:

  1. 在Native接口函数中,创建一个线程安全函数对象,并注册绑定ArkTS回调接口callback和线程安全回调函数call_js_cb,然后立即返回一个临时结果给ArkTS调用者;
  2. 通过系统调度C++子线程完成异步业务逻辑的执行,并在子线程的执行函数中调用napi_call_threadsafe_function,将call_js_cb抛给EventLoop事件循环进行调度;
  3. 通过call_js_cb执行,调用napi_call_function调用ArkTS回调接口callback,从而将异步计算结果反馈到ArkTS应用侧,用于应用侧UI刷新。






  1. NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_threadsafe_function(napi_env env,
  2. napi_value func,
  3. napi_value async_resource,
  4. napi_value async_resource_name,
  5. size_t max_queue_size,
  6. size_t initial_thread_count,
  7. void* thread_finalize_data,
  8. napi_finalize thread_finalize_cb,
  9. void* context,
  10. napi_threadsafe_function_call_js call_js_cb,
  11. napi_threadsafe_function* result);
  12. 参数说明:
  13. [in] env:传入接口调用者的环境,包含方舟引擎等。由框架提供,默认情况下直接传入即可。
  14. [in] func:ArkTS应用侧传入的回调接口callback,可为空。当该值为nullptr时,下文call_js_cb不能为nullptr。反之,亦然。两者不可同时为空。
  15. [in] async_resource:关联async_hooks,可为空。
  16. [in] async_resource_name:异步资源标识符,主要用于async_hooks API暴露断言诊断信息。
  17. [in] max_queue_size:缓冲队列容量,0表示无限制。线程安全函数实现实质为生产者-消费者模型。
  18. [in] initial_thread_count:初始线程,包括将使用此函数的主线程,可为空。
  19. [in] thread_finalize_data:传递给thread_finalize_cb接口的参数,可为空。
  20. [in] thread_finalize_cb:当线程安全函数结束释放时的回调接口,可为空。
  21. [in] context:附加的上下文数据,可为空。
  22. [in] call_js_cb:子线程需要处理的线程安全回调任务,类似于异步工作项中的complete回调。当调用napi_call_threadsafe_function后,被抛到ArkTS主线程EventLoop中,等待调度执行。当该值为空时,系统将会调用默认回调接口。
  23. [out] result:线程安全函数对象指针。



  1. NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_call_threadsafe_function(napi_threadsafe_function func, void* data, napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode is_blocking);
  2. 参数说明:
  3. [in] func:线程安全函数对象。
  4. [in] data:上述线程安全回调任务call_js_cb需要处理的数据。
  5. [in] is_blocking:该参数控制接口是否以阻塞的方式运行。
  6. 如果参数为napi_tsfn_nonblocking,该接口将以非阻塞的方式运行。当缓冲队列已满,调用该接口后,则返回napi_queue_full错误码。
  7. 如果参数为napi_tsfn_blocking,该接口将以阻塞的方式运行,直到缓冲队列中有可用空间。
  8. 如果创建线程安全函数时,设置的最大队列容量为0,则napi_call_threadsafe_function()永远不会阻塞。







  1. import testNapi from 'libentry.so';
  2. import Constants from '../../common/constants/CommonConstants';
  3. @Entry
  4. @Component
  5. struct Index {
  6. @State imagePath: string = Constants.INIT_IMAGE_PATH;
  7. imageName: string = '';
  8. build() {
  9. Column() {
  10. ...
  11. // button list, prompting the user to click the button to select the target image.
  12. Column() {
  13. ...
  14. // multi-threads tsf async button
  15. Button($r('app.string.async_tsf_button_title'))
  16. .width(Constants.FULL_PARENT)
  17. .margin($r('app.float.button_common_margin'))
  18. .onClick(() => {
  19. this.imageName = Constants.TSF_BUTTON_IMAGE;
  20. testNapi.getImagePathAsyncTSF(this.imageName, (result: string) => {
  21. this.imagePath = Constants.IMAGE_ROOT_PATH + result;
  22. });
  23. })
  24. ...
  25. }
  26. ...
  27. }
  28. ...
  29. }
  30. }




  1. // export thread safe function interface
  2. export const getImagePathAsyncTSF: (imageName: string, callBack: (result: string) => void) => void;



  1. // define global thread safe function
  2. static napi_threadsafe_function tsFun = nullptr;
  3. static constexpr int MAX_MSG_QUEUE_SIZE = 0; // indicates that the queue length is not limited
  4. static constexpr int INITIAL_THREAD_COUNT = 1;



  1. static void CallJsFunction(napi_env env, napi_value callBack, [[maybe_unused]] void *context, void *data) {
  2. // parse context data
  3. ContextData *contextData = static_cast<ContextData *>(data);
  4. // define the undefined variable, which is used in napi_call_function
  5. // because no other data is transferred, the variable is defined as undefined
  6. napi_value undefined = nullptr;
  7. napi_status operStatus = napi_get_undefined(env, &undefined);
  8. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  9. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  10. return;
  11. }
  12. // convert the calculation result of C++ sub-thread to the napi_value type
  13. napi_value callBackArgs = nullptr;
  14. operStatus = napi_create_string_utf8(env, contextData->result.c_str(), contextData->result.length(), &callBackArgs);
  15. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  16. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  17. return;
  18. }
  19. // call the JS callback and send the async calculation result on the Native to ArkTS application
  20. napi_value callBackResult = nullptr;
  21. (void)napi_call_function(env, undefined, callBack, 1, &callBackArgs, &callBackResult);
  22. // destroy data and release memory
  23. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  24. }



  1. // thread safe function async interface
  2. static napi_value GetImagePathAsyncTSF(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
  3. size_t paraNum = 2;
  4. napi_value paraArray[2] = {nullptr};
  5. // parse parameters
  6. napi_status operStatus = napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &paraNum, paraArray, nullptr, nullptr);
  7. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  8. return nullptr;
  9. }
  10. napi_valuetype paraDataType = napi_undefined;
  11. operStatus = napi_typeof(env, paraArray[0], &paraDataType);
  12. if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (paraDataType != napi_string)) {
  13. return nullptr;
  14. }
  15. operStatus = napi_typeof(env, paraArray[1], &paraDataType);
  16. if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (paraDataType != napi_function)) {
  17. return nullptr;
  18. }
  19. // napi_value convert to char *
  20. constexpr size_t buffSize = 100;
  21. char strBuff[buffSize]{}; // char buffer for imageName string
  22. size_t strLength = 0;
  23. operStatus = napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, paraArray[0], strBuff, buffSize, &strLength);
  24. if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (strLength == 0)) {
  25. return nullptr;
  26. }
  27. // async resource
  28. napi_value asyncName = nullptr;
  29. string asyncStr = "async napi_threadsafe_function";
  30. operStatus = napi_create_string_utf8(env, asyncStr.c_str(), asyncStr.length(), &asyncName);
  31. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  32. return nullptr;
  33. }
  34. // defines context data. the memory will be released in CompleteFunc
  35. auto contextData = new ContextData;
  36. contextData->args = strBuff;
  37. // create thread safe function
  38. if (tsFun == nullptr) {
  39. operStatus =
  40. napi_create_threadsafe_function(env, paraArray[1], nullptr, asyncName, MAX_MSG_QUEUE_SIZE,
  41. INITIAL_THREAD_COUNT, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, CallJsFunction, &tsFun);
  42. if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
  43. DeleteContext(env, contextData);
  44. return nullptr;
  45. }
  46. }
  47. // create producer thread
  48. thread producer(ProductElement, static_cast<void *>(contextData));
  49. producer.detach(); // must be detached
  50. // create consumer thread
  51. thread consumer(ConsumeElementTSF, static_cast<void *>(contextData));
  52. consumer.detach();
  53. return nullptr;
  54. }



From: https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/18504462


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