首页 > 编程语言 >C++指针等于地址加偏移量


时间:2024-10-02 19:00:15浏览次数:1  
标签:short 偏移量 int long char 地址 C++ 指针


本文通过c++示例代码演示指针的加减法运算及对 “指针 = 地址 + 偏移量” 的理解。


1. 首先来检查各种变量类型所占的内存大小

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
	cout << sizeof(char) << endl;      // 1 Byte
	cout << sizeof(short) << endl;     // 2 Byte
	cout << sizeof(int) << endl;       // 4 Byte
	cout << sizeof(long long) << endl; // 8 Byte
	return 0;

2. 各类型的指针进行加减运算


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
	char *p_char = new char('a');
	cout << "*p_char = " << *p_char << endl; 
	cout << "p_char = " << (void*)p_char << endl;    // char指针在使用cout输出会直接打印变量而非地址,要加(void*)
	cout << "p_char + 1 = " << (void*)(p_char + 1) << endl; 
	cout << "p_char + 2 = " << (void*)(p_char + 2) << endl; 
	cout << "p_char - 1 = " << (void*)(p_char - 1) << endl; 

	short *p_short = new short(456);
	cout << "*p_short = " << *p_short << endl; 
	cout << "p_short = " << p_short << endl; 
	cout << "p_short + 1 = " << p_short + 1 << endl; 
	cout << "p_short + 2 = " << p_short + 2 << endl; 
	cout << "p_short - 1 = " << p_short - 1 << endl; 

	int *p_int = new int(123);
	cout << "*p_int = " << *p_int << endl; 
	cout << "p_int = " << p_int << endl; 
	cout << "p_int + 1 = " << p_int + 1 << endl; 
	cout << "p_int + 2 = " << p_int + 2 << endl; 
	cout << "p_int - 1 = " << p_int - 1 << endl; 

	long long *p_long_long = new long long(456789);
	cout << "*p_long_long = " << *p_long_long << endl; 
	cout << "p_long_long = " << p_long_long << endl; 
	cout << "p_long_long + 1 = " << p_long_long + 1 << endl; 
	cout << "p_long_long + 2 = " << p_long_long + 2 << endl; 
	cout << "p_long_long - 1 = " << p_long_long - 1 << endl; 

	return 0;

输出:(char, short, int, long long的指针的最小移动单位分别是1, 2, 4, 8 Byte,刚好是对应的单个元素的类型所占内存大小)

*p_char = a
p_char = 0xe41600
p_char + 1 = 0xe41601
p_char + 2 = 0xe41602
p_char - 1 = 0xe415ff
*p_short = 456
p_short = 0xe41620
p_short + 1 = 0xe41622
p_short + 2 = 0xe41624
p_short - 1 = 0xe4161e
*p_int = 123
p_int = 0xe41640
p_int + 1 = 0xe41644
p_int + 2 = 0xe41648
p_int - 1 = 0xe4163c
*p_long_long = 456789
p_long_long = 0xe41660
p_long_long + 1 = 0xe41668
p_long_long + 2 = 0xe41670
p_long_long - 1 = 0xe41658

说明:指针 = 地址 + 偏移量。即指针除了包含地址信息之外,还包含解析这个地址的方式(从该地址开始向后读取多少个Byte),因此“指针就是地址”的说法是不准确的,一个int* p1和char* p2 指向的地址可能是相同的,但是解析这个地址的方式是不同的。

3. 强制转换指针类型对地址进行解析


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
	char arr[10] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
	unsigned int l = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

	char* p_char = arr;
	cout << "*p_char = " << (int)*p_char << endl; 
	cout << "*(p_char + 1) = " << (int) *(p_char + 1) << endl; 
	cout << "*(p_char + 2) = " << (int)*(p_char + 2) << endl; 
	cout << "*(p_char + 3) = " << (int)*(p_char + 3) << endl; 
	cout << "*(p_char + 9) = " << (int)*(p_char + 9) << endl; 
	short* p_short = (short*)arr;
	cout << hex << "*p_short = " << *p_short << endl; 
	cout << hex << "*(p_short + 1) = " << *(p_short + 1) << endl; 
	cout << hex << "*(p_short + 2) = " << *(p_short + 2) << endl; 
	int *p_int = (int*)arr;
	cout << hex << "*p_int = " << *p_int << endl; 
	cout << hex << "*(p_int + 1) = " << *(p_int + 1) << endl; 
	cout << hex << "*(p_int + 2) = " << *(p_int + 2) << endl; 

	return 0;


*p_char = 0
*(p_char + 1) = 1
*(p_char + 2) = 2
*(p_char + 3) = 3
*(p_char + 9) = 9
*p_short = 100
*(p_short + 1) = 302
*(p_short + 2) = 504
*p_int = 3020100
*(p_int + 1) = 7060504
*(p_int + 2) = fdf60908

解释如下图:arr数组在内存中占10个Byte,分别定义了三种类型的指针char*, short*, int*并且都指向首地址arr[0],则三种指针的差异体现在两个方面:1、解引用(解析地址)时的偏移量分别为1,2,4个Byte;2、加减时分别以1,2,4个Byte为单位移动地址。


1、本编译器采用小端模式,因此*p_short = 0x0100 而非 0x0001。

2、*(p_int + 2)访问到了未知的内存,因此结果中打印出来了不受控制的数据"0xfdf60908",警示了我们在使用指针时,尤其是涉及到类型转换、加减运算、赋值等操作时,一定要避免指针越界,否则将会产生不可预知的危险后果。


本文通过几个简单的c++程序验证了 “指针 = 地址 + 偏移量” 这一结论,希望能对指针如何操作内存有更深入的理解。

另外,本文所讨论的指针均为变量指针,而函数指针不能进行加减运算(会报warning: pointer to a function used in arithmetic),我会另写一篇文章讨论函数指针。

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/phyjack/p/18444984


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