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abap-platform-refscen-flight SAP ABAP RESTful 应用程序编程模型的

时间:2024-09-25 22:54:53浏览次数:3  
标签:flight Application platform ABAP branch README SAP

ABAP Flight Reference Scenario for the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model

abap-platform-refscen-flight SAP ABAP RESTful 应用程序编程模型的

The ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP) defines the architecture for efficient end-to-end development of intrinsically SAP HANA-optimized Fiori apps. It supports the development of all types of Fiori applications as well as Web APIs. It is based on technologies and frameworks such as Core Data Services (CDS) for defining semantically rich data models and a service model infrastructure for creating OData services with bindings to an OData protocol and ABAP-based application services for custom logic and SAPUI5-based user interfaces.

The ABAP Flight Reference Scenario provides sample data and services as well as legacy business logic to get familiar with RAP. You can check out the end-to-end scenarios or build your own app based on the sample data.

The branches of this repository were renamed recently. If you have already linked an ABAP Package to a branch with an outdated name, unlink the repository first and then pull the link to the branch with the new name, as described in step 3 of the Download section in the respective README.

ABAP Platform Cloud

Choose this if you are working on SAP BTP or SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition. To import the reference scenario into your ABAP Environment, follow the steps in the README file of the branch ABAP-platform-cloud and download the sources from this branch.

For more information, see Downloading the ABAP Flight Reference Scenario (SAP BTP / SAP S/4HANA Cloud).

ABAP Platform

Choose this if you are working on SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition or SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition. To import the reference scenario into your ABAP system, follow the steps in the relevant README file and download the sources from the branch corresponding to your your backend version:

  • README of branch ABAP-platform-2019 (Application Server ABAP 7.54)
  • README of branch ABAP-platform-2020 (Application Server ABAP 7.55)
  • README of branch ABAP-platform-2021 (Application Server ABAP 7.56)
  • README of branch ABAP-platform-2022 (Application Server ABAP 7.57)
  • README of branch ABAP-platform-2023 (Application Server ABAP 7.58)

For more information about the ABAP Flight Reference Scenario, see Downloading the ABAP Flight Reference Scenario.

How to obtain support

This project is provided "as-is": there is no guarantee that raised issues will be answered or addressed in future releases.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/dwjnhkbc123/article/details/142450521


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