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DsExcel, GcExcel FOR JAVA 7.2.2

时间:2024-09-21 18:48:54浏览次数:3  
标签:7.2 Java Excel spreadsheets GcExcel API import JAVA Document

High-Speed Java Excel Spreadsheet API Library
Document Solutions for Excel (DsExcel, previously GcExcel), Java Edition, allows you to programmatically create, edit, import, and export Excel spreadsheets in your Java applications. Deploy nearly anywhere.

Create, load, edit, and save Excel XLSX spreadsheets
Save to XLSX, PDF, HTML, CSV, JSON, Images, and SpreadJS files
Based on the Excel Object Model with zero Excel dependencies
Deploy locally, inhouse or to Cloud, including Azure and AWS
2x+ faster and less memory than Apache POI
Includes a JavaScript Data Viewer to open and view data documents on the client side
A Java Excel Spreadsheet API library is a programming interface allowing Java developers to programmatically create and manipulate Excel documents at scale. Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition (DsExcel Java) is a solution that allows developers to import/export, create reports & templates, and deploy spreadsheets across Java applications.

The Benefits of a Java Excel API Library
Fast and Efficient

Save memory and time with the lightweight API architecture. The more rows in the spreadsheet, the faster our API is by comparison. Integrate with client-side Document Solutions Data Viewer to load and view the generated Excel file.

Customizable Templates
Flexible Themes and Components

Empower users with customizable themes, configurable components, summary data, custom styles, embedded drawing objects, integrated calculation engine, and more.

Excel Compatibility
Seamless Excel Compatibility

Lose nothing on import. Pivot tables, comments, charts, conditional formatting, data validation, filters, formulas, shapes, pictures, slicers, sparklines, and tables stay intact.

Develop In Java
Develop Excel Spreadsheets in Java 8.0+ for Windows, Linux, and Mac

Create lightning-fast spreadsheets in cross-platform apps with this intuitive Java API.

Document Object Model
Document Object Model

The interface-based API allows you to import, calculate, query, generate, and export any spreadsheet scenario. With the VSTO-style API, you can create custom styles using the same elements as VS Tools for Office.

Deploy To The Cloud
Deploy Java Spreadsheets to the Cloud

Cloud-based deployment means you can be everywhere - with Maven and DsExcel Java, you can deploy to Azure, AWS, and AWS Lambda.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/john_dwh/article/details/142411096


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